Number one Dad

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Requested by @WEEBokuno

The League uses a quirk to get Midoriya pregnant by combining DNA. All he knows is that the other parent is a boy from his class... Aka Dekubowl XD

"Ew no! Not that grape guy! Someone with a strong quirk! We want a could combination"
"But think of how funny it'll be!"
"Shut up! Both of you! This shit is expensive and we're not wasting it!"
"Ugh, you're such a killjoy Shiggy. Also, I vote this guy"
"What?! No, him! Pick him! His quirk is super strong!"

"Yeah but this one is smart, we don't want a complete moron, do we?"
"Maybe the kid will have Izuku-kun's brains?"
"Toga, don't make me laugh. A guy that willingly breaks his bones every fight doesn't have brains"

Deku groaned as he woke up. Those voices... They were the League... They managed to kidnap him while he was going to the supermarket to stock up the supplies in the dorm. It was his turn to take care of that that week. Yeah, hadn't ended so well... But he didn't woke up in their layer. No, he woke up at the foot of the hill on which UA was build. The green head rubbed his eyes, pinching himself to make sure he was actually here.

Strange... Why did they let him go? He subconsciously reached for his stomach, feeling a little sore. They did something to him, didn't they? What if he would be triggered when entering UA and go crazy or something? What if he was under the effects of some weird quirk and he was somehow helping them by going inside? Was this all just some kind of trick? He frowned, crawling up from the ground. Should he risk it?

After a moment of consideration, he felt rather cold and decided it would do no good just standing around here all day. He stumbled towards the main building, holding his stomach. Something in there felt strange... Not like he was gonna puke or anything but... He felt kinda...giddy? Happy? What did he have to be happy about? He just got kidnapped! Izuku really wanted to go to the dorms and just sleep but going to Recovery Girl first was probably a better idea. If being attacked by villains on a regular basis had taught him anything, it was thinking rationally, like Aizawa sensei.

It was the middle of the school day and people were still in their classes so the hallway was empty. When entering Recovery Girl's office, the woman had instantly stopped why she was doing. The principal and Aizawa were brought up to speed and she started running tests to make sure Midoriya was physically okay.

After their last class of the day, which was English from Present Mic, Aizawa sensei walked into the room.
"Not so fast, I still have an announcement" he stated, making everyone sink back in their chair. They'd all been jumpy and on edge ever since Midoriya got taken. They wanted to help, wanted to search, but the heroes weren't letting them...
"There is news on Midoriya" he started, knowing that would get their undivided attention.

"Even more so, he's in the nurses office right now-"
The class went crazy hearing that and Aizawa had to activate his quirk to calm them down.
"None of you are seeing him right now. Recovery Girl is still running tests to see if everything is in order. If he were to be cleared, he'll come back to the dorms this evening. Class dismissed"

"I wonder how he got out... Do you think other heroes saved him?" Uraraka wondered as they walked to the dormitory.
"I just hope he is okay and they didn't injure him" Momo muttered on a worried tone. There were familiar mumbles while they strolled towards the dorms. Of course they were relieved that Deku was back, but they had no idea what state he was in. Hopefully he'll return to the dormitory this evening...

But instead of the green head, Midnight entered the common room a little after school.
"Alright, due to a little, uh, unforseen curcumstance, I'm going to need all boys to give me a DNA sample" she sighed, taking out small bags and placing them on the table.
"What? Why?" Kaminari frowned.
"It's Midoriya, he-" she trailed off, a little unsure if she should tell them.

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