Meetings and Appointments

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*Nicki's P.O.V*

-Friday May 17th-

I was lying in bed half asleep  when some familiar hands grabbed my hips from behind. A tongue ran its way across my neck. Hands pushed up my silk night gown and cupped my breasts. My nipples were pinched to the point of pain before being released. I felt a stiff dick throbbing between my thighs and moaned. A hand slipped down and rubbed my clit. "No panties for me tonight Baby girl?" A rapsy voice spoke into my ear before biting it. I started to get extremely aroused. My thigh was lifted and the tip of a penis was inserted in to my juicy pussy. "Damn, you soaking wet for me baby." The voice spoke again. I nodded my head and gasped as the rest of the dick slid in until it hit the bottom. Slowly my pussy got a good deep stroking. I tried hard to contain my moans but it was hard. "I'm going to make you scream my name baby." Soon I was face down in my silk pillows as hands gripped my hips. Dick was being thrust in and out of me slowly and hard. I was using the pillows to muffle the sounds of my pleasure and it was not working. I was sure to wake the house staff. I felt my pelvic muscles tighten and I knew I was close. The stroke slowed and got deeper. My hips were gripped tight. I started to throw it back and I felt the dick start to throb. It was close too. We found the right rhythm and we both worked ourselves to a joint orgasm. Warm cum filled me quickly as kisses were placed on my back. The dick stayed hard and continued to fuck me into submission. I had another orgasm before it was pulled out of me. A joint shower was taken and I put on a tank top and underwear. We lay in bed looking at each other still feeling the orgasm high. "Stay?" I quietly asked as I looked down. "No." was whispered in my ear. A hug was given but it didn't feel as warm and loving as it normally was. Tonight it felt cold and gave me chills. So much so I broke out in goosebumps. I never thought two hot people could make a bed feel cold. I quietly cried into my pillow before falling asleep. It was seven in the morning when my alarm went off. I was alone in bed and thankful for it. I had a slight headache so I sat up slowly in bed. I was startled when my phone rang. I got the schedule for the day and sighed. I got changed into gray two piece and heels.

 I got changed into gray two piece and heels

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I fixed my curls and put on some make up. I grabbed my work bag, phone, and planner and left to the hallway. In the hall, I stood there waiting for my boss to come out of her bedroom. I was writing on my clipboard when I was called. I looked up and walked to the door. It opened and I walked in. It was slammed behind me and my boss spoke.

"Onika, You are late, I needed you in here ten minutes ago!"

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"Onika, You are late, I needed you in here ten minutes ago!"

"I'm sorry Ms. Knowles, I had a headache this morning."

"Take some medication and keep it moving. Now, what are we doing today?"

"Well, Ms. Knowles, you have a meeting with Apple for your new phone app and you have your dentist appointment. That's all for today."

"Dentist appointment? Why did you make me one of those?"

"You complained about having a toothache for the past few days plus you're due for a cleaning."


I stare at my boss before looking at her shoes and then mine, we were matching. She looked at our shoes and frowned.

"Where did you get those shoes?"

"I ordered a pair for myself when Donatella called confirming your order. Don't worry, I used my own money."

"Change your heels, I haven't been photographed in these yet."

"Mine aren't even the same color as yours, who cares?"


"Fine Ms. Knowles. The car is here by the way, I'll meet you down there."

"Meet me in the hall in two minutes Onika."

I nod and leave the room. I walked over my room and grabbed a new pair of shoes. They were cute black suede Mary Jane pumps. I felt my stomach get tight so I grabbed a breakfast bar and one for my boss. I left my room and met Ms. Knowles and security guard Julian by the elevator. We rode down and I looked at my phone. I knew I wasn't the only set of eyes looking at my phone so when I saw a message from my ex-boyfriend Rihmeek, I didn't open it. The elevator stopped and we got out and walked out the front door of the house. We got into the limo and me and Ms. Knowles got in the back. I opened my breakfast bar and had a bit before the motion in the car made me lose my appetite. Ms. Knowles took the bar from my hand and happily finished it. I knew she was hungry; she barely touched that breakfast in her room. I thought. I handed her the other breakfast bar and pulled out my phone that was ringing. I answered and just listened. I was getting the information about fashion week and the Versace ball. I loved fashion and being Ms. Knowles assistant was the in for the best fashion. I worked for Ms. Knowles from Day 1 of her starting her endeavors in business. I looked at my phone and looked a few emails before I saw one from Mama Tina confirming Ms. Knowles at dinner tonight. I told her that I'd try to bring her and put my phone away. I looked at Ms. Knowles who was seemingly staring into space.

"Ms. Knowles, you have dinner plans as well tonight."

"What? You didn't say that before."

"I just got confirmation. So that will be at 6, you can dress down."

"Uh-huh, make sure you dress down as well, no sweatpants."

I nodded and the limo came to a stop. Ms. Knowles and I got out and Julius walked us in. In the Apple meeting Ms. Knowles was her naturally flirty but business savvy self. She inked her deal and I was proud of her. She always got what she worked hard for. We left Apple and I told the driver to take us to get some lunch. I didn't want her going to the dentist on an empty stomach. We stopped at a deli and I jumped out and grabbed us some salads and her favorite juice. I got a sweet tea and we sat in the limo quietly eating. I looked her as she was eyeing my salad.

"Did you want to try it?"

"No, your germs are all over it."

"You've been in such a mood today, got your period?"

"Don't be a smart bitch Onika! Give me your salad."

"Okay Debo, Jeez."

I handed Ms. Knowles my salad and she gave me hers. Mine was better but I did ask for extra things on it. I ate Ms. Knowles salad and was happy that I picked the same dressing for both of us. I was sipping my tea as we walked into the dentist office. I handed Ms. Knowles her travel toothbrush and floss. She went in the bathroom and cleaned her teeth from lunch before she was taken into the back. I was going to wait in the hall but she wouldn't let my hand go. I sat with her while the dentist looked at and cleaned her teeth. She ended up getting some things taken care of that had been causing her pain and for the first time in a few days she seemed relieved. She and I got back in the limo and she yawned and put her head in my lap. I sigh and rub her back. Big ass baby. I thought. I swear she despises being vulnerable. She fell asleep in my lap as she got back to the house. At Ms. Knowles, Julian carried her up to her room and I got her settled in bed. I took her skirt and heels and pulled a blanket over her. I left the TV on low for her and put a glass of water on her night stand. I left the room and called Mama Tina and asked if we could have dinner at the house and she agreed and said she bring over the turkey she made. I told her that I'd make the sides and order some dessert for us.

I changed out of my clothes and put on a black tank top and biker shorts. I slipped on my pink house slippers and and walked down to the kitchen. In the kitchen I began to cook while listening to some dance-hall music.


A BeyNika story! Yay!

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