Fight & Flight

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*Beyonce P.O.V.*

Onika gave me a frustrated look and I rolled my eyes. I was sick of it. I left her office and went up to my room. I got dressed for the club and texted Rih to do the same. I grabbed one of my backpacks and took some money out of my safe and put in about five grand. I zipped it up and walked downstairs. Downstairs Onika was in the kitchen standing by the microwave.

"Where are you going Beyonce'?"

"Out, Rih and me."

"Out where?"

"Are you Tina? Don't ask me questions Onika."

Onika's face fell before she frowned.

"Stop! Don't talk to me like that Beyonce! You playing and I'm tired of it."

"Then go to sleep."

I left the house with Rih but not before hearing a loud crash as the door closed.

I knew that she broke something with her childish ass. Whenever I truly pissed her off, all my glasses would be broken and I'd have to replace them. I had crates of glasses in the basement that she didn't know about just to make it easier. Rih looked at me as we pulled away and spoke.

"What's up? Why you tripping?"

"Onika, I just need a break. She got too much pressure on me. Like damn chill out, I'm not cheating and I'm trying to just be with her and she playing. Throwing out marriage consueling and shit."

"Hmm, you going?"

"I might but I'm not going to stay nothing. It's dumb, we been together on and off eight years."

I turned up the radio and we drove in silence to the strip club. I got my normal section and sat. Rih got the liquor going and some girls came over. I wanted a lap dance but the hoe smelled like beer and it was off putting. I shook my head and another one came over. She danced on me and got me hard before Rih told her to leave. She did and I had a drink. We watched the hoes dance and strip before one decided to take beer and fuck herself with the bottle neck. Rih tossed some money and the light went down. My attention went to the stage where Diamonte' strutted out. She was just starting to show but she still looked nice in her two piece diamond bikini. Diamonte must be bored because she wasn't making music and Quavo wasn't either. He had her back on the pole. I walked over to the stage and threw up some money while she danced, charity work. I stepped out to take a business call before telling them to call Onika and set up the plans. We were going to New York in the morning. It was two in the morning when I came back. The maid Lana was down in the kitchen having tea.

"Good night M'am."

"Good night Lana, I'm sorry you have to clean up after Onika's mess."

"I didn't know she did anything. I just got up for tea. She cleaned the kitchen and all the bathrooms. I opened the windows to let the smell out."

I nod. I could smell the faint smell of bleach as I walked up to my room. I went into my bedroom and got undressed before getting into bed. My alarm woke me up at eight. I got up and took a shower before slipping on underwear, black joggers and a navy printed t-shirt. I pulled my hair up and went into the hall and over to Onika's room. I opened the door and saw that it was clean and she wasn't in. I went downstairs and saw bags by the door and Onika's head in the trashcan. I stopped moving hearing her vomiting. She stopped and sat up startled that I was in front of her. She looked down and tied off the trash before taking it out. I had some the breakfast the Lana had out and Julius came in. I left out and got in the car and Onika followed shortly after. Onika got in putting her tote on her lap and putting on her seatbelt. She put on her sunglasses and put her head back on the head rest.

"Did you pack my plane tote?"

"Lana did." Onika said quietly.

"Why? You should have packed mine Onika."

"I'm not your mother, Ms. Knowles."

I scoffed and shook my head.

"Onika, I am not in the mood for an attitude."

Onika didn't say anything else and I was kind of grateful because I had a headache.

We got to the airport and got through security and checked in. We got on the jet and set off. We did whatever alone as the plane flew, I even took a nap. It was a few minutes to landing and Onika had went to lie down. I walked in and sat next to her. She moved away from me and I smacked her across the ass.

"Onika, stop being like this. Why you want to go to therapy for? You think something wrong with me? You think I'm crazy? Onika look at me!"

"Beyonce, we need to go to therapy for this. For what happened last night, for what's going on now. You fight being in a relationship with me. If you want to be single say that."

"You make me act like this. You know how to push my buttons Baby girl. Stop sweating me."

"Bitch! You need to sweat me! Do know how many dates I turn down for you? Men and women."

"I didn't ask you too."

"Wow, I swear Bey, You don't want me, you just don't want no one else to have me!"

"That is part true, I do want you and I don't want no one to have you. I've been licking and stick that pussy for 8 years, since you were 19 years old! I took you out the hood and brought you in the good life, designer shit, parties, networking, paying you a bomb ass salary! So what I talk to you crazy from time to time? So what that I demand a lot of you, you're my assistant and I pay to take it!" I screamed at Onika. She had me hot and I was sick of it.

I got up and she reached down and pulled her ring off.

"Put it on! You better not take it off."

"I'm done, you don't deserve me and I don't deserve this."

"No, this is what I wanted to prevent from happening Onika. You stay pushing me, this would have happened in therapy."

"Don't blame therapy for your trash ass attitude. I'm not marrying you Beyonce', I don't want to see you ever again. I quit."

"You ain't quitting shit, where you going?"

"Doesn't concern you."

"I don't accept your request, fix your face."

There was a knock on the door and the flight attendant stuck her head in and said that we were ready to land.

We all returned to our seats and Onika was sitting in her seat breathing heavy holding her stomach. The flight attendant walked over and said something to her quietly and she just shook her head and closed her eyes. The plane landed and we started to deplane as a ambulance came up. I was confused when they came and got Onika and put her in the back.

"What's going on?" I ask over the wail of the siren.

No one answered me and they sped off.


Excuse all errors.

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