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At the restaurant, the owner closed just for me and Rob. There wasn't many people there before so it was cool. Rob and I had a platter of food in front of us, two margaritas with two limes each and two baskets of fresh chips and salsa.

We ate half our food before Rob started to tell me her plan. Shit was flawless and I didn't know why I didn't think of it before. We went over some particulars that she would help me with before we finished our meal and left a good tip. We left the restaurant and went back to our rooms. In my room, the bed was freshly made and Onika and her things weren't in my room. I checked my phone and saw no messages. The alcohol had me relaxed so I just climbed into bed and sent her a text.

Bey: I would hope that you would have stayed in the room until I got back. You know it's not safe to be running around pregnant and what not. Now I'm going to be up worried to death. Thanks a lot. I swear you want me to worry myself sick. But I still love you and my baby. I hope you have a good night.

I put my phone on the charger and quickly fell asleep.

The morning came quick and I felt good. I got up and get freshened up and was pulling my small things together when Lauren came in.

"Diablo, are your bags packed? We have to be at the airport in an hour."

"You packed them Lauren!"

"No I didn't! I ain't touching ya' dirty drawers. Nicki must have, where she at?"

"Wait? She didn't sleep in your room?"

"No. Oh my God! She's gone! Diablo! She could have gotten ill and went to the hospital!"

"Fuck! You think? Damn! Let's call some hospitals or something!" I panic.

I swear I forgot that Midget was pregnant! Lauren shook her head and burst out laughing.

"What's so damn funny?"

"Your stupid ass. You treat Nicki like a dog but when she's hurt you ready to act right. You a toxic ass girlfriend Beyonce. Anyway, Onika did stay in my room last night. She's downstairs getting something to eat."

"Uggh!! Get out Lauren before I kick your ass!"

Lauren left out and I finished getting my stuff together. Julius came in and got my bags and we left. Downstairs, Lauren and Nicki were talking. Nicki looked like my freaking twin and I smirked in my head. She and I both had on black shirts and red jogger bottoms and slides with socks. Only difference was her's were red and my socks were black. Finish the look with our matching high buns and we were couple goals as fuck. I walked over and put my hand on Lauren's shoulder.

"Hey Lauren, take me and baby mama's picture. We goals right now."

"Really? Your baby mama?" Onika said lowly.

I gave Lauren my phone and stood behind Onika and cradled her baby bump. I was even extra and made a heart with my fingers. I smiled as Lauren took a few pictures of us.

"You might not want these Diablo, Nicki isn't smiling." Lauren said putting my phone down.

I looked at Onika was who looking down at the floor. I tightened my grip and kissed Onika's cheek.

"Smile Baby girl, I want to put these on my socials. You not excited to be carrying my baby?" I ask quietly as I rubbed her belly in circles.

Onika sighed and Lauren started to take pictures again. This time we had matching smiles. Lauren rolled her eyes and gagged before giving me phone back.

"Let's go!" Lauren said turning for the door.

Onika grabbed her stuff and we left with Lauren. We got to the airport in time and boarded and settled in for the four and half hour jet flight back to California. I was still tired from our night out so I took my usual place on Onika's chest. Her breasts were extra juicy and felt like heaven for my head. Heaven was interrupted when Onika pushed me off. I shot her a look before putting my head back.

"Stop Bey, my breasts are sore."

"Deal with it. I'm tired." I mumbled putting my head back.

Onika groaned and I smiled to myself.

"You love me Baby girl? Why you pushing me away?"

"Wha- Bey... I... I don't... I'm not. I'm not pushing you away it's just after last night's activities and because of the pregnancy, my breasts are super sore."

Onika's whining made me sit up. I looked at her and realized she was holding back tears. Oh, not apart of the plan, I don't want her to cry and stuff. I thought.

I kissed Onika deeply before she sighed and rubbed her baby bump.

"Why did you send me that manipulative ass message Bey? I went to Lauren's room because I woke up in pain. I tried to call you but you didn't answer. Lauren took me to the hospital last night."

"Wait! What? No one told me shit!"

"You had your phone off."

"Well, what happened?"

"I woke up with really bad cramps. I was so scared that I was having a miscarriage that I could barely get dressed and get Lauren to take me to the hospital. I was so scared and I called you and you didn't answer. You weren't there for me when I needed you Beyonce." Onika replied before bursting out in tears.

Onika undid her seat belt and got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at Lauren who was writing on some papers with her earbuds in. I got up and pulled her earbuds out.

"Lauren. Why didn't you tell me about last night?"

"She called you and you didn't answer. I figured three times was more than enough. Besides when they came in to look at her we had to put our phones away. I spent most of my time trying to console Nicki. I was not thinking about you Diablo. The Doctor told her that she needed to ease up on the rough sex and to drink more water. The hospital thought that she was being abused from all those damn marks you left on her. I had to talk him out of calling the cops. She was dehydrated and went through three IV bags before they let her leave."

"Shit!" I mumble.

"Beyonce, I know you love Onika but the last few days have been bad and I don't like it. You really need to seek help before she leaves you. I have never seen Onika cry over someone like she has you. Onika loves you and always has but you being on your fuck the world vibe ignore her. Beyonce everyone can't keep having this conversation with you. Your Mom and Mama Carol are ready to make Onika to leave you! They are worried about her and that baby; you are going to lose your child and your fiancé if you don't get it together. This is my last time addressing because I don't like ya'll relationship like that but I will throw my chip in, please start doing right. It's bad enough that Saweetie might be having 'ya baby too. Go to therapy and get your life together."

Lauren's words hit me hard.She was right and thinking about Onika being in the hospital had me shook.

"Beyonce, get some fucking help or leave Nicki the hell alone. We are all ready to break you toxic love sick bitches up!" Lauren growled before Onika came back dabbing her eyes with a tissue.


Excuse all errors.

Thoughts/ Comments?

Ya'll think Bey going to finally change?


Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now