Miami: Part 2

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*Onika's P.O.V.*

If I wasn't holding Bey's hand I would have forgot where I was for a moment. Setting eyes on that bitch Belcalis made me flash back to a past Onika that didn't give two fucks and liked to fight with no regard! I was hell back in my Senior year and it was all because of Belcalis aka Cardi. Cardi did the unthinkable and turned my reputation of the sweetest most loved to the most hated. I lost friends, had teachers picking on me and almost didn't want to finish the school year but I pushed through just for Carol because I know she wanted to see me walk across the stage.

I sighed quietly as Bey started to rub my back

"Hey, I'm Cardi but I'm sure you know that." Cardi said smiling at Bey.

"No, I didn't." Bey said giving her a look.

"Yes, well come on and come join us!" Cardi said trying to grip my hand.

Beyonce moved it and we followed Cardi. In my head I was whopping her ass. It was a good feeling. Beyonce's hand was warm on my back and felt good. We sat at the table and Cardi sat at the head of table and the director Michael sat at the other. A few of Cardi's friends came in and I gripped the table. This whore still had the same squad from high school. The Bardi gang, Fucking gag me!

"You remember Patience and Hennessey right? Nicki?" Cardi said with a smile.

'Yes, good to see you Precious and Vodka.' I thought.

"Hi." I reply annoyed.

Michael stood and started talking and the food started to come out. I wasn't in the mood to eat but the baby was making me hungry and the steak and pasta looked good. I was about to cut my steak but Bey took my plate and did it. I smiled and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek under Cardi's glare. She looked at Bey with lust and I felt nervous and like I was 17 years old again.

I turned my attention to my food and ate along with Bey and everyone else. Bey turned her glass of Rose' to her glossed lips and I bit my lip.

"Can I have a taste?" I whisper.

Bey's almost choked but quickly recovered and gave me a look before giving me a kiss on the lips. She swished her tongue around my mouth inadvertently giving me a taste. She broke our kiss and playfully bit my lip. The table swooned over the act and Cardi licked her lips looking at Bey. I was going to say something but I felt Bey's hand on my thigh.

"How do you know Nicki, Cardi?" Bey asked with a fake grin.

"Oh we go way back to high school. Nicki needed to be knocked off her high horse. Poor thing, I came in and just took over and had the whole class love me and what not." Cardi said with a smug smile. "Isn't that right Nicki? Had the whole school choosing sides, even after our little scuffle."

"Yeah, when Rashida knotted up that head of yours. Looked tragic."

"Not a tragic as you losing your cheerleading scholarship, that was tragic. 4 years of hard work down the drain for that little stunt."

I felt numb. I hadn't forgot about that but it was a painful memory I tried not to think of. But what stung the most was they offered it to Belcalis instead and she went and dropped out after two sememsters wasting it. I swear if there was a time I wanted to end my life that was it. Altered my life in a huge way and it's how I ended up working for Beyonce instead of going to college. I was so out of it, I didn't remember getting up or leaving the restaurant. Julius grabbing me outside startled me and I screamed, loudly. People stopped and Beyonce ran up and pulled me away. She pressed my face into her chest and held me for a second. I semi relaxed and we walked back to the hotel. There, I went to the bathroom and locked the door. I turned my purse upside down pulled everything out until I got what I was looking for. I opened the bottle and pulled out a pill and stood up. I swallowed it with a handful of water before sitting. I heard Bey's phone rang and I was glad for the distraction for her. I got my things together and sat until I felt the pill's affect over me. I felt of guilt and calmness as I left the bathroom. I put my purse on the table and got undressed before going back into the bathroom to freshen up and brush my teeth. Bey had left the room and left me a little note saying she'd be back in a few minutes. I put on a tank top and shorts and got into bed. I was lying in bed trying to forget the last few hours. Seeing Cardi had my mind in a dark place and taking that pill wasn't helping it like I wanted it too. I turned on the TV and watched before the door opened and Bey came in. She brought over a gingerale and a bottle of water. She went into the bathroom and I sat up and some of each drink before lying back down. Bey joined me in her pajamas and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry about dinner, Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Please, I'm surprised you didn't jump across the table."

"It wasn't the right time or place. She'll catch her fade when I can wax that ass without all the onlookers. She a scary bitch."

"Oh, she got you hot. But you not fighting nobody with my baby in your belly." Bey said rubbing it. "She'll get hers anyway, Karma is funny like that."

"Karma huh? What would be your Karma?"

"You not trusting me, I know you don't trust me like you should because I'm how I am. I want to work on changing that. I want you to love and trust me all the way."

I sigh. I turn and give me Bey a peck on the cheek before rolling over. Bey cuddled into me and we went to sleep.

The night was long as I got up every hour or so to go to the bathroom to pee or cry. I hadn't had much to drink but it didn't matter and taking that pill made me feel guilty. The Doctor told me that the baby would be okay after I called at three in the morning in a panic but I was scared I wouldn't be able to stop. I flushed them all fo'real and prayed that the baby wouldn't suffer for my stupidity. When the morning came, I didn't get up. Beyonce got up around 9, did whatever in the bathroom and got dressed in a blue t-shirt and tight ripped jeans. She walked over and sat next to me. She stroked my cheek and spoke softly which surprised me.

"Onika, Are you okay? "

"I'm a bad person."

"How did you figure?"

"I did something that could have hurt me and the baby."

Bey's eyes grew big and I sat up. I folded my arms across my chest and she grabbed my shoulder.

"What did you do?"

"I took a Percocet, I just felt so bad last night and wanted to feel better."

"Are you stupid?" Bey yelled.

"No, I was in a really bad place last night and I took it. I couldn't sleep all night and called the Doctor and she said that it would be okay but I still feel bad and I made to flush them. I don't want to do that again. I'm sorry."

Bey looked at me like she was disgusted before getting up and leaving. I got up to go to the bathroom and freshened up and changed into a gray tank top and black tights. I put on my slides and took my medication. I was pulling my hair up into a bun when the door opened and Bey came back. She snapped her fingers and I grabbed my purse and walked over. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me with her out of the room. Julius walked in behind us as we went down to the first floor of the hotel. We went outside and got into a waiting car. We drove in silence and I felt so bad. When Bey was mad at me like this she was deathly quiet and her looks were deadly. The car stopped after awhile and we got out. I was surprised to see that we were at the hospital. I put it together quickly and sighed. We went in and I got pulled straight back by a private nurse and Doctor. One of the perks of having money like Bey. I got checked out under Bey's watchful eye. The Doctor told me I was fine for 14 almost 15 weeks and just on the small side even though the baby was it's perfect weight. Truthfully, I was just eating eggs, meats, cereal with almond milk, and veggies since I couldn't have carbs and sweets so my diet wasn't too diverse. The Doctor did an ultrasound before giving me and Bey pictures. We left the hospital and got back into the car. In the car, Bey kissed my belly before moving away from me. She gave me the same disgusted look as earlier and I looked away for fear or crying.

"I'm sorry."

"I don't want to hear it. You were selfish Onika. You only were thinking of yourself last night."

"I know and I feel bad about it."

"You could have lost my child or triggered a birth defect or something."

"I know Beyonce, please, let's just be happy everything is okay. I won't do it again."

"Onika, I'm so mad I could slap you but I'm trying to be a better person than I used to be."

"I know Bey, I know you are. I can tell. I'm sorry."

"If you know I'm trying to be better and be a family, why won't you marry me?"



Excuse all errors.



Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now