Warning Moment

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*Onika' s P.O.V*

"Barbie, it's not safe for you to be alone like that. Wayne and the rest of 'Young Money' just want to protect you." Birdman said rubbing his hands together.

"Protect me from what Baby? No one bothers me, I don't bother people."

"I understand that Barbie, but you married to 'Yonce and it's a bit more complicated now. Kidnapping and ransom is real. It happens a lot. I don't want to scare you but you almost got snatched from the nail salon. You just missed it, they rode over to snatch you right off the street but you had left like three minutes prior."

"What! I've gone there for like 8 years. Now I can't go no more?" I reply upset.

"No, you can go, with Weezy and Tyga." Birdman said pointing to Weezy who was now sitting next to me.

"This is bullshit!" I reply looking at Bey still feeling upset and more irritated.

"Come on Nicki, we just want to keep you safe." Weezy said rubbing my shoulder.

"I want to go home! Do I have ask permission to do that?" I yell standing.

"Barbie, Baby, you too short to be yelling at me. Calm down, we don't want nothing to happen to you." Birdman said taking my hand in his. "Or that baby."

"I want to go." I reply pulling my hand away from him.

"I need to talk to them, you have to wait Onika." Bey said standing.

"Whatever." I reply leaving the room. I bumped into Julius who was outside the door and damn near fell over. "Damn it Julius! Move!"

"I'm sorry Ms. Maraj."

"Wow, you could call me Mrs. Maraj-Knowles, you know."

"Change your name and I'll call you that but until then, it's Ms. Maraj." Julius said slickly.

"Bald-headed bitch." I mumbled under my breath walking away.

"I heard that Short stuff, you need to stay in this office, or I will grab you up. Bey has told me to use any force necessary since you don't like to listen." Julius said following me.

"I fucking hate you all, over protective just because you got a dick!" I reply grabbing a coffee mug from the coffee bar and throwing it at the wall.

I proceeded to grab the rest of the cups and they all suffered the same fate. The last one just missed hitting Rihanna in the forehead as she walked in. Big forehead having ass bitch! I thought.

"What the fuck? Why you throwing shit!" Rob said walking up to me.

"You're another one! Get away from me!" I yell walking around her.

"Onika! Why you did do this?" Bey yelled walking over.

"Fuck the both of you!" I reply throwing up two middle fingers in their respective directions.

"My coffee cup!" Normani yelled walking with Lauren. "That was my favorite Mickey cup."

Normani pouted as I walked past and shoved a crisp hundred down her crop top to her surprise and mine feeling her nipple piercing brush my fingers. I let my hand linger for a second enjoying the warmth of a hot breast and her heart racing.

"Buy another one, sexy." I mumble as I got into the elevator.

Wayne jumped in just as the door was closing and I rolled my eyes. We left the building and Wayne drove me home with my truck. He checked the house before sitting in the living room. Lana had a late lunch ready within minutes but I wasn't hungry. Wayne ate and I went up to the bedroom. I stripped and saw Lana had ran me a hot bubble bath while I was digging in my closet. She even lit candles and put out some massage oil and lotion. Lately Lana's been trying to get Bey to start massaging my feet and yeah, that shit wasn't happening. I sunk into the hot tub, bubbles covering me. The water felt good against my sore aching back, legs and feet. I was almost asleep in the tub when a silk blindfold covered my eyes. I was going to speak but a set of lips covered mine. I felt a slight tickle on my thigh as fingers danced under the water finding my pussy. I was still worked up from earlier so it didn't take much for me to feel the slipperiness of my pussy even in the water. I gasped as two fingers curled inside of me and started to work themselves in and out. My neck felt hot as it was being sucked and bitten. I was already sporting love marks but a guess a few more wouldn't hurt. I moan softly because I didn't want Lana or Wayne to hear me. Fingers were moved from my pussy and I felt the water in tub ebb and flow as a hot body slid between my legs. Lips connected with mine again as a hard dick bobbled along my slit. I started to twist my hips trying to coax it in. My wish was granted as I was penetrated deeply to the point of pain. I hissed hoping that I would adjust quickly. I groaned and started to pull away but the strokes started. I shook my head and was met with a quiet grin as I pulled all the way down on the hard dick. I felt the quiet vibration of a cock ring on my clit and realized why it was so painful. Bey would get so swollen off wearing one of those things it was like getting fucked with an air freshener can, walls would just be gone after that shit. I shook my head again and felt Bey pull out. I was helped out of the tub, still blindfolded and walked to the bedroom. I was pushed down on the bed that luckily had a towel on it. Hot massage oil was dripped all over me as a pair of lips connected with mine. Robyn. I thought as Bey's hands ran all over my body spreading the oil. I felt Rob rub my left breast as our tongue's danced. Bey's hands made my body hotter than the bath water did. I soon covered in the lavender scented oil and my body was hot. Her hand found my clit and she started to softly rub it as Robyn broke our kiss. She sweetly kissed both of my breasts before I felt the bed bounce up as she got up. I heard the door close and Bey started to penetrate me again while wrapping her arms under my thighs.

"Umm..ughh...I ...can't." I reply biting my lip and throwing my head back into the plush mattress.

"You can't what Mamas?" Bey teased sliding slowly inch by inch.

"Too... big..." I gasp feeling my walls stretch more.

"Nope, this the attitude adjustment dick, this that good dick that apparently you've been missing." Bey said quickly thrusting the last of it in settling the cock ring against my clit.

My thighs were trembling as Bey slowly rolled her hips from side to side making the vibrator dance on my clit. I was so full, I dared not to move. I was bound to tear at this point and I knew Bey didn't give a damn. I felt a tightness in my pelvis as my poor walls attempted to contract around the massive dick inside of it. To make matters worse Bey was twisting my nipples with her thumb and forefingers. It was like pleasure and pain and my body couldn't decided what was greater. Bey leaned over and licked the right one making my body twitch.

"Mmm... you like that don't you Mamas? These juicy titties need to be sucked on huh?"

I was silent, I was trying to focus on not orgasming and potentially breaking my own water or some shit. Even though, I couldn't see Bey I knew she wasn't happy about my silence.

"Oh, you going to be quiet huh? I got something for that."

Bey sat up and put my feet together in the air in front of her and started to kiss the soles of them as she stroked. Her tongue started to dance around my toes and she started to pick up the pace. I was reduced to whimpers as my pussy seemed to accommodate more of her and I got wetter. I was breathing through gasps as Bey started to suck my toes as her hands ran up and down my freshly oiled legs. I was panting like a damn dog as Bey was about to make me cum. I gripped the towel and sheet under me preparing for it.

"Look at you, not so big and bad now huh? In my office breaking shit, yelling at people. You must have forgot who Zaddy was? Have you?"

"No." I reply quickly.

"Whose Zaddy?" Bey said drilling into me.



"You're my Zaddy!"

"Whose pussy is this?"

"Big Zaddy!" I scream.


I squirted all over Bey and that damn devil dick she was fucking me with. But my body was loving it. I bucked my hips up to catch every stroke as the orgasm from the next dimension came over me.

"Oh! Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" I scream loudly not caring if anyone heard me.

"Cum for me Mamas, Cum on this dick!" Bey said smacking me on the ass hard and pulling off the blindfold.

She didn't have to tell me twice, I came. I came so hard, I felt myself pull a muscle in my fucking thigh! To say we were both wet was an understatement. Bey pulled out and smacked my clit with her dick as she started to cream all over it. Seeing it made me cum again. Something about seeing her cum on my pussy always made me extremely horny. I dipped a finger in the creamy mess and stuck it in my mouth. Peaches. I thought. Bey removed the cock ring and entered my convulsing pussy again. She leaned over me and started to kiss my neck.

"You're a spoiled ass bitch, you know that right?" Bey murmured as she started to stroke.

"Uh-huh." I breathy reply.

"But you my spoiled ass bitch, this my tight ass pussy and you better not ever give away. Promise me Onika." Bey said between kisses and licks.

"I promise Bey." I say tilting my head so she could get my spot.

"I love you so much Wifey."

"I love you too."

Bey hit my spot and my legs wrapped around her hips. Even though my thigh was throbbing I couldn't help but wanting all of her all over me. It had been a while since we made 'love' and she wasn't sexually torturing me. Bey slowed up and slid my hands over my head and connected mine into hers. She cutely licked my lips before kissing me deeply. We kept up the rhythm until I felt my eye lids get heavy before closing them.


Excuse all errors!

Thoughts/ Comments??


Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now