Honey & Bee part 1

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*Beyonce's P.o.v.*

"I love you Mamas." I whispered into Onika's neck before sitting up.

Nicki was fast asleep and almost drooling. I grinned and slowly got off of her. My poor honey can't hang like she used too. Pregnancy had her sick, sleepy, and moody. All of which I could handle. I even low key liked the bratty side since it reminded me of a younger Onika that stroked my 'Daddy Dom' side. I swear she did shit just to get spanked on my desk at the end of the day. I walked into the bathroom and got cleaned up before grabbing a hot rag to clean Onika up. She hardly moved as I ran it over her swollen pussy cleaning her up. I dried her off and covered her with a blanket before getting myself dressed. I slipped on a gray shirt and yellow basketball shorts before going downstairs. Downstairs, it was quiet as everyone was dismissed for the day. I saw Lana left a pasta bake in the oven for us. I scooped some on my plate and put some sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top before grabbing a soda and sitting in the living room. In the living room, I ate and looked at my emails. I saw Lauren said she was ready for the party and that everything would be set up at my Mom's house. I texted and told her to make sure that she got some sugar free options for Onika. I finished eating and made sure everything was locked up before getting up and going upstairs. I went into the nursery where the crib Onika and I picked out sat, assembled and ready. I was ready for my little baby girl or boy and couldn't wait to hold him or her. I closed and locked the nursery door before joining Onika in bed.

A few days passed and it was soon Friday night, the night of the party. I had plans for Onika on Saturday so I told Lauren that a evening party would be better. It was intimate for the most part since I didn't want to do too much for just the reveal. The baby shower was going to be huge anyway. It was a nice 75 people party and most of us were outside in the nice evening air. Lauren did a great job decorating and I loved the theme she went with. She even got the main group matching yellow shirts with our titles. Me and Nicki had matching 'Papi and Mama to Bee' shirts.

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I was having my second cupcake when Lauren walked up to me

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I was having my second cupcake when Lauren walked up to me.

"So, what do you think?"

"It's great! You did a good job, Lauren. I'm surprised to see so many gifts when this isn't the baby shower."

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now