The Perfect Solution

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*Flash Back!*

"A competency test! Are you insane?" I yell at my father Mathew on the phone.

My hand was bleeding from slamming my glass of scotch into the desk.

"Yes Beyonce! I don't think you're right for that company. You joined with Shaun and everything was perfect but now you're divorced and investing millions into some bullshit video game app that Onika suggested? You're playing with my seed money."

"Fuck your seed money Mathew; you know I gave you back that million dollars three years ago plus interest. Hell I gave you two million! You're good and shouldn't be caring about what I put my money too!"

"See you in court; I have enough against you to get control Beyonce'. Too be honest, you know I still have my ways. I know you care about your little assistant Onika, it would be shame if she had to go back to the hood or Trinidad if I called immigration."

"Immigration! Mathew, she's not illegal and she has her papers and visa in order. Hell, I think she has citizenship at this point."

"We'll see. Goodbye Beyonce'."

Mathew hung up and I threw my phone against the wall. It bounced off fast with the rubber case on it and I shook my head. The door opened and Onika came in. She looked cute in a white cashmere sweater and matching mini skirt. Her heels were traded out for a white pair of bunny slippers. Her hair hung down her back and her makeup was minimal but effective. Her Chanel perfume gripped my senses and I could feel the blood in my body going other places.

"Are you alright Ms. Knowles?"

"You don't have to be so formal Baby girl. It's just us."

"We're in the office Bey; I didn't want to hear Normani's mouth."

"I understand, come here. I need to talk to you."

Onika locked the door and upon walking closer saw my wounds. She grabbed the first aid kit from one of the cabinets and started to clean up and bandage my hand. I had two big cuts in it from that glass. But I was soon patched up and Onika gave me a kiss on the lips as my reward for not whining about getting my cuts cleaned. I smiled looking at Onika before I felt a pit in my stomach.

"What's wrong Zaddy?"

"I love you Nicki and I don't want to lose you." I mumble looking at the floor.

"You won't lose me, I'm right here Bey."

I leaned in and kissed Onika deeply. I broke the kiss and ran my finger under her chin. I tilted her head up and looked in her dreamy brown eyes. She squinted at me and I broke our gaze and physical contact.

"What's wrong Bey? Something's wrong." She said quickly.

"It's nothing Onika; can we just talk about it at home?"

"Sure, I was just planning dinner, your favorite. I started it before we left in the crock pot. Stewed chicken, I just have to make the sides."

The door opened as I was kissing Onika on the lips again. We separated and I saw that it was Lauren. She closed the door behind her and stuck her finger in her mouth making a gag sound.

"Gross you whores, this is an office environment not a brothel."

"Shut up Lauren, before I make it into one. I'd get top price for your yellow ass. Let the tricks nut on your dimples." I reply shooting the bird.

"Ha-Ha! I think they'd get more of a kick of seeing you fuck Nicki." Lauren said rolling her eyes.

"Bey, Lolo play nice. Ya'll stay arguing, like ya'll an old married couple." Onika giggled.

"She starts it! Just because she's tall she thinks she can boss us around." Lauren said crossing her arms.

"She's the boss Lauren." Onika said sticking her tongue out at Lauren.

A bell went off in my head and I almost fell over. I was running through the scenario lighting fast. Not even caring what Onika or Lauren was talking about. I was so invested in what I was planning that I barely noticed I was at home. It was like I was on auto pilot. I barely remembered getting undressed and into the shower. Onika slipping behind me and kissing my shoulders snapped me out of it. I turned and kissed Onika back. Our hands wandered our wet bodies and I soon had Onika up against the shower wall giving her all my inches. I was deep in it and had her moaning so loud I know that my new house keeper Lana heard her. I quickly started to leave passion marks on her neck and chest. My favorite part, loved seeing her trying to explain them next day to nosey ass Lauren and Normani. After our fun and leaving the shower. She went to her room to get dressed and I dried off and got dressed as well. I slipped on a hoodie and basketball shorts and went downstairs. Lana left for the night leaving Onika and I alone. I went into my home office to research some things before calling over my friend Doja who was our yoga instructor and ordained minister. Doja only really got ordained to do one wedding but ended up liking it so much she turned it in her weekend thing. Doja said she'd be over in a few so I went up and changed. I put on a cute white tank top and beige pants. I went back downstairs and saw Onika at the stove in a black tank top dress that went down to her calves. It hugged her body perfectly and made me smile. I really loved Onika with everything in me. Outside of everything that happened with that witch Megan I was happy and grateful that I was able to find someone who would love me for me as I was. Onika was the love of my life and I did anything to make her happy. I showered her gifts and my affection. She is the only one I wanted to wake up to in the morning and loved running my hand thought her hair as she slept. Onika turned the stove off and started to make me and her plates. The door bell rang as she picking a wine. I walked to the door and opened it for Doja and her cat. I grinned as she came in and let the cat down. The cat immediately ran in and into the kitchen garnering a scream from Onika. We went into see the cat licking Onika's toes.

"Hey Kitty, that's my job." I chuckle.

"Doja...he's licking me and his nails are sharp, tearing my feet up." Onika said pointing to the cat.

Doja grabbed the cat and put him in another room with door closed and came back. Onika made her a plate and we started to eat. I was still thinking of what Mathew said and was feeling anxious. I was praying Onika would do this without question. Soon dinner was over and Onika cleaned up as I talked to Doja and told her what I wanted. She said she'd do it and was surprised that we didn't want all the bells and whistles but I told her that I just wanted it to us for now. Onika joined Doja and I outside in the garden and I smiled. I took her hand and got on one knee. Onika's face immediately went through six emotions before she started smiling from ear to ear.

"Onika, I love you. I loved you ever since I laid eyes on you. I love the way you talk, sing, and dance around when your happy. I love that you try to make sure everyone around you is good. I love that cackle you do when you're truly happy. I love your heart and how you always try to see the best in people. I love how generous you are and how you make people treat you with respect. I love that you care about me and take me for me. I love you how you take care of me and pray for me and us as a couple. I love your smile, your bright eyes and how you love. I want to wake up to you forever, have kids, be a real family with you. With you, there is no one else. No one can take your place Baby girl, Will you marry me?"

I felt like I laid it on thick but it was true. Onika was my better half and I needed her by my side. Luckily for me Onika said 'Yes' and against a setting orange sun, we exchanged vows and kisses. The next day, with my Dad he and I settled quietly for a million but for the next few months he was hell bent on getting Onika deported but our marriage stopped that. I never told Onika because I didn't want her to worry or be freaked out but to throw Mathew off I started to treat Onika indifferent. It hurt like hell but I needed him to think that I lost interest in her. Onika took it hard and soon was sleeping in her room every night and slowly our deep connection became shallow and I morphed into the ultimate fuck boy and she asked for the annulment. In my heart, I hoped that we'd get closer again so I just held onto hope and the papers.


Excuse all errors.

Some Origins for that azz! lol

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Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now