Onika 2.0

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I finished getting off the plane and Julius got my bags. We got into the ordered car went to the hotel. I pulled my phone and called Onika's. No asnswer. She irritated me when she didn't answer. I located her phone and saw that she was at the hospital 3 blocks away. I changed my shirt before leaving with Julius. At the hospital, I was able to get in undetected but told I couldn't see her for awhile until they figured out what was going on. I left a note with the Nurse and went to get something to eat. I was eating a piece of pizza in the car with Julius when the car door opened and someone got in.

 I was eating a piece of pizza in the car with Julius when the car door opened and someone got in

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"Aww damn, What are you doing here Lauren?"

"Calm your dick, my girl needs me to fill in. I can't believe you have been acting a fool with my Barbie. As much as she does for you Bey, shameful."

"Don't start Lauren, I know that's your Baby."

"Uh-huh, well finish up, we have a meeting in less than two hours and then you have been invited to look at a collection of jewelry."

"Uggh Onika 2.0."

"You wish, You will not be sticking your tongue inside my pussy to make me happy after you cuss me out. See I told Onika to cuss your dog ass out years ago so you'd respect her but a las, she's not me."

Silence for a minute while Julius quietly laughed.

"What? It's true, I would have been cursed you out and quit."

"I'm still stuck on 'dog ass'."

"Would you rather I say 'Fuck Boy' Bey? Because that's what you are. Nicki's been riding with you for 8 almost 9 years and you mistreat her because you think she's weak when she's strong. I would have stabbed you after the second year."


"Driver, let's go. Ms. Knowles needs to get changed. Out here looking a whole nigga, honestly!" Lauren said rolling her eyes.

Julius laughed from the front seat and I rolled my eyes. I miss Onika. I thought. We got to hotel and Lauren made an outfit from clothes I brought and I got cleaned up and changed. We left to the meeting where we talked about expanding my brand into managing models. I had my purse line, small capsule collections of clothes and formerly RocNation sports, and my fashion app. It was a good meeting but with everyone asking about Onika it made me miss her presence. She truly lit up a room and made everyone laugh. We left the meeting and I pulled out my phone to call Onika. No answer.

"Can we go see Onika? I'm worried."

"She's fine Bey, she's were she needs to be right now."

"Lauren, I want to see my Baby girl."

"I understand but she said she'd call us. Now, maybe you could pick out some jewelry for her to try to make amends?"

"You think?"

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now