Daddy's Wedding

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*Beyonce's P.o.v*

I woke up at 6 in the morning with a small headache and a hard dick. I looked over and saw that Nicki was fast asleep on her side. I double checked that Ally wasn't in bed with us and started to rub my dick freeing myself of my bottoms. I grab the breath spray in my night table and shoot a spritz into my mouth and popped in a mint. I roll over on my side and carefully slid Onika's thong to the side. I started to slid my fingers along her folds before rubbing her clit with my finger. She moaned in her sleep and I moved my hand and lifted her leg a touch and slid my dick into her pussy. She was good and tight especially at this angle and I was ready to make Baby number 2! I slid my hand up her tank top cupping her breasts beginning to thrust fulling waking her up.

"What doing?"

"You know what I'm doing Mamas. You ready to give me a son?"

"You're in your act this morning." Onika yawned. 

"Nope, but I'm in this pussy though." I say sliding a hand down onto her clit.

Onika jerked away and reached into her night table for a mint. She was unraveling it as I started thrusting again even though she was half way off the bed already. I couldn't help myself as I fucked her to the floor. On the floor I put her on all fours and wrapped my hand in her tresses and started to blow her back out. I was hitting the back of the pussy and then some. I didn't want to ever stop even with fucking her through two orgasms. I was still hard as fuck and wanted more. Wifey woke up the nympho last night with that BDSM shit and I  knew today was going to be interesting. I pulled Onika up in front in me bending her back against me. I looked over and spun us in the direction of the standing floor length mirror. Oh we getting freaky this morning. I thought as I watched us in the morning.

"Touch yourself for me. I want to watch you play with that pretty pussy."

"Bey...your Mom's here."

I slammed my hand around Onika's throat quickly cutting her air supply.

"Did I ask you who was in the house?"

She shook her head quickly.

"Then touch Zaddy's pussy and make yourself cum."

She quickly slid her hand down onto her pussy and started to rub her clit in circles. I stopped thrusting and watched. I loved feeling her pussy grip me in waves as she started to reach her peak. Onika shook hard as she came and tried to get up.

"No, do it again."


"Again, I'm enjoying the show...wait matter of fact." I reply grabbing under the bed for a box.

I pulled out a vibrator and turned it on. I pressed it to her clit and watched her squirm and moan be forced to orgasm again and again.

"Last night was cute but let's not forget, I'm the Dominate in this relationship."

"We...have...Ally...Feeding...Hungry...Wedding." Onika rambled incoherently as she was having orgasm.

She was right, we needed to get ready. I resumed stroking and she shuddered against me. I loved having her worked up like this. She was wet with sweat and her hair was free from it's bonnet and all over her head and stuck to her body. The floor under us was soaked as well. I added my nut to it as I filled her up and it dripped out when I pulled away. She collapsed on the floor and laid there as I got up. I got up and helped her up and carried her to the bathroom. I put her in the tub and started it for her. I got into the shower and we did our morning routine before Onika went into Ally's room to feed her. I got into my outfit for the wedding and did my hair down and did my makeup. I changed handbags and walked into Ally's room to see her dressed with a big smile on her face.

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now