Pay Off and Pink Slips

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*Diamonte's P.o.v.*

"What do you want Mr. Knowles?"

"Why are you lying about being pregnant?"

"I'm not!"

"Uh-huh, that's not my business... but you stealing from Tina is my business."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You cashed a check against an old account that me and Tina have together. Her alimony account."

"Tina gave me money."

"She did huh? Tina doesn't use that account accept for once a year at Christmas time. Now Diamonte, I normally would kill someone from stealing from my family."

"Please, it was twenty grand."

"Uh-huh, I'll killed niggas for less. Now, you want to make it right?"


"Tell Beyonce that you aren't pregnant and then leave her the hell alone. Let her and Nicki be a family with their baby."

"What's in it for me?"

"Besides your damn life! A 300,000 cash and two plane tickets to New York for you and Quavo. A new life, fresh start."

"Make it Miami and I'll call her right now."


Mathew showed me the cash that was in his briefcase and I pulled out my phone and face timed Bey. She answered half asleep and wrapped up around Nicki. I almost gagged at the sight but I held it.

"What's up Diamonte?"

"I need to tell you something."


"I'm not pregnant... I lost the baby shortly after I told you about it."

"What?!" Beyonce yelled jumping up in bed.

"Look, I don't want to go into it but yes, I lost the baby, I needed the money so I kept up the lie. So, Congratulations, you only have one baby mama."

"Diamonte, why didn't you just tell me instead of lying?"

"Does it matter? I'm not pregnant so your off the hook."

Beyonce looked at me funny before looking at Nicki who had woken up and was looking at her funny.

"Diamonte, I'm sorry but you should have told me sooner and we could have ended this craziness and I could have just given you some money."

"Well, it's whatever Beyonce. Have a nice life, enjoy Nicki's boring pussy for the rest of your life."

I hang up as Nicki started to curse in the background.

"Messy till the end huh Diamonte? Take this and run. Don't bother Beyonce, Nicki, or my family ever again. I don't want have to hurt you."


I took my money and left. I called Quavo and picked him up and went to Miss Tina's to get the little bit of stuff I had before getting ready to leave Cali for good.


*Onika's P.o.v.*

I slowly moved to the bathroom feeling like a freaking whale. I swear over the last two weeks my Mom and Mama Tina stuffed me with food every day while I took a madated vacation per Bey. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, and a snack I was being fed left and right. Bey didn't mind as her fat ass liked to eat but she would exercise, me not so much. I hated exercising with a passion but I join Bey in the morning walking on the treadmill for thirty minutes. We were in our new house and I loved it, it was perfect and I was looking forward to decorating like I wanted to. One room in particular was my favorite and it was the nursery. Even though nothing was in it as of yet. I was ready to get that room done soon but want to wait until we found out what the baby was. I got freshened up and changed into a comfortable outfit for the day.

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now