Baby Shower

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*Beyonce's P.o.v.* ( Saturday January 28th)

It was the morning of the shower and I was nervous. The day after I told Lauren to plan the shower I changed up the theme and gave Lauren only a few days to execute this even though we'd been talking to food vendors for a while. Lauren and Normani did a great job and the room looked amazing. Everyone invited was coming and now I just needed to get the star of the show.

It was barely 9 a.m. when I got back to the house. I slipped out at 7 to see the room and make sure everything was paid up. Lauren was there with Normani and a few people from the office finishing up decorations and planning the order of service and getting the slideshow ready. Lana had coffee for me and kept cleaning up from the breakfast she had made everyone. Aliyah was at the bar having breakfast along with Tae. I spoke before going up to the master bedroom. In the bedroom Onika was coming out of the bathroom in her robe with her hair blow dried.

"Good Morning Mamas, I see you washed your hair."

"I did, dried it too. I'm tired and I'm about to go right back to sleep."

"No! I mean... we have the luncheon today. Remember with the money people for that big project you worked on last year."

"I'm going to have to pass Bey, I'm so tired. Showering and washing and drying my hair was too much." Onika whined sitting on the bed. "Tell them I'm too pregnant to leave this house."

"Here let's watch TV and let me take care of you."

"Head and TV?" Onika asked surprised.

"No Mamas, I'm going to put lotion on you." I chuckle.

I turn the TV to Judge Judy and grab the lotion and oil and rub Onika down quickly. I needed to wake her up and was close to giving her a Red Bull. I finished and gave Onika some underwear and a bra. She put them on and I went to the closet and got the special dress I ordered for her. She was half sleep as I was helping her put it on and didn't see Tae come in right away. He quickly threw a cape over her so she wouldn't really see her outfit before having her sit to do her hair. He started to flat iron it as Aliyah came in and started on her makeup. After doing Onika's makeup Aliyah took her right hand and started to do a cute faux henna tattoo with paint instead of henna. She did my hand as well while Tae finished a sleeping Onika's hair. It was in a cascade of curls and it looked great. I got dressed in my outfit and Tae curled my hair really quick before I grabbed the crown I got for Onika and Tae put it on her head and put in the ruby earrings I got her when we first got back together.

 I got dressed in my outfit and Tae curled my hair really quick before I grabbed the crown I got for Onika and Tae put it on her head and put in the ruby earrings I got her when we first got back together

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We didn't want to wake Onika so Julius carried her downstairs and out to the car. I grabbed her gold sandals and our purses before leaving with everyone. In the limo, I had Onika's head on my lap as she slept peacefully. 

At the hotel space, we pulled up and I woke Onika up. She yawned and Aliyah fixed Onika's lip stick and we got out of the car. We had blinded Onika during the ride and told her that we were going to a surprise first. Big baby was whining because she didn't want to be surprised and was still tired. But I slid behind her with my hands on her hips guiding her inside. Photographer and videographer were on us catching everything. We got to the threshold of the room and I took off her blindfold.

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now