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*Onika's P.o.v.*

I woke up shortly after twelve. I felt numb inside and hurt. Rob's words stung and I felt like I would throw up replaying them in my head. I got up from bed and took a shower to try to relax. I changed into a white t-shirt and black tights and my Gucci slides. I was downstairs getting my keys and purse when Julius came up to me.

"Santa called, Little Elf?"

I looked at Julius and nod my head. I started out the door and he went with me. In the truck I drove over to my Mom's house. I parked and went up to the door with Julius trailing me. I used my key and unlocked the door and walked in on Caiah and his girlfriend Lena watching TV.

"Shit! What you doing here Sis?"

"I came to see Mommy, I hope you using a condom." I reply shaking my head. "It's enough pregnant people around here."

"Hey Nicki, Can you get me Beyonce's autograph?" Lena asked fixing her skirt.

"Yes, I'll drop it off with 'Caiah."

I walk up to my Mom's room to see her watching TV and eating ice cream. I sat on the end of her bed and put my hand on her leg.

"Mom, I know I'm probably the last person you want to see but I wanted to see you. How are you?"

"I'm fine. I'm not in any pain or anything."

"Good, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too. Sorry that you couldn't be supportive of me."

"Mommy, it was a lot. Robyn had a lot of history with me and Beyonce."

"Okay and? Rob never fucked either of you has she?"


"So what's the problem? It wasn't like you looked at Robyn in a romantic way. I was just having fun with something. I'd only even been with your father, I never got the chance to try out different things and thought that the time was over for me but then Rob changed that."

"I didn't know that Mommy. I'm sorry I was so harsh."

"Harsh wasn't the word, you judged me and you know I don't like that. I am so upset at you Onika."

"I know."

"Then getting pregnant wasn't in my plan but it happened. I thought I was getting another chance to be a mother. I was so excited and so was Rob. She's wants kids but was scared of who she would have them with because of women these days. We had a plan in place and the only thing missing was support. Caiah was happy for me but you couldn't be? I was so hurt. I knew you were punishing me for that abortion. That was your choice Onika."

"That was not my decision entirely and you know it. You didn't really support the idea of me and Aaron let alone me having his baby."

"He was a hood nigga that got my 16 year old daughter pregnant, what in the hell you thought I was going to do? Throw you a fucking baby shower? I was trying to deal with your crazy father and then I was pregnant with Caiah in the mist of it. So we were going to be pregnant together? Onika you knew what it was when you laid down and opened your legs for Aaron." My Mom said standing.

"I could say the same for you! You were fucking Robyn raw!"


My face stung feeling my Mom's hand across my face. No lie, my Mom could knock me out with a slap if she hit hard enough and I'm glad she didn't hit hard enough too.

"Don't be disrespectful!"

"I'm done, I came over to apologize and make you feel better but you need time."

"I'm done too. Get the hell out!"

I nod and exhaled sharply. I stood and instantly had to sit down. I had a cramp and it hurt bad. My Mom looked at me funny before putting her hand out for me. I took it and was surprised when my Mom pulled me to my feet.

"Have that baby outside of my house M'am."

"What? Really? Do you think I'm in labor?" I asked starting to panic.

My Mom simply went to the door and opened it for me. I left out and was half way down the stairs when I felt my baby bump tighten again but this time the pain wasn't as bad. Julius met me in the middle of the stairs and helped me down. We went outside and I wiped away a few tears. This was a bad idea. I thought. Julius pulled out his phone and called Bey and told her to meet us at the hospital.

*Beyonce's P.O.V.*

I woke up to pee and saw Onika was gone from the bed. I went to the bathroom and saw that Julius had texted to say he took Onika out for some 'air'. I was feeling away about what Rob said about my wife I figured I'd handle it. I changed into a dark green jogging set and sneakers and called Julius' backup Mack. Mack and I left and I went to the strip club. I knew Rob was going to be in the back smoking and getting a lap dance from her favorite stripper hoe Selena. I was right and took a seat across from her. Selena read the room and left.

"We need to talk."

"Talk about what?" Rob ask exhaling.

"About why you thought it was okay to talk to my wife like that."

"Fuck your wife, she hurt my baby."

"Robyn...I'm trying to stay cool but you need to chill. My wife and her mother's problems were theirs alone. Onika didn't cause her to have a miscarriage, that was already written. Her mother was menopausal! She probably would have had a miscarriage anyway."

"Or, your wife's attitude caused her Mom to stress out and lose my child. My baby was alive and then it was gone in days! Do you know what that's like?"

"Yes, Onika lost my baby before very early. It was so traumatic, she's made her forget about it but I haven't."

"Uh-huh, she shouldn't be having one at all. Ya'll relationship is toxic."

"Rob, how can you say that? We're friends."

"We're friends but I have nothing for your wife right now. Good thing you didn't bring her, I'd choke her short ass out."

"Okay Bitch! Now you tripping! I was trying to be cool with your disrespectful ass! You talking down on my baby girl and my wife. I'm cool on you Rob till you apologize and get your shit together."

"Fuck that bitch!" Rob said jumping up.

I matched Rob's energy and my fist connected with her chin. I slumped Rob back to her seat as Mack grabbed me and her security grabbed her passed out body. I was walking out of the club when my phone rang.


"Boss, meet me at the hospital."

"Why? What happened?" I ask quickly.

"Nicki's in labor."

Julius hung up as I heard Onika screaming at him in the background not to call me. Mack and I ran to the truck and headed to the hospital. At the hospital, I got showed to Onika's room where Julius was out in the hallway.

"Julius! What happened?"

Julius told me what happened and I was on 10 but I had to suppress for now. The Doctor opened the door and came out. She told me that Onika was having contractions. Concerning since it was so early. She said she gave her medication to stop them and would keep Onika until she felt comfortable for her to go home or we'd have to prepare for her to have a preemie baby if the medication didn't work.

I was stunned and couldn't think of anyone to call but my Mom. I joined Onika in her room and saw that she was sleeping. I sat at her bedside rubbing her bruised cheek, quietly praying that everything would be okay.


Excuse all errors!

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