Touch Me part 2

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*Beyonce's P.o.v.**

I tossed the envelop on the table and made sure the door was locked before turning the lights off in the room. I lit the few candles that were in the room, turned my phone on to one of my many bedroom playlists and walked over and sat next to Onika who was sucking on the end of her thumb. I smiled at her and started to kiss on her neck and shoulders. She pulled away and pushed me back down on the bed.

"What are you doing Onika?"

"Stop talking."


This is new. I thought. Onika straddled my waist and smiled at me and I did the same before settling my eyes on her baby bump. Onika noticed and tilted my chin up to look her in her eyes.

"Look at me Bey."

I nod as she shifted her weight and slid me inside of her.

"Oh Fuck!" We said in unison.

She was tight as hell and it had been awhile so I was to burst by the time I was all the way in. She took a moment to relax herself before slowly rocking back and fourth. I slid my hands up her thighs admiring her skin in the soft candle light. She felt so soft. I rested my hands on her hips in the crease between her hips and her baby bump. I could feel the extra warmth coming for it and again focused on her baby bump as an uneasy feeling came over me. Onika started to ride me faster and I had to say something.

"Slow down Nicki."

"Huh? You like it when I go fast." She replied still keeping up the pace.

"I do..I just...just slow down please."


Onika slowed down but the uneasy feeling didn't go away.

"Are you... are you okay? This doesn't hurt you?"

"Us having sex? No. It feels good. Is it bothering you?"

"No, I just don't want to hurt you."

"I promise to tell you if it hurts." Onika said trying to lean over and kiss me but it wasn't happening. Even seeing her try was messing with my anxiety.

I sat up and met Onika's lips with mine and kissed her back hard. I was massaging her lower back and ass with my hands. I made out with Onika for as long as I could before she started grinding on me. She was so damn wet, I was wet. I tilted Onika's head back and started to attack her neck with kisses, leaving hickies.

"Babe, please...I'm ready."

I nod hearing it. I knew she was, there wasn't no denying it.

Onika pulled away from me and I pulled her back and started to suck on her nipples. Wrong move. I thought. That was her damn spot times ten. Onika softly moaning and whimpering made my dick hard as steel inside of her and I was going to lose the fight to 'Bey Jr' quickly if I didn't do something.

I stopped and gently brought my lips back to Onika's and started to lightly kiss and suck them. I gently ran my fingers through her hair and enjoyed tracing the outline of her shoulders and neck. I slipped my tounge inside her mouth and tickled the tip of hers with mine before she kissed me back. Her hands slowly ran up and down my back as we kissed. Soon we were lying on the bed and I slowly rocked my hips moving in and out of her. She was moaning quietly and I was literally thinking of everything else but. I had went soft twice and luckily she didn't notice but I needed to speed this up.

"Turn over." I said tapping her thigh.

Onika nodded and I moved back and she turned over and put a nice arch in her back. I smirked seeing her ass and slid in. I started to go fast and soon was in my zone. Onika's screams of pleasure were muffled by the pillows in front of her and her body was shaking on the verge of orgasming. I slid my hand down and started to rub her clit which sent her over the edge and she orgasmed and squirted. Seeing it scared me for a second and I stopped dead in the pussy.

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now