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*Beyonce's P.o.v.*

The ride over to the hospital was quiet. Onika had her head bowed in prayer and out of sickness from the car ride. She took off her little white fur as we pulled up to the hospital. At the hospital, Onika and I held hands as we walked to the front desk. We asked for Diamonte but they said that she was still with the Doctor so we had to wait. While we were waiting I told Onika to get seen by a Doctor since she was unwell. She agreed and was seen in Triage. Luckily the baby was okay and Onika just had a cold. After some Tylenol her fever was broken and she was back to normal for the most part. We had the luck of seeing them wheel Diamonte into her room and were able to get in. In the room, Diamonte was up and kind of out of it. I felt so bad that she had a black eye and a few bruises. Diamonte looked at me and smiled before the Nurse came in and put Onika and I out. I wanted to get information but since I wasn't family it was wraps. Onika rubbed my arm and said that we could come back tomorrow to see her. I agreed. I needed to get Onika home anyway since she was sick. We left and went home as I asked the gift shop to send white roses to Diamonte's room. At home, Onika and I took off our shoes and went up to bed. We undressed and freshened up since we were in the germy hospital.

 We undressed and freshened up since we were in the germy hospital

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Onika put on some cute pajamas and I did the same before asking Lana to bring in some gingerale with ice for Onika and a light snack

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Onika put on some cute pajamas and I did the same before asking Lana to bring in some gingerale with ice for Onika and a light snack. Onika settled into bed and closed her eyes. She was exhausted so I didn't pressure her to talk. She had something to drink before going to sleep. I left the room and went into her room and called my Mom. I talked to her for a while about Diamonte and asked her advice. Mom was nice in offering to let Diamonte stay with her for awhile until she was able to get a apartment or rent a house. I ended my call with my Mom  before going back and joining Onika in bed. I rubbed her belly as I started to watch a movie and shop online for the baby on my phone.

*Diamonte's P.O.V.*

I looked up to see flowers on my bedside table. I smiled to myself knowing that Bey had came. I sat up and looked at the few bruises on my arm and my face. I had a black eye! I screamed in frustration and shook my head. Quavo hit me  hard and I really fucked up my eye. I pulled out my phone and texted my Mom that I was 'Okay' and I'd talk to her later. A Nurse came in to check on me before the Doctor came in and said they'd keep me overnight because my eye had a lot of swelling behind it. They left and my cousin Queen, who was a Nurse came in.

"Hey Saweetie, How are you feeling?"

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"Hey Saweetie, How are you feeling?"

"Good. You know hoes be jealous of me."

"Right. Can I get you anything?"

"A drink, like an adult one."

"Ha-ha, I can get you some soda or something."

"Soda is cool, can you get me some snacks too?"

"Sure, What happened?"

"Quavo got jealous. Anyway, how is the baby?" I ask rubbing Queen's belly.

"Nahla is good, I'm right along with you at four almost five months. I'm just showing more than you because this is my third baby."

"I understand, I know Clarence is happy, two boys and a girl."

"I'm really happy. I can't wait to meet her, how about you?" Queen said rubbing her stomach.

"All good."

Queen got paged and had to leave. But not before she let me take a picture of her bump. I sat up and got out of bed and locked the door. I rummaged through things before getting a text from Bey saying that if I needed somewhere safe to go that I could come stay with her Mom. Uggh, close but no cigar. But it would get me close to Beyonce. I pulled my socials and looked at Bey's pictures. She added a new one and I almost fell out of the bed. She was hugged up with Onika who looked like a fat white polar bear talking about Mrs. Maraj-Knowles. I rolled my eyes and looked at Queen's socials and saw she posted a sonogram. I saved it before going into my photo editor. I made some adjustments and posted it to my socials. I swear Queen getting pregnant was the best thing ever! I didn't need to ruin my body to get what I wanted, Beyonce. I knew Beyonce wanted kids but strangely enough never had them with Onika, so I came to the rescue. Or should I say my rescue because I needed all this money she was sending my way to get me out of Cali for good. The door opened as I was putting my phone up and the Doctor came in with Queen who had my snack and soda. She left and the Doctor said my eye was looking better and that I for sure could go home tomorrow. The Doctor left and I ate my food and smiled thinking about laying up in Tina's house with Beyonce at my finger tips.

*Bey's P.O.V.*

Onika got up all through the night either eating or trying to work. She didn't have a fever but said she felt restless. I joined her and got some work done as well as I had a big bowl of popcorn. It was 5 a.m. when Solange came in with a small bag.

"What you doing here?"

"Oh, you're up. I normally roll in at this time to exercise in your gym."


"Yes, it's quiet and clean. Want to join me?"

"No, I'm going to bed. Onika and I have been up off and on all night."

"Well, get your sleep. Mom is coming for breakfast and wants to take Nicki to go shopping for the baby while me, you, and Lauren are going to look at the house she found."

"Cool, Did Mom reach out to Diamonte?"

"Yeah, I don't like it but she said Diamonte said yes. I feel like this is some bullshit but I'm going to keep an eye on her. You see that sonogram pic?"

"No, I don't follow her. Onika would choke me out."

"Yeah, I can see that. I'll let you know if she puts up something crazy." Solange said with a laugh.

Solange went down to the gym and I went in the kitchen to get some water. I went back to the bedroom where Onika was sprawled on the bed asleep. I laid down next to her and put my head next to her belly and showered it with kisses before going to sleep.


Excuse all errors!

Thoughts/ Comments???


Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now