Hot Date

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 *Beyonce's P.O.V**

I listened for a moment and was glad I did. Onika told Rihmeek to leave her alone and to be a father to his kids and he agreed. Hmmm...guess she squashed her own beef. I thought knocking on the nursery door. I opened it and saw Onika opening some more diapers. I was new to babies and was surprised when Allybear went through a box of diapers in a week. Not mention changing them.

"Onika, Mom we're going out for dinner. Get dressed nice."

"Umm...I'm good."

"What? Come on Mamas, we haven't been out on a date since..."

"Since you and I got into that argument at the restaurant and I fainted in the truck."

"Okay, that was fucked up but come on Onika. I want some adult alone time. You need some too and good glass of wine and something expensive to eat."

"Fine, I hope that you behave. I need to get things set up for Mama Tina then, make sure there's extra milk for Ally and get my portable pump ready."

"What can I do to help?"

"Huh?" Onika asked shocked.

"I asked what I could do to help. How about I get supplies and stuff for my Mom and make a couple of bottles ready for Allybear while you take a nice bath."

"Umm...that's...that's...really nice of you Beyonce."

Damn, Have I not been helping enough? Mom was right, I wasn't doing enough if she's shocked of me trying to help her getting Ally's things together. I thought watching her leave the room.

I gathered what my Mom would need and some extra blankets before going downstairs to give them to her. She was watching TV with Ally next to her on the couch sleeping. I prepped bottles and took out some extra frozen breast milk just in case. I went back upstairs and called Lauren.


"Yes Diablo, what do you want me to pick up for dinner?"

"Nothing, make reservations for me and Onika for dinner."

"Oh, ya'll are going out for a hot date? Normani and I are going out, Want to join us?"

"Do I get to fuck you and Normani?"

"Hell no!"

"Then us going out is not happening. I want to take my wife somewhere special so make it happen Lauren Nicole, text me the details and book us a hotel room as well."

"Ewww...fine. I'll make sure you can get some pussy. Honestly you need it, you get mean when you don't get pussy."

"Get off my line Lauren." I say hanging up.

I went to another room and took a shower and changed into an nice outfit. I did my hair and make up before changing my purse and putting on my shoes.

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Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now