Mama T's Wisdom

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*Onika's P.o.v*

Ally nursing hurt this morning. She wasn't latched correctly and I knew taking her off would make her mad which would result in her screaming for twenty minutes. She was just like Beyonce, impatient and loud. Even at 8 weeks, she was a demanding baby. I wish I would try to scroll my phone while feeding her. She would literally stop and cry until she was looking me dead in the eyes. Bey thought it was funny and I annoyed. She got a full nights rest while my sleep was in shambles. I always wanted my Mom with me to help but with how she acted I was scared to even let her in the house around Ally. Mama Tina helped for two weeks but she had to go out of town with Richard. Bey was helpful in the day but at night, it was like waking the dead to get her to get up and help. So I stopped. I was jealous, I wanted at least one full night of sleep for too long.


After Ally nursed herself to sleep I put her in her swing and went into the kitchen for a ice pack. I was getting something to drink when Bey walked in.

"Hey Mamas, where's Ally-bear?"

"Sleeping in her swing. Bey, I'm going up to take a nap. I'm so tired."

"No, She always wakes up when you nap then cries because my titties aren't making milk."

"I pumped two bottles, just feed her that."

"Okay. Maybe take a shower while you're up there, you smell like sour milk."

I sigh deeply. Bey was working my nerves. I pulled the wet breast pad from my bra and tossed them in the trash, resisting the urge to push them in her face. I went upstairs and took a shower and changed into another tank top and tights and got into bed. I was woken up two hours later by Ally fussing at my breast. I looked down and saw Bey holding Ally to my leaking right boob that was free of my bra and tank top.

"What are you doing?" I ask quickly.

"She didn't want the bottle, I tried for like ten minutes."

"Uggh, Bey she has to learn, especially if we get a Nanny or babysitter."

"No, I'm not having a Nanny raise my baby. You're her Mom, it's not natural."

I shook my head sitting up and latching Ally on. She happily sucked pain free and Bey kissed my neck.

"What are you doing?"

"Kissing you, I miss you. You know it's been two weeks since the Doctor cleared you."

"And 8 since I got a proper night's rest."

"I know, that's why my Mom is coming over today. She's back from her trip."

"Really, that's great."

"Yup, I miss my wife and diving deep in that pussy."

"I miss getting 3 consecutive hours of sleep. Bey, please try to get her to take the bottle when I'm napping, I'm really tired."

"I'll try Mamas but Ally is smart, she knows I'm not the food." Bey laughed.

I turned on the TV and even Ally tried to look. We were watching a movie when Ally finally finished and pooped. I took Ally into her room to change her and just decided to give her quick bath. I dried her off and changed her into a outfit.

She was up and wanted to be nosey so I gave her to Bey and told her to take her downstairs and let her look at the fish tank

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She was up and wanted to be nosey so I gave her to Bey and told her to take her downstairs and let her look at the fish tank. Something she enjoyed when we were in Bey's office. I got back in bed and went  back to sleep. I woke up a few hours later feeling better and full. I was surprised Bey didn't wake me up and realized why when I saw Tina sitting at the table holding Ally who was laying on her shoulder half asleep.

"Hey Mama Tina, How are you?"

"Good, You look rested, I told Bey to let you rest. You need your sleep if she can't hang on taking care of the baby at night."

"Yes, I told her that." I reply kissing Mama Tina's cheek."

"Hey, I try. I just be falling asleep. But Mom said she'd watch Allybear so we can go out tonight and have alone time." Bey said walking over.

"Okay, that would be nice. I have to pump I'll be right back."


*Beyonce's P.o.v.*

Onika left to the nursery and I sat next to Mom who was rocking Allybear and rubbing her back.

"Bey, you need to get a night nurse for a while. Nicki looks worn the hell out when I facetime her."

"I don't want a stranger around Allybear. Can you come live with us until she sleeps through the night?"

"Bey, I don't mind helping but you need a night nurse if you don't want to get a Nanny. Or..."


"A certain Grandma misses her grandbaby."

"Last I checked, she said 'Fuck my child.' You think I want Carol around my baby girl?"

"I thought we made up at the hospital?"

"I told her so she wouldn't upset the energy. Onika didn't need the stress and I wanted Carol to see the baby she didn't care about."

"So torturing her with a grandchild she can't see?"

"Yes and No, I really want Carol to be sincere and apologize truly for the pain she caused Onika. She suffered during her pregnancy."

My Mom nodded and sighed, kissing the top of Allybear's head.

"She smells so fresh and clean."

"She had a bath before you came, normally she smells like Nicki's breast milk to me." I laugh.

My Mom laughed and Lana came in with the dry cleaning. She said 'Hey' and walked up to the closet.

"Wait...Does Lana help Nicki at night?"

"No, Lana goes to the guest house. Nicki made her promise not to worry herself with helping her at night."

"Because it's your job Bey, but I understand. Ready for your Dad's wedding in a few days?"

"Nope! I literally forgot about it. He hit me up saying he wanted to see Allybear but I told him that she was under the weather. He's another one I don't want around Ally right now."

"But at the wedding?"

"He'll be too busy to notice. I ordered the cutest dress for Ally for the wedding."

"Nice, go find Nicki and help her get ready for your two's hot date. I'll watch my baby all night if you like. I know you and Nicki probably want alone time."

"Your baby huh?"

"Yup, now go help your wife and leave us."

My Mom got up and carried Allybear to the living room and I got some cut up mango and went upstairs to give it to Nicki. To surprise, I heard her on the phone. On the other end was a voice I didn't want to hear, Rihmeek.


Thoughts/ Comments!

Excuse all errors!

Ya'll ready for Carol to come back in the fold?

and Mathew's wedding!


Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now