Decisions Part 1

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*Onika's P.O.V.*

"Bey, you aren't thinking clearly. You're still gone off this bomb ass pussy." I said backing up with a grin.

"I am, I am thinking clearly. Let's go to the court house and get married." She said seriously.

"Please, we can still have a wedding."

"Beyonce, can we talk about this in the morning? I need to sleep on it."

"That means 'No'." She whined. Such a baby. I thought.

"No, I really want to have this conversation. Just in the morning."

"Fine." Bey grumbled into my shoulder as she hugged me.

I finished making her dinner and made two eggs for myself. I really didn't want them but I knew the baby needed some sort of food. Bey helped me clean the kitchen and we went upstairs.

The next morning came quick as I was up at the crack of dawn. I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs and made a big breakfast for Bey. I was up half the night wondering if I should go through with it. I loved Beyonce with all my heart and was carrying her baby but she was still Beyonce and I knew her personality wouldn't change not to mention she had a possible baby with Diamonte'. Diamonte had been texting me on and off last night sending me pictures and video of her and Bey from the strip club while I was away. She was sitting on Bey's lap or dancing in front of her. Bey looked halfway drunk in most of them and I almost broke my phone when Diamonte' sent me one of her sucking Bey's dick and swallowing her cum especially since Bey was fucking egging her on. I slipped out of bed and called and cursed Diamonte' out but she just laughed and said that Bey loved her and that I would be out of the picture soon. I was mad but I didn't want to upset myself so I did the breathing exercises Aunt Pam taught me until I ended up falling asleep.

Lana came in with our laundry and spoke.

"Ms. Nicki, you need to be sitting and resting. I could have made you both breakfast."

"I know but I just wanted to do something."

"You are baking a baby, you're always doing something. After you finish, sit and rest. I'm going to the store for groceries soon."

"I ordered them, they'll be here in half an hour or so."

"Good, I'll put them away when they come."

"Okay, can you take Julius this plate?"

"Sure, he'd be happy to have your cooking again."

Lana took a plate from me and walked away. I made some coffee and made myself some hot tea. I finished breakfast as Bey came in. She was freshly showered and changed.

"Aww, my wifey, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Zaddy likes."

Bey kissed me and slid her arms around me.

"So, did you think about it?"

I sighed.

"I don't think that our Mom's would like this, we deserve to have a wedding with everyone there."

"You're going to be huge in your wedding dress."

"What are you talking about; we were getting married next summer."

"No, we need to get married before the baby comes, that would be so cliché to get married after a baby. Besides, Donatella's working on your dress and my suit is done."

"I don't want to rush."

"Onika, you're 4 months pregnant, you're going to have my child, there's no slowing down now."

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now