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*Beyonce's P.O.V.*

Dinner was amazing as always, I ate my weight in spaghetti. I was having such a good time, I didn't notice my Midget was missing. I looked at Kelly who was grilling Saweetie. I saw her walk in but I didn't pay her any attention because Dontella had mine. Saweetie looked good in a low cut white dress with her breast out. I was low key imaging sliding my dick between them when I felt someone kick me under the table. I looked around and saw that it was Kelly. I shook my head and the dessert came around. I had some tiramisu before dinner wound down. Kelly had to call home to check on Titan so I jumped into a waiting car that was going back to Donatella's. In the back of the car, I was surprised to see Saweetie. Saweetie smiled and the car ride began. She wasted no time straddling me and kissing me. Saweetie sucked and licked my lips quickly taking control. Saweetie loved being in control and I loved that about her. My dick was soon down Saweetie's throat and then some. Fucking Onika earlier made want to go rounds. Saweetie was going to make me cum down her throat but I wanted to feel her walls. I pushed Saweetie on the floor of the car and pushed up her dress. I slammed my dick inside of her pussy and stroked hard and fast. Saweetie groaned and squirted on my dick as I started to cum. I pulled out finishing the load down her slit making a mess. The car pulled in and came to a stop. We quickly got ourselves together and out. I went straight to my room even though Saweetie begged me to come to her room. But I was tired, I wanted my bed and to figure out where my Midget was. Onika never left a party before me and damn sure didn't leave a Donatella party. I went into our suite and locked the door. I went to her room and saw her asleep with her arm propped up. A cast? What's that from? She was barely at the party...oh shit, did she hurt herself in the shower? That's right, she fell. Damn. I thought. I undressed and slipped into bed with her. She earned a sleepover.

*Nicki's P.O.V*

I woke up around three hurting. I was surprised to see Bey in bed with me dead asleep lying on my hurt wrist. I moved it and sighed. It hurt so bad, Tylenol wasn't reaching this pain. I opened the door and looked at the Percocet in the drawer. I reached in and opened it. I took two and settled back into bed. I felt shaky looking at the bottle on the table and tried to fight myself to not take another. I felt my stomach get tight so I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I shoved my fingers down my throat and made myself puke. I was crying over the toilet as I made the pills and dinner come up. I couldn't chance it again. I couldn't get hooked like I was when I was with Rihmeek. It was half the reason I quit the last time and Mama Tina got me help. I didn't want to let her down. I must have been loud because Bey stumbled into the bathroom.

"Move Onika, I have to pee."

I cut my eyes at her before my stomach up heaved and I put my head down in the toilet. She sat behind me and rubbed my back. Of course she'd treat me right now that I'm unwell. Freaking woman drives me nuts! I thought. My stomach settled after awhile and Bey gave me some mouthwash before she went to the bathroom. I drug myself back to bed and Bey got in behind me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry Baby, I hope you feel better. I like your pink cast." Bey yawned into my shoulder.

Bey kissed my neck until she fell asleep and I moved over and put my arm up. I was exhausted and was glad we didn't have anything scheduled for tomorrow.

The morning came slow as I didn't get up until almost 11. My bladder was full to bursting and I barely made it to the bathroom. I get freshened up and wrapped my arm in two baggies so I could take a shower. I was drying off when I noticed some writing on my cast. 'Property of B.K.' This bitch! I thought. I changed and combed my hair down.

I put on a little make up and red lipstick

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I put on a little make up and red lipstick. I was feeling tired as I walked to the kitchen. There Bey and Saweetie sat the table talking and eating.

"Umm, Good morning. Saweetie, why are you here?" I ask.

"I'm here for good time. Anyways let me go, I can't wait to go shopping together."

Saweetie kissed Bey's cheek and I gritted my teeth. She left Bey continue chomping on her cereal. She looked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I want that slut gone, I don't like her energy."

"Don't be jealous Baby, you mine."

"Don't play, Saweetie would suck and fuck your dick without hesitation."

"She did."

"Excuse me?"

"She did, last night. I was horny and she was willing."

I reached over and smacked her dead in her face knocking her off her chair just as Kelly came in.

"Woah! Chill ya'll!" Kelly said pushing me back.

"Get your whore ass friend!" I yell leaving the kitchen.

I walked back to our room and locked myself in mine. I sat on the bed trying not to cry.

*Beyonce's P.O.V.*

"The hell? She hit me?"

"You deserved it, why you fuck Saweetie?"

"Because I was horny. Onika should have been available to relieve my need."

"Bey, you need to stop. Onika isn't your bust down, you can't treat her like that.

"She hit me!"

"Get over it, leave Saweetie alone and go get some flowers for Nicki and apologize. You hurt her feelings."

"Bitch... I'm not doing that."

"I'm going to tell Nicki to leave you if you don't cut it out. Did you even see her cast? Why she got that?"

"She fell in the shower after we fucked. I didn't realize she hurt herself."

"Okay, yeah let's go."

Kelly and I left the house and grabbed a car. She drove us down to the shops and we got out. It was still early so there wasn't much paparazzi around. Kelly pointed to some flowers and cards and told me to pick something for Onika. I huffed and grabbed a few bunches of pink roses for her pink loving ass and grabbed a vase. I saw a unicorn balloon so I grabbed that. I got her a 'Get Well and I'm Sorry' cards before I saw the jewelry store across the street. I paid and Kelly and I walked to the jewelry store and I brought Onika pair of diamond earrings and matching necklace. Might as well go all out. I don't want to deal with a moody Midget all trip. Plus, I do owe her a gift. I thought.

We left the shopping strip and went back to the compound. I took all of her stuff to the suite and went to her door. It was unlocked which was surprising. I put the things in the room and called out for Nicki.

"Onika, come here. I have something for you."

No answer.

"Nicki, come on I got something for you meany."

No answer.

I roll my eyes as Kelly came in.

"Go in there and make up with her."

"Fine Kelly."

I walk into Onika's room and didn't see her. I walked around her bed side and saw her on the floor passed out clutching a pill bottle. I opened her hand and saw it was Percs.

"Kelly!" I screamed.

I collapsed to the floor grabbing Onika up in my arms. She was barely breathing. Everything was in slow mo, Kelly got Julius to pick up Nicki and carry her out. We left to the hospital and Kelly threw a blanket over Onika as we got out. She was taken straight back and Kelly held me as we sat in the waiting room.


Excuse all errors.

Thoughts/ Comments?


Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now