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*Beyonce's P.O.V.*

"Onika! Bey! Where are y'all at?" I heard Rob yell over Onika's soft voice who said something about home.

We both looked over and saw Robyn running over. I felt Onika pull away and Rob came over. She looked at Onika and shook her head with a frown.

"You crazy gyal! Why you take them pills?" Rob yelled. "Don't you ever do that again! You could have killed yourself or the baby."

"I know, please stop screaming!" Onika said getting frustrated.

"Rob, come on we need to go to the thing. Let's get Onika back to the room." I said watching Rob checking her phone.

"Where are you going? And why can't I come?" Onika asked crossing her arms.

"Somewhere that pregnant women ought not be! Come on, Lauren's waiting for you anyway." I reply starting to walk with Onika back to the building.

"What? Don't play with me Beyonce? Why can't I come? What are you two about to get into?"

"A meeting at an after party, now come on." I answer.

I almost had to pull Onika with me and Rob. In the building Cardi came out of nowhere trying to get at Rob. She followed us to the hallway and in the empty space Onika spazed out and grabbed Cardi by the hair and dragged her ass to the floor. Rob was egging her own as Onika punched Cardi in the face repeatedly. I tried to pull them apart but I was also trying to keep the door to the hallway closed. The one time Julius was ordered not to follow and Onika want to act a fool! Onika had blood splattered all over and Cardi was bleeding from the mouth and various facial cuts. Onika fucked that bitch face up! Rob finally stopped recording and pulled Onika off and threw her over her shoulder. I let the door go and Cardi stumbled to her knees. I left the hall and ran to the car with Rob and Onika who was damn near hyperventilating. In the car, I was beyond pissed. Onika didn't have to fight that girl and damn sure didn't have to do it while she was pregnant. At the hotel, we got in the room and Lauren was standing there pissed.

"What the hell? Why she got blood all over her?" Lauren asked pointing to Onika.

"This midget wanted to fight! Go take a damn shower Onika! Get that shit off you!" I yell pushing Onika into the bathroom.

"Don't fucking push me!" She yelled.

My heart skipped a beat as I put Rob and Lauren out if the room fast and I rushed in the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I locked it before I wrapped my hand around Onika's throat. Her eyes lit up and she instantly looked shocked.

"Look at me Onika, you need to stop! You being reckless and I won't deal with that. I don't like it and you're being selfish like I told you. Do you care about our child in your stomach? Do you? Because you act like you want God to take our child or something. You trying to have a miscarriage or something?"

Onika shook her head with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"You love me?"

Onika nodded.

"You love our baby?"

Again, Onika nodded.

"This the last of this bullshit? Fighting, being mad, doing dumb shit?" I ask.

Onika blinked away tears and nodded.

I pulled Onika close with my hand that was still firmly wrapped around her neck and crashed my lips into hers. She didn't kiss me back and I didn't give a shit. I pinned Onika against the sink as I started to undress her. I was kissing her so deeply I was fucking up her breathing. I got her jeans down and slid my fingers into her panties and into her pussy. She broke my kiss and was about to speak but I didn't want to hear it. I pulled her hair forcing her face up to the ceiling and biting her neck. She whined and I drove my fingers in deeper. Her pussy was so damn wet I couldn't hold off. In two moves, I pushed Onika onto the sink and finished pulling hers and mine clothes off. I grabbed her thighs and pulled her to the edge of the sink and slammed my dick into her pussy. I hit the bottom and then some making Onika scream out. I covered her mouth with her mine and started to pump. I was deep in it with my fingers pinching her clit. Her pussy was extra juicy and so were her breasts. I swear pregnant pussy is the bomb! Extra juicy for no reason, Onika was already a goddamn water slide but lately her pussy was a dunk tank, Water Country amusement park, and the ocean all in one. I moved my mouth from her mouth and down to her breasts and started to lavish them in kisses and little bites. I sucked her nipples till she was hissing from the pain. I felt her orgasm and her walls clenched so tight my cum was coaxed out. I let off a thick nut in her pussy and pulled out. I walked over to the shower and turned it on as she slowly slid off the counter.

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now