New Love

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*Beyonce P.O.V.*

Closing Onika's door as she was soon sleeping I went downstairs. Down there Lauren was walking in with Normani, both of which were sipping on Starbucks frap's.

"I barely had a chance to eat before you're calling me back? What the hell Diablo?" Lauren said loudly.

"Shut up before you wake Onika! I need you two to help me." I reply closing the space between us.

"Help you what? Move out or is Onika moving out?" Lauren asked crossing her arms.

"No smart ass, I want to do something special for her and I need to do it tonight. Rent out our favorite resturant and make sure the chef makes her favorite dishes, diabetic friendly of course. Then put together an outfit and call Aliyah J do our makeup and I'll bring her to the restaurant." I say pulling out my phone and texting.

"Eww.. another attempt to try to fix this shit show of a relationship. Why don't you let each other go?" Lauren said rolling her eyes and going into the fridge.

"We did technically and now we need to reconnect and rebrand ourselves."

"Rebrand? you're not a damn corporation Beyonce! You're a whore and she's dumb in love and drunk off dick!" Lauren said biting into an apple.

"Damn Ms. Knowles, your strap game that good?" Normani said eyeing me up.

"I'm going to murder you Lauren Nicole, now take your ass to the restaurant and make sure it looks good and the food gets prepared. Normani quietly pull an outfit for Onika from her closet and then go over to Rafaelo and get the jewelry I just asked him to pull. Both of you meet me at the restaurant when you finish."

"Sure Master, anything else?" Lauren asked snidely.

"Grab your camera so you can take pictures, so both of you get moving!" I said clapping my hands.

Normani skipped upstairs and Lauren stuck her tongue out and left. A few minutes later the balloons and flowers Lauren ordered on the plane ride arrived. I had them put them in Onika's office before going upstairs to get ready. I got showered and changed into a some black lace under things, blouse and a suit.

 I got showered and changed into a some black lace under things, blouse and a suit

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I did my hair and Aliyah came in to do my makeup. She made quick work of it and I checked my phone and replied to who I needed to and checked on Lauren. I could hear Onika protesting about getting dressed and going somewhere last minute and prayed she wouldn't flat out refuse but Normani had her up and dressed in no time. I called Lauren about the jewelry and restaurant and she said that everything was a 'GO'. I slipped Normani a black silk scarf to cover Onika's eyes when they finished up. I went downstairs as the limo pulled up. I got in the very front and watched as Normani walked a blindfolded Onika outside with Julius.

 I got in the very front and watched as Normani walked a blindfolded Onika outside with Julius

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They all got in the backseat and I texted Lauren. At the restaurant Normani helped Onika out and took her inside. I went in behind them and made sure the room was good and was taken aback. Lauren was the bomb! and worth the headache.

The room looked amazing and everything was in place

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The room looked amazing and everything was in place. I gave Lauren one of my credit cards and told her and Normani to treat themselves to a handbag as a 'Thanks'. They happily left and I turned my attention to Onika who was sitting at the table rubbing her bare thighs as she waited. I slipped into the room and closed the french doors behind me leaving Julius on guard. I walked over and took off Onika's blindfold and kissed her cheek. She looked at me with still reddened eyes from earlier. I knelt in front of her and placed my hands on her hips.

"What are you doing?" Onika asked in a raspy voice.

"I'm...Are you getting a cold? You sound hoarse."

Onika shrugged.

"Well, Baby girl, I wanted to elaborate over what I said earlier. I told you that our old love died and I meant it. We are different people now, I love you differently, we've been through so much, lying to each other, cheating, the perpetual coldness and just all around bullshit that us keeping secrets and holding back from each other did. We were young and naive and now we're grown. Adults who have lived and know what we want in life. I want to propose something to you. We start over, clean slate and a new love. Mathew and I have caused a lot damage and I want to try to fix it."

Onika sighed and wiped away a few tears.

"We've been through so much, too much for one life time."

"I know and it's not fair but I really do love you and I want us to have a real chance at being the best couple we can be and the best parents. So tonight, let's have a date."

I stood and sat next to Onika as the waiters brought the food out. We started to eat and I began to treat Onika as if this was the first date. I asked her all the standard first date questions and she asked me the same. We needed this, reconnecting and learning. I was surprised that a few things had changed but most were the same. After talking and eating until almost midnight, I finished the night with giving her something.

"I want to spoil you and my baby for the rest of my life. I love you so much Mrs. Maraj-Knowles."

I reach into my pocket and take out the box from Rafaelo's. Onika smiled big as she looked at her gift and she hugged me. Hugging me, she felt warm and I realized she had a fever.

 Hugging me, she felt warm and I realized she had a fever

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We were leaving the restaurant when I got a text message. I wasn't going to look but the phone kept going off. I finally pull it out and it was Saweetie hitting me up, her and Quavo got into a fight and she was on the way to the hospital with stomach pains and bleeding.


Excuse all errors.

Thoughts/ Comments??


Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now