The Thick of It

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Bey and I looked at each other and fell out laughing. We laughed for a good ten minutes while Diamonte looked on. We were crying laughing when Bey finally spoke.

"Bitch, I can't get nobody pregnant. I shoot blanks."

"Lies, we fucked raw." Diamonte added.

"You probably fucked Quavo raw."

"I did but so did we. So 'maybe' baby daddy, get it together. I will be in touch."

"You smoking dick if you think I got you pregnant, Onika and I have been fucking raw for years and don't have no kids. We'd have seven kids running around this house and maybe some twins if that was the case."

I looked at Bey funny before looking at Diamonte. I walked away from them both and went to my room. I needed to lie down.

*Beyonce's P.O.V.*

Onika damn near ran upstairs and I was glad. I wanted to cuss Diamonte out.

"Look Diamonte, I can't make babies, you aren't having mine and on the off chance that you do, I'm getting custody because you crazy as fuck."

"Your dick works Boo and we are having baby. I know it's yours."

"Whatever, we'll get a DNA test."

I close the door in Diamonte's face. I went to the kitchen and finished up the burgers Nicki was making before making her one and me one. I put them on a plate and clean up before going upstairs. I heard her in her room so I went in.

"Hey, I finished the food. No fries though. Where you at?"

I walked in and looked around before I heard her in the bathroom. She was on the floor crying into some tissues.

"Baby girl, why you crying?"

"Because you fucked that bitch raw and she could be having our baby! Bey, you were careless."

"Don't cry Baby, I didn't get that hoe pregnant, again if I could you would have been had my babies."

"Bey, I've taken birth control on and off all these years so I wouldn't but then that one year when we tried and it didn't happen I stopped. So you could probably have kids, just not with me."

I was stunned. I forgot about that. Onika and I tried three years ago all year to have a baby but I couldn't get her pregnant. The Doctor assumed it was me because of what I had going on but I knew Onika blamed herself. Fuck! If Diamonte is having my baby, that will kill Onika. I thought. I sat next to Onika and pulled her into a hug. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and dried her eyes.

"Don't cry Baby, I'm sorry. We'll get through this."

She nodded.

I helped Onika up and she got into her bed and I laid with her until she went to sleep before eating my burger. I put hers in the fridge and called my lawyers. I needed to surpress Diamonte's big mouth and get a contract drawn up. I got back in bed with Onika and wrapped my arms around her.

Two weeks later, I was due to meet Diamonte at the lawyer' office but Onika and I were up all night due to my Mom having anxiety attacks. It was so bad we took her to the hospital. Onika didn't want her to be alone so she stayed with her at the hospital until early this morning when she brought her over. Mom was comfortable in her room and Onika even made a big breakfast and made sure we both ate even though she only had juice. She was trying to lose weight and actually succeeded in losing 13 pounds. My Mom was asleep when I went to my room to get ready.

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Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now