Daddy or Zaddy?

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*Nicki's P.O.V.*

I stood in the private parlor talking to Donatella who was taking my measurements while talking to her assistant Vienna.

"I'm so happy for you and Bey, I can't wait to do this dress. I started a corset but based on your measurement from Italy but you mysteriously aren't the same measurements. I'll put in some elastic for you in a few spots."

"Donatella, what are you getting at?"

"Nothing, just making some notes in my head. Now, I need to catch my silk supplier so I will finish up with you tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you for coming by."

"You're welcome. Love you Nic."

Donatella and I shared cheek kisses before I walked her out. I closed the door and went to the kitchen. I got some water and some of the leftover watermelon. I was eating when I heard the door open. I looked up and quietly groaned. We caught eyes and she smirked at me as she walked over.

"There's my 'Mini Trini'. Look at you Baby girl, thicker than molasses."

"You are so aggravating, why are you here Rih?"

"Ooop, Sassy aren't we? I came to see my girls, you don't miss Daddy?" Rihanna said smacking me on the ass hard

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"Ooop, Sassy aren't we? I came to see my girls, you don't miss Daddy?" Rihanna said smacking me on the ass hard.

"Stop! I hate when you do that, you hit too hard."

"Nope your ass just soft, I've been away too long. A good spanking is what you need since you up here talking back to me Baby girl." Rih said reaching over and smacking my ass again.

I moved away from her and grabbed a chair and sat in the kitchen with me.

"I'm going to fucking stab you if you don't stop! I guess you didn't see all these knives in here." I reply sternly.

"You have to reach the knives first Baby girl."

Rihanna suddenly reached out and grabbed me. She had me over her lap in one fail swoop and started to smack me on the ass.

"Count to ten!"

"No!" I yell.

"Count to ten Baby girl or I'll keep going."

"No! Beyonce!! Beyonce!!"

Rih slapped my ass repeatedly while her other hand was holding my hair. Bey came around the corner looking like she was ready to fight but softened when she saw what was happening she got a big grin across her face.

"Count to ten Nicki if you want me to stop."

"Bite me Rih!" I sass.

"Wrong answer Baby girl." Rihanna stopped hitting me and let me go.

I pushed past Rihanna and Beyonce and went to my room. I popped some Tyelnol and decided to cool off in the pool. I changed into my bathing suit and walked down to the pool. Rihanna and Bey was sitting out there drinking some beer. I ignored them both and got into the cool water. I did a few laps before relaxing on the side for a while. Whole time Bey and Rih were drinking and switched from beer to Hennessy. I put on some music and sat in the Jacuzzi for an hour. I could see Bey and Rihanna eye fucking me so I decided to be petty and pulled off my bikini top and rubbed all over my breasts for a few minutes. Rih's eyes lit up and Bey looked like she was ready to join me in the pool. I feel a cramp coming on in my foot so I got up and walked to back to my room. I stepped in the shower to rinse off and was drying off when Bey came in. She pulled me into a hug and kissed me before pulling me into her bedroom. She kissed me back to the bed before I felt something snap against my wrists, keeping them bound behind my back.

"What the fuck?" I say turning to see Rih behind me on the bed; she'd been hiding under the comforter.

Bey put on me the bed on my back and took one of my thighs in each hand. My breath was shallow as I felt Bey slide into me and saw Rih lean over me. She smiled as Bey started to stroke and pinched my right nipple.

"We've missed having you like this Baby girl, having you get angry at me in the kitchen made me want to remind you two things. One, don't talk back, two, you are always ours when we are together and want to play, Baby girl." Rihanna said before kissing me deeply.

Tasting the leftover lemon head candy in her mouth brought back memories of my first year working with Bey. I was never attracted to women in a real way until that point. Bey and Rih turned me out. Drunk freaky ass whores. I thought as Rihanna broke our kiss and started to circle my right nipple with her tongue while playing with the left. Bey kept an even pace as she kept pumping and I felt myself coat her dick with cum. Rih ran her hands up and down my body as she lightly bit my neck. I felt Bey orgasm and she stopped moving for a moment before pulling out. Rih rolled me over and picked up with spanking me, this time using a whip.

"Now, count Baby girl."

I was tired so I complied with Rih and counted to 10 and she untied my hands. I got up and left the room and went to mine. I locked the door and got cleaned up and changed to a pale blue t-shirt and gray Capri pajama pants. I put my hair up and sat in bed looking at my calendar. Placing a little heart for the week. Ten hearts so far. My phone rang and I saw that it was my Mom.

"Hey Mommy."

"Hi Onika, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, How are you doing?"

"Good, I'm going to come over tomorrow so we can start the wedding planning. I want to take you to look at some venues."

"Okay, do you want me to bring Bey or you just want to talk to me?"

"Just you, I'll get with Bey later."

"Okay. I'll have breakfast ready for you." I yawn.

"Good, well get some rest Nicki, I'll be over around 10:30."

I hung up from my Mom and snuggled into my pillows and went to sleep. Not caring about the two drunks giggling in the other room.


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Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now