Paper Lanterns

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*Onika's P.O.V. still*


"You heard me Onika, I want to get married and have a family but you playing and now you popping pills!" Bey screamed at me. "Fuck is wrong with you?"

"Stop yelling at me!"

"No! You need some sense knocked into you! You could have killed our child or your damn self. What the fuck Onika?"

"I said I'm sorry, stop screaming!"

Bey moved next to me and grabbed my face and looked at me with the intensity of a thousand suns.

"Who are you yelling at? You shouldn't have done that dumb shit and need to cursing your damn self out."

"I know Bey, I'm so sorry."

"Don't say sorry to me; say sorry to the baby, you the one hurting her not me. Selfish ass bitch. I can't even look at you right now."

Bey let my face go and I wiped my tears as the car stopped. We got in and went in the hotel. Lauren was standing at our door with Kelly. Both their faces dropped when the saw us.

"What's wrong?" Lauren and Kelly said in unison.

Bey walked past them pulling me along as we went into the room. I put my purse down and went into the bathroom. I felt sick and couldn't hold it in anymore. I heard Lauren and Kelly asking Bey what was going on and heard her recapping the situation. She was so mad it was scary. I didn't want to come out of the bathroom even after I stopped throwing up. I felt dizzy so I laid down on the cold bathroom floor. I closed my eyes and cradled my stomach and ended up falling asleep.

For the next two days, (Wednesday and Thursday) Bey barely spoke to me outside of 'Good Morning' and 'Good night' and even then it was directed at my belly when I woke up and went to bed. I felt so bad that she was so angry at me. I was angry at myself as well but I couldn't take her and mines pain at the same time. So I let my hurt go for now. It was Friday, the day of the speech and I didn't want to get up. I got used to being in the room alone. Bey left every morning with Kelly to do whatever and Lauren brought me food and tried to spend time with me but I wasn't in the mood for it. Bey left to do a run through with Lauren and I picked with breakfast. Hair and makeup came in to set up for Bey and I left to get a pedicure. I got a nail color change as well before going back to the room and getting ready for tonight. I took my time in the bathroom and put on my outfit. I got my hair and makeup done before sitting on the bed.

The rain started as Bey came in. She barely looked at me as she got ready. She got her hair done and outfit on.

Soon, we were in the elevator with Julius and Lauren

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Soon, we were in the elevator with Julius and Lauren. Lauren looked at me and Bey before shaking her head.

"Break up and co-parent." She mumbled under her breath turning away from us.

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now