Touch Me part 1

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*Onika's P.O.V.**

I woke up from my nap horny as hell! I had a intense wet dream my pussy was on 'Go'. I sat up and saw that Bey wasn't in the room though. Getting off the bed, I saw the note she left on the side table to get dressed and that she'd be back. I stretched and went to the bathroom to freshen up before getting dressed in the dress that Bey had out for me. I felt like I looked fat in it so I grabbed a sweater to put over it.

There was a knock on the door and Wayne came in

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There was a knock on the door and Wayne came in. He gave me a birthday card and a hug and sat while I did my hair and makeup right quick. After I finished Wayne walked with me out of the room and outside. The sky looked cool as the sun was setting. I was so busy looking at it, I ran into Julius who was stopped in front of me.

"Damn it Julius! You stay in my way."

"Mrs. Maraj-Knowles, you ran into me because you were looking up and I know your short but..."

"Ha-ha! You annoy me." I reply pissed.

"I know, Happy Birthday." Julius said giving me a side hug.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks."

A side door opened and  Bey came out. She looked good as hell and I was ready to go back to the room.

I smiled looking over her as she took my hands and pulled me into a twirl before giving me a kiss on the cheek

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I smiled looking over her as she took my hands and pulled me into a twirl before giving me a kiss on the cheek. I bit my lip enjoying her smell.

" okay? You tuned out on what I said."


"I've been talking to you for two minutes, you didn't hear me?"

"You were talking? When?"

Beyonce laughed before pulling me into a hug and whispering my ear.

"Focus Mamas, we can have fun later. Happy birthday."

"Thank you." I reply crossing my legs to try to stop the throbbing.

"Why do have that sweater on? Cold?"

"No, I look fat."

"Awww... you're not fat. You're pregnant and you're carrying it well. But if the sweater makes you feel better, it's okay."

I nod. Bey kissed my forehead before kissing my cheek. She smiled at me before speaking.

"Close your eyes Onika." She said in a low tone.

I close my eyes and instantly start imagining Bey's head between my legs, eating me out. I let out a sigh and bite my lip hard. I could orgasm just off the memories alone. Bey sliding behind me and walking me in the door didn't help either. My panties were flush against my pussy and wet as fuck! God, I hope this is a sex party, I'm so freaking horny!  I thought.

"Umm, what?" My Mom said making me open my eyes.

I looked around the room of my closets friends and family who apparently heard what I was thinking since I said it outloud! I looked back at Bey who looked surprised as well.

"Oh my gosh!" I reply covering my face in utter embarrassment. 

Music came on and My Mom came over and gave me a hug while giggling. Everyone followed suit making me feel worse. I walked away from the group and grabbed a seltzer with lime from the bar tender. Bey came over and smiled at me.

"Don't be upset Mamas, they'll forget in two minutes."

I nod and rejoin the group. We sat for dinner of fancy seafood, vegetables and pasta. Everyone was sipping on wine and I felt like I was missing out. Bey surprised me and gave me a deep kiss letting me taste the wine. Soon cake was brought out and served and I had a small bite of Bey's and stopped. I was doing good keeping my blood sugar under control and wanted to keep it that way. I opened gifts from everyone, mostly really nice cards, gift cards and keepsakes. Bey went last with her gift giving and gave me a small box. Opening it my jaw dropped. A Volvo key fob was nestled under the gift papers. Bey helped me up and we went outside to the parking lot where the truck was sitting with a pink bow on it.

 Bey helped me up and we went outside to the parking lot where the truck was sitting with a pink bow on it

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"Something for my wife and baby girl, I want to keep you safe. So, do you like it?"

"Yes! Thank you so much Baby!" I yell squeezing her tight.

We got in and looked at things before I got out and went back to finish the party. Watching Bey network made me want her more. She could always work a room and it was soooo freaking sexy! I was feeling hot so I slipped out of the room and went to sit in my new truck. I sat barefoot in passenger side looking at the owners guide trying to connect my phone to the bluetooth.  The driver's door opened and Bey got in and closed the door. She smiled at me before turning the truck on and driving. We rode in silence as I finished connecting my phone. I put on some music and Bey put her hand on my thigh. She gently rubbed it and I felt a heat rush over me. I was so ready to get back to the room. But I didn't want to rush it. Normally Bey would have been pulled over and fucked me but I could tell she was on a different vibe. She learned to control herself a lot with our sessions and I was happy. Bey turned around and started back to the resort. Bey slid her hand up higher and tapped on my clit through my wet panties. I parted my thighs a little to give her some more room. Bey followed my cue and slid my panties to the side and slid a finger deep into me. We both moaned and I reclined the seat a little. Bey added a another finger before slowing down the truck. She had pulled into a emergency side path hidden by a lot of trees. Bey undid hers and mines seatbelts and she started to kiss my neck and while adding another finger and pumping them in and out of me. I put my foot up on the dash board giving her all the room she needed as my dress rode up to my hips. Bey moved down my chest and left some small bites marks with her gold vampire style grill. Bey stopped and moved her fingers suckling the juices off before putting my seat belt and mines back on and pulling back into the road. Back at the resort, Bey helped me out and we went inside the room. In the room, all my gifts were in there and the tub was full and candles were lit all over the room.

Bey got undressed and helped me before getting into a the bath with me. We soaked for a moment before we cleaned off and got out. Bey dried off quick and helped me. We went to the bed and Bey started to kiss me as there was a knock on the door. She groaned and threw on her robe and cracked the door. A manila envelope was given and Bey closed and locked the door.

"What's that?" I asked curiously.


Excuse all errors.

Comments! :)


Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now