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*Nicki's P.O.V.*

-Monday May 27th-.

Back in L.A. Bey was wide awake and I was exhausted. She went to sleep after cursing out Shawn while I had to deal with the onslaught of calls from people about the sale and schedule meetings for the 14 hours of the flight. It was a mess. We had a full schedule ahead and I was nervous, Bey and Shawn's divorce wasn't too bad as they didn't want money from one another. Bey just had him buy her a vacation house in the mountains and furnish it. But him wanting to sell their joint venture was bound to get nasty. Bey and I rode home in semi silence outside of my phone going off every few moments. Bey went straight to the fridge and grabbed a beer before turning to me and speaking.

"Why is there no food in here?"

"We were gone for a week, I didn't go shopping yet."

"Please go then. I hate seeing a bare fridge."

"Okay. I'll go now."

"I'm getting dressed and going to the office. I want to get some locks changed."

"I already did that. They came at eight and did it."

"Good, then I want to go look at the contracts with the lawyers."

"Simon and Daryl will be here in an hour to do that with you. I've been setting everything up while you were passed out on the plane."

"Okay, well I'm going to shower, Go to the grocery store and stop at the liquor store."

I bit my tongue, She was reverting back to her old self and it was pissing me off. I walked past her and went to my room. I got undressed and took a shower before putting on an outfit and pulling hair up into bun. I was so tired it wasn't even funny but we needed groceries and I could always sleep when I came home. I put on black t-shirt and dark gray Nike jogger bottoms. I put on socks and my all white Nikes and left to the store. I was regretting driving as I felt like I would fall asleep while driving but I made it to the store. I got a cart and started to shop. While I was shopping my Mom called me. We talked for awhile I shopped and I appreciated it because it kept me awake and gave me some ideas for meals. I ended up having two carts when I was done. I got checked out and the bagger helped me put the things in my truck. I stopped the liquor store and brought a few things before going back to the house. One of the house workers came out and helped me unload the truck and I put the groceries away. I called out dinner as I literally couldn't bring myself to make anything. I went to my room and crawled into bed. I was half asleep when Bey came in.

"Onika, get up! Simon is here."

"Bey, take the meeting alone, I need some sleep."

"Sleep later, I need you to be in this meeting with me."

I grumble before getting up. I followed with Bey and went down to her office. I shook Simon and Daryl's hands and we sat. They went over everything with Bey as the food came. We ate and they talked to Bey for an hour before they left and we had a plan in place. I went straight to my room and got back into bed. Again, I was half asleep when Bey came in. She shook me and spoke.

"Come sleep in my room, I like my bed better."

"I'm not moving, get in and go to bed Beyonce. I literally cant move anymore."

Bey smacked my ass and spoke.

"Get up! Come get in my bed, I'm not sleeping in here on a bed that I can't adjust like I want."

"Sleep alone then!"

Bey pulled the covers back grabbed my arm. I gritted my teeth and I got up and followed her to her bed. I got in and covered my head with the blanket. I needed sleep and I was going to punch Bey if she interrupted me again. But luckily for me, she got into bed and cuddled into me as she started to watch TV. I got comfortable and fell asleep.

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now