Starry Night

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*play the music attached.*

I had Julius help me close the tent and I zipped it down. I pulled Bey over to the bed and made her sit while I took off my robe.

 I pulled Bey over to the bed and made her sit while I took off my robe

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Her eyes sparkled as she looked me over. I put on some music and started to sway my hips to the music. I wasn't much of a dancer but I had taken up belly dancing for exercise so I was excited to show it off. I ran my hands all over my body as I rolled my hips to the music teasing Bey. She was eye fucking me and I loved it but I wanted to make this special, I didn't want her eyes wandering again. I grabbed a chair and placed it in front of her. I sat and ran my hand up my thighs before parting them. I ran my hand down the center of my damp thong before sliding it to the side and spread my pussy lips with my beautiful pink and red nails.

I slid a finger deep inside and started to play with my pussy in front of Bey who was looking like lion ready to pounce. I knew she wanted to but I needed her to control herself. I locked eyes with her and spoke.

"Zaddy, you have to be patient, watch me."

"Come on Baby, I want to bury my face in it."

"I know but you have to wait." I reply before my breath hitched.

My fingers found my spot and my pussy was leaking all over my fingers. I was moaning as I grind on my fingers. I moaned and Bey sat forward. I pushed my bra down letting free my left breast. I played with the piercing that I put back in and saw Bey's jaw drop. I had taken my piercings out a while back but I missed them so I put them back in. Luckily, I didn't have to get them re-pierced. I threw my head back relishing in all the pleasure I was giving myself.

"Please, I can't take it Onika."

"Only because you said please." I reply quietly as I stopped touching myself.

I got up and put my wet fingers on Bey's lips. She grabbed my hand and sucked them dry before slipping off the bed and sticking her head between my thighs. She licked my slit and put on of my thighs on her shoulder. She began to suck and lick my pussy and clit.

"Oh fuck!" I moan. Bey was eating my pussy like she was eating her last meal.

Bey shoved her tongue deep in my pussy and I couldn't help but cream all over it. She slurped it up as her thumb found my clit. She rubbed it hard and fast and my leg started to shake. I was close to having an orgasm before she stopped and stood. I pushed Bey back on the bed and climbed on top of her. I sat on her face leaving a little space for her to get some air before leaning forward and swallowing her dick. I took it all the way to the back of my throat and she moaned loudly.

"Fuck Onika! Oh Fuck!"

I smirked. I couldn't wait to show her a new thing or two. I twirled my tongue around her shaft as she twirled hers around my clit. I took her deep before pulling back and suckling on the sensitive head. I repeated and repeated until I tasted pre-cum and she stopped eating my pussy. She couldn't focus and I loved that for me. I loved that she finally was seeing what I was holding back for the past 8 years. For the past 8 years, Bey was in control, she did what she wanted to me and I loved it but this time, I needed to show her what she was missing and what we could be in bed. Her dick was throbbing in my mouth and I knew she ready to burst. I got up and sat on her dick quickly facing away from her. It almost hurt because I took it so fast but I wasted no time rolling my hips back and forth. I gripped her thighs and bounced up and down. I glanced back and saw her face was screwed. She gripped my ankles and I felt a warm rush inside of me. I rode it out and started to go faster.

"Baby slow, slow down." She mumbled.

"No Zaddy, I want you to come again and I want to come too."

I hadn't hit my peak yet but I wasn't worried about it yet. I wanted to make Bey tap out. I planted my hands in front of me and bounced at and even pace enjoying her dick flowing in and out of me. I felt my walls grip her dick tightly as cum slid out of me. Bey cursed under her breathe and I felt her cum again. I took a second to get my breath and Bey sat up. She wrapped her arms around my waist and slid her hands up my stomach to my bra. She pulled it down and started to play with my nipples and piercings. I slowly grind into her semi hard dick before pushing off of her. She laid back down and I got back on top, this time facing her.

I slid down on her and was surprised when she grabbed my hips and flipped us over. She was in control, fine by me. I proved my point. Bey spread my thighs and lifted my leg up and slid in. She started to work in my pussy while holding onto my thigh. She surprised me and started to kiss and lick on my feet. She hit my spot and I moaned.

"Mmm...right there."

Bey's eyes lit up seeing me enjoying it. She always thought sucking toes was gross so I never pushed it. I felt myself orgasm and my body was shaking and my pussy was clamping on Bey's dick every few seconds. She leaned forward and we shared a deep kiss. She pulled my hands over my head and stroked in me slowly as our lips attached and reattached quickly. She was sucking on my tongue when I felt her twitching inside of me. She held my hands together with one before dropping the other and rubbing my clit. I wrapped my thighs around her waist as she gave me deeper strokes. My back was leaving the mattress every time she drove in. Our lips still never parting for more than two seconds. I felt my stomach get tight and it felt like Bey was in it.

Bey broke our kiss and started to kiss and suck my neck as we orgasmed together. Bey was deep inside of me as our bodies were practically vibrating. We shared another kiss as our bodies calmed down.


Excuse all errors.

Thoughts/ Comments??


Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now