Staircases & Waffles

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*Nicki's P.o.v.*

"This dramatic ass bitch! Beyonce' wake your ass up!" Lauren said tapping her arm with her shoe. "I should slap you!"

"Back hand the fuck out of her Lauren! She made us work late for the past two weeks." Normani said crossing her arms.

"Stop Lauren! She could have a concussion!" I yell kneeling over Bey. "Besides, Ain't nobody slapping her but me!"

I reach over and slap Bey dead in the face. Making her groan.

"Can I get one in? I feel like she not awake." Lauren said excitedly.

"Bitches, ya'll fucking me up on the happiest day of my life?" Bey said groggily as she opened her eyes.

"Damn Lauren, you were too slow!" Normani whined.

"Ya'll go socialize and what not, Let Bey get some room."

I fanned everyone away and smiled at Bey was wide awake rubbing her forehead.

"You okay Zaddy?"

"I'm fine, pissed none of these hoes caught me but I'll be alright. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I reply quietly.

Bey and I both had these cheesy smiles and stars in our eyes. We shared a kiss much to the chagrin of everyone and got up. We said our farewells to everyone as Julius put our gifts and cards in the car. Bey and I left the party and spent the ride talking. I was so surprised to see this side of her; it was like she had a renewed vigor to her. Julius took our things inside before dismissing the house staff for the weekend like I asked. Bey was too busy with her head in my lap listening to my belly to pay attention to anything else. I tapped her shoulder and she sat up and we got out. We walked in and Julius did a quick check before leaving.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Yes, I need help Ms. Knowles, my dress while beautiful is too tight." I reply with a sexy British accent.

"Not the accents, you know I love it when you do that."

"Please Ms. Knowles, remove my dress for me. I don't want to have to ask again." I reply facing the grand stair case.

*Beyonce's P.O.V*

Ohmygod! I love it when she talks to me like that. I thought. I walked over and gently swept her hair over to one shoulder as I found the zipper to her dress. I decided to tease her so I slowly unzipped it. I leaned in and started to kiss her skin that became exposed as I pulled. I made it to the end of her lower back before standing up and slipping the dress down her shoulders, arms and around her hips. Looking at her curves made me get a curve and I had to have Onika. I wrapped my hand around her throat and pulled her to my body. I kissed her intensely as I slipped off my jacket leaving me in just my bra and pants. I wrapped my arm around her waist and we walked towards to the staircase. I sat her on the fourth step all while kissing her. I wasted no time finding myself between her thighs entering her warm tightness. I had my face buried in the crook of her neck inhaling her sweet scent all the while biting and kissing her neck, I was making my mark. Onika shuddered at my stroke. Her pussy was tight as a vice as I slowly stroked. I didn't want overwhelm her or me but I was ready to tear her pussy out the frame.

"Zaddy, go faster." Onika moaned in my ear.

I did as told and went faster. Onika's nails dug in my shoulders and she wrapped her legs around me. I was gripping the hell out of her thighs as I went deep as I could. I was sure I was hurting her but she was moaning and my dick was wet with her juices. I grabbed the other side of her neck opposite my face and suctioned my lips her neck. I knew where her spot was and figured I tease her. I kissed and bit everywhere but there. She squirmed under me as I picked up the pace. The only sounds in the foyer were her moans, my breathing and pussy juice sloshing.

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now