Text Messages

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**Beyonce's P.O.V.**

I was down in the kitchen with my cousin Angie who keeps up my Texas mansion. Mommy was cooking breakfast and Solange was out with Lauren who was finishing our plans. Kelly came in and hugged me and we started to talk as Mommy finished the breakfast. Kelly and I ate and Mom made a plate for Onika. Egg whites, turkey bacon and a half a glass of almond milk. I took the tray up to Onika but saw her still asleep but changed. Wonder why she didn't come down for breakfast? I thought. I put the tray down and sat next to her. I placed a kiss on the side of her neck enjoying the smell of soap against her warm skin. Her phone vibrated next to us so I grabbed it. I was putting it on the night stand when I saw that Rihmeek had texted her. I unlocked it and started to read. I was floored! I got up and walked into the other room and locked the door. I sat on the bed and started to read their text message exchange for the last few weeks starting at the beginning.

-Meek- : Nicki, it's been long enough. I'm done with the streets Baby, I want to come home to you and be a family.

-Nicki-: Robert, I'm happy. We don't need to be a family. Go be a family with your baby mama, Papi deserves to have you be there for him 24/7.

-Meek-:Papi misses you too Nic! He asks for you all the time. Talking about where's Mama Nic. You hurting him too.

-Nicki-: Don't do that Meek, you know that I only put up with your shit for so long because of Papi. Luckily your baby mama let's me talk to him sometimes so try something else.


-Meek-: Attachment 1, Attachment 2

-Nicki-: I know damn well, you didn't send me your dick pictures.

-Meek-: He misses being inside of you, I know that pussy wet right now. Send me a pic.

-Nicki-Get off my phone with that.


-Meek-: I just saw you on the carpet with your peoples, So you are fucking Beyonce? Should have known. Especially since I caught her with her head buried in your pussy at the after party that one time. You a trip. You were fucking her the whole we were together too weren't you?

-Nicki-Don't worry about that. Stop texting me.

-Meek-: Shit is ironic! You didn't keep my baby but having one with her? How that look? You didn't keep my baby but you keeping that one? Like bitch what? You should be ashamed of yourself. Isn't there a Bible verse about that?

-Nicki-: Meek... don't do that.

-Meek-: Do what? Nicki you killed my baby because you was mad at me! You going to get mad at Bey and kill her baby too? And I know about her situation, Ain't no chick sprung over head alone plus Jay told me about it one night when he was drunk as shit.

-Nicki-: Don't do that Meek, it was the best decision at the time. You damn near beat the baby out of me that night of the divorce party.

-Meek-: Nicki, you know I was going through a lot but I loved that baby and you took it away. Now I'm going to take what's mine when it's time. Take care of yourself.

-Nicki-:What? What is that supposed to mean?


-Nicki-: Reply back pussy! I know you saw my last text.



-Meek-: Aww look at how big your getting in your yellow fit, you know I love it when you wear jogger fits. I see you got a new body guard, his short ass won't be able to protect you.

-Nicki: WTF? You saw me today? Stay away from me creep ass!

-Meek-: 😊


-Meek-: So we find out what the baby is today huh? I can't wait.

-Nicki-: Get a life!

-Meek-: 1 Attachment (video of Nic and Bey hitting the pinata from Normani's Facebook page)

-Meek-: Yes! A little girl, Papi is going to be so happy to have a little sister. He's been bugging me about one. 💜

-Nicki-: You need fucking help! Leave me the hell alone Rihmeek! Stay away from my family and friends.

-Meek-: Talk to me nice Baby, I would hate to put a bullet through 'ya wifey.

-Nicki-: Stay away from Beyonce, before I tell Julius to shot your dumb ass.


-Meek-: I know you saw me calling. I just wanted to talk to you and my baby. I miss you.


End of Texts

I was furious looking at Onika's phone. I got up and ran into the next room. Onika was still sleeping when I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up.

"Wake up! Onika, Wake the hell up!"

"What? What's wrong?" She said quickly. I had scared her but I didn't care.

"Meek been contacting you at you didn't think to tell me?"

She looked down before looking at my hand was holding her phone.

"Why do you have my phone?"

"Onika, don't play with me. Meek has been threatening you about taking our baby for weeks and you don't tell me? You don't tell Wayne or Baby? Girl, what if he did something to you? I wouldn't have even know that he was trying you."

"I wa-"

"Was what? Going to tell me when you thought you had it handled? Girl, you forgot who my father is? I could have been had that handled. Matter a fact, I'm going to call Mathew."

"No Beyonce! Please don't!"

"It's above me now."

Nicki started crying and I was confused, was she crying for this nigga now?

"The fuck you crying for?"

Nicki put her head in her hands still sobbing.

The door opened and Tina walked in.

"I heard you yelling at this Baby, what is wrong with you Beyonce? You can't keep your cool and talk like a normal person can you?" My Mom said hugging Onika. "Shhhhhh!"

"You deal with her, I'm done. Lying in my face when I ask what's up and why she been feeling down."

"Bey, its hard for some one to vocalize having an abortion." Mom said rocking Onika from side to side. "You should be more understanding."

Fuck! I forgot about that part. That fuckboy Meek just ran me hot! Damn it!

"You're right, look Onika, look at me." I reply squatting in front of her and putting my hands on her thick thighs. "I'm going to handle it. I'm sorry I yelled at you but you can't keep things like that from me. We'll talk later."

I stood and gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving out.



Y'all think Bey wrong??

Excuse all errors!


Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now