Showers & Parties

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*Nicki's P.O.V.*

"Nicki, push her off of you, that big head has to be heavy." Kelly said with a grin.

I smirk and shake my head.

"It's fine, I've gotten used to it."

"Nicki, why do you let Bey run all over you? If she wasn't sleeping with you it would be one thing but you guys are like an old married couple without all the love."

"She is how she is."

"I understand but she needs to be broken of that. Her and Megan have been over for almost ten years. Hell we were 17 and she still holding onto that."

"I know, I feel bad, it's like she can't get over it and I don't know what to do. I sent her to therapy but it didn't help."

"Well, she needs to let you love her and she reciprocate it. I know you don't like how she treats you."

"I don't but again Kelly, it's Bey, it's her temperament."

"Excuses, Bey doesn't have the right to treat you like she does. She's mean to you for no reason, she doesn't treat anyone else that way."

"I know, she acts like herself around me. Even if that means she's a demon."

Kelly shook her head and put on her headphones. I pulled out my phone and looked at Bey's social media and put up a few pictures for her.

Watching this demon sleep on me made me hot but I didn't want to move. Rather she'd be sleep than freaking out because of turbulence. We landed in Italy a few hours later and took a car to the Versace compound. Bey was awake and talking to Kelly who was modeling in some of the shows. Bey and I weren't there for anything but parties and shows. I was excited to see the new line and hang with Donatella, she was always so sweet. We pulled up and we got out and went in. Donatella was out to get some things per her people. We were shown to our rooms and I rolled my eyes that me and Bey would be sharing a suite. At least, we had our own beds and only shared a living space. I started to unpack her things as she and Kelly talked. Kelly left out and Bey locked the door. She walked over and put her hand around my throat and grabbed my ass as her lips kissed mine. I kissed back and we began to make out. I was still sore from last night but I was dripping for her. I could tell she wanted me too because her dick was hard as steel. I reached my hands down and stroked her through her joggers with my nails. There was a knock on the door and Bey broke our kiss.

"Come on you two, we can't be late for dinner. You have 45 minutes." Kelly said through the door.

I pulled away from Bey and walked back to our clothes. I got out a plain white Versace dress shirt and black slacks for her and I pulled out a short black mini dress for me. I turned to see Bey stroking herself. She would have to wait. I left her room and walked over to my side of the suite. I striped and got into the shower. I was enjoying the water rushing over my shoulders when the shower curtain flew back. Bey joined me and picked me up. She pinned me to the shower wall and slid into me. I shook my head and she grinned. We were going to be late. I thought. Bey and mines hips began to do an all too familiar dance as we kissed. Bey loved it when I worked my hips when she was inside like this.

"Fuck...fuck me Baby."

I bit my lip as I felt myself getting close. She owed me for not letting me get off last night. I was grinding up and down and around and around. I found the perfect rhythm and Bey's eyes were closed probably trying not to nut. I went faster and felt my cum slide down her shaft. I rode it out, my pussy convulsing on her dick in waves. Bey pushed me to the wall and slammed into me releasing her cum. I was panting watching her chest heave in and out. She let me down too quick and I fell. There was a knock at the bathroom door and Bey stepped out of the shower.

"What?" Bey yelled annoyed.

"If ya'll don't cut it out! You have five minutes to get ready. You had all of the plane ride to fuck! Come on hoes!"

"Shut up Kelly, and close your eyes."

Bey walked out of the bathroom and I got up. My whole left arm was aching. I got out the shower and heard Kelly fussing at Bey. I shook my head and dried off. Luckily had my clothes and things in the bathroom so I just got dressed. It was difficult to finish getting ready and I was lucky my hair had been wrapped in the shower. I put on a little eyeliner and lip gloss before leaving the bathroom.

I saw Kelly and Bey and Kelly frowned.

"What's wrong Nicki?"

"Nothing Kelly." I reply quickly. I was holding my arm to my body hoping the pain would cease soon.

We left the suite for dinner downtown. Paparazzi were everywhere and they were living for Ms. Knowles. We went into the restaurant and we were taken to the rooftop. There Donatella was and few friends and designers. Bey quickly made the rounds and Donatella hugged me. I grimaced as she grabbed my wrist to pull me to the champagne. I swear she always tried to get me drunk every time we were together.

"Onika, it's so good to see you. It's been too long. Have a drink."

"Maybe later Donatella. You look amazing, how are you?"

"Doing well. I've been looking at wedding dresses again."

"Really? Thinking of doing something bridal?"

"Yes, with you."

"Excuse me?"

"With you and a gorgeous pant suit with a long tux jacket for Bey."

"Oh, We aren't thinking of that. I'm just her assistant remember."

"Work wife, wife, all that. Nicki, put your foot down. She needs to be tamed."

Donatella and I shared a laugh as Bey came over. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I tried to manipulate my wrist but it was painful. I pulled out my phone to order a car when the bathroom door opened. I looked at the person and frowned. It was Diamonte' aka Saweetie. I knew she would find her ass to Bey even half way across the globe. I rolled my eyes and walked out and over to Kelly who was eating some caviar.

"Kelly, Diamonte' is here. Can you watch Bey? I need to get something handled."

"Okay, I'll cock block, literally."

We grinned and I left the party. I got into waiting car and had it take me to the hospital. At the hospital, I was examined and told that I had fractured wrist and given a cast and pain medication. I felt warm putting the bottle of Percocet in my purse. I was able to leave and went back to the compound instead of the restaurant. I grabbed a snack from the kitchen and went to my room. I was sitting on the bed eating some grapes and watching TV. My wrist hurt a lot even propped up on pillows. I looked at the bottle of Percocet on my night stand and sighed. I put them in the drawer and took out some Tylenol and took two of those instead.


Excuse all errors.

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Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now