Full Circle

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*Onika's P.o.v*

My Dad walked up and hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"My Baby girl is having a baby. I'm so happy. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too Daddy."

"Why are you so sad Baby?"

"Mom is mad at me."

"Yeah, I heard about that. Give her time, but ignore her petty. I hear music, ya'll in there dancing?" My Dad said grinning.

"Yeah, come kick it with us." Bey said taking Mama Tina's hand and walking back in the room.

My Dad took my arm and walked with me back to the party. In the party, my Dad pulled me in for a nice dance which was really nice since I hadn't seen him in a while and never got to dance with him at my wedding. I shared a dance with Bey before the shower wound down. It was good end to a party to celebrate my Ladybug coming into this world.

*Beyonce's P.o.v.* (February 14th)

I was on pins and needles and my heart was skipping beats and not because it was Valentine's Day! It all started this morning when Onika and I walked the block for some air and to try to induce labor. Ladybug was 3 days past due and Onika was over it. She stopped halfway up the driveway and grabbed me as water ran down her leg. She looked at me with nervous grin and I pointed to Julius and Wayne and told them it was time to get our plan into action. I helped Onika inside to get cleaned up and we grabbed our bags and left. I called my Mom and Solange on the way and they said they'd met us up there. After getting set up in the room the Doctor checked Onika and surprisingly told us that she was halfway ready. I was excited and nervous and scared but I didn't show the later because I didn't want to scare Onika too death. Luckily for me she was in a good mood mostly because she opted for the medication right away. She had two contractions and said 'Hell naw' LOL. Mom and Solange took pictures and talked with us for the next few hours. Soon, Onika was pushing and I was trying my best to not to cry. I wasn't even out the baby but I was feeling all the stress from it. After a hard push and Onika almost breaking my hand, my baby girl came. The Nurse let me cut her cord and they let Onika peek at her before taking her over to get cleaned up and checked. Feburary 14, 5:12 p.m. 8 pounds 1 oz and 19 inches long, stats I will never forget. My Mom and Solange were crying and taking pictures and looking at Onika she just looked like she was in a state of shock and bliss. I hugged her and told her that I was so proud of her. We got to hold Ladybug as Onika was fixed up and everyone left the room. Onika wasted no time breastfeeding and I was in love. My Mom and Solange left to get us dinner and I sat next to Onika watching Ladybug suckle. I finally had the time to take her in and she was beautiful. After awhile Onika got up to shower and change clothes and I had my Ladybug all to myself. I was making a video with her when the door opened and Carol walked in with a dozen pink roses. I wasn't even mad, holding Ladybug had me calm especially since she was awake and looking me dead in the face. She was nosey like her Mama already.

"Hi Beyonce...Onika in here?"

"Bathroom, taking a shower."

"Okay, I just wanted to drop these off and tell her that I was happy for you all."

"Carol, do you want to hold the baby? Because she might kick you out when she gets out of there."

Carol nodded and put the flowers down and walked over to the sink and washed her hands quickly before holding her arms out for the baby. I carefully handed her over and Carol gave the baby a kiss on the forehead and smiled.

"She's pretty, she really looks like you Beyonce."

"I know, don't tell Onika, she thinks the baby looks like her." I chuckle.

"What's her name?"

"Alexandria Celestine Carol Knowles, we thought she should have her grandma's names since she's the first granddaughter."

Carol wiped away a few tears and spoke.

"I hope you can forgive me, I know I did so much damage. I just want to be in everyone's lives again."

"I've let it go Carol, but you have to prove that to Onika. She's been protecting her energy and you know that extends to Ladybug."

"I understand."

Carol held Ladybug and I snapped a nipple on a bottle of pre-made formula that the Nurse left so Onika could feed her more than the few drops of milk she got earlier so her blood sugar wouldn't drop like they warned us. The bathroom door opened and Onika slowly walked out dressed in her all black maternity pajamas and robe with her hair up. She looked stunned to see Carol and I was glad that I had taken Ladybug back and was holding her. Carol didn't speak but got up and hugged Onika and gave her a kiss. She told Onika that she loved her and let her go. Onika returned the sentiment and Ladybug started to cry. The Nurse came in to move us to a room and Carol left.

Three days later I was home with my girls. Onika was sitting next to me eating and I was holding Ladybug and taking pictures. I finally shared one to my socials.

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I put up a cute caption and put my phone down. Onika cuddled into me and I smiled. I was happy everything had finally come full circle.


Excuse all errors!

Comments ya favorite part of the book Boos!


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