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*Beyonce's P.o.v.**

Nicki pouted the whole walk around the store. She wasn't even shopping just pouting and trailing behind me with her arms folded. Big Ass Baby. I thought. I paid for the small things I brought before slipping my arm around her waist and walking us to the food court. I knew her pregnant self would want something to eat since she didn't have breakfast this morning. She walked over the sushi place and I shook my head.

"What? It's healthy."

"No, you can't eat that, that's on the list that the Doctor gave you of food to avoid or eat in moderation."

"So, I can."

"No Mamas, please eat something else. I don't want sushi anyway."

Nicki rolled her eyes and crossed her arms tighter. I pulled my phone from tote and took a picture of Nicki causing her to whine and me to grin. She's been a mess lately probably because she'd been at home off work. But she needed a break badly. I grab her hand and pull her over to pita place.

"I don't want this." Nicki whined.

"Why not? You like Pita's."

"I want sushi. A California roll with wasabi dip."

"I don't want you eating raw fish Onika, it's better to be safe than sorry."

"But I want it, please Zaddy." She whined grabbing my hands and holding them with a deep pout.

"No, Mamas, I'm sorry." I reply kissing her cheek a few times. 

"Meanie." She muttered. 

"Eat this and I'll eat you later." I purr in her ear.

Nicki rolled her eyes and stroked her bump looking at the choices. She walked away and I followed. She shook her head and we left the food court and then the Mall. We went out to the truck and went home. At home, Nicki went into the kitchen to get some water and I dismissed Wayne and Julius for the evening. Mama Carol pulled up as they left and came in and hugged me and went to talk to Nicki. I went to my office to check something before going upstairs and taking a shower and changing. I put on a white t-shirt and black joggers before going down to the kitchen. There Nicki was sitting at the bar eating some baked chicken, sweet corn, and snap peas.

"Where'd you get that?"

"Mommy brought it, it was in that bag she had."

"Oh, I didn't notice it. How is it?"


Nicki put her fork out and I took a bite of her chicken and my face instantly twisted up.

"The hell?"

"I put some hot sauce and a little bit of chocolate sauce on it."

"Ewww!" I gag and run to the trash. I spit it out and wiped my tongue with a tissue.

Nicki looked at me before taking another bite.

"That taste good to you Baby girl?"


"Is all the food like that?"

Nicki shook her head 'No' and I nodded. I had a little bit before pouring myself a glass of red sweet wine. I had a few sips as I stood next to Nicki running my fingers through her hair. My baby had her hair growing longer and thicker. She finished eating and I cleaned up before we both went upstairs. Nicki went to take a shower and I sat on the bed looking at the things I got from the store for the baby. I took a picture and sent it off to Lauren so she could make a idea board for the party. I also sent it to my Mom and Solange who both replied back excitedly. Solo was ready to be an Aunt and started to toss out some names. I was looking at the email from Donatella of my finished suit and sighed. She really wanted to see me in it and Onika in her dress. Onika walked in dressed in pink tank top and  lace panties. She got into bed and I turned the TV down.

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now