A Better Bey

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*Beyonce's P.o.v.*

I sat next to Onika who was still upset. Lauren got up to go to the back of the plane and I kneeled in front of Onika. I pushed her blouse up and started to place light kisses on her baby bump. I felt her body tense under my touch and it hurt my heart. I didn't want her to reject me.

"Come here Baby girl, let's talk."

"No." Onika said coldly.

"Please, I really want to talk to you."

Onika sighed heavily and I got up and helped her up. We walked to the private section in the back of the plane kicking Lauren back up to the front. I closed the door and Onika crossed her arms.

"What do you want?"

"I want to apologize."

"Keep it Bey, you don't give a damn about me. I spoiled you and now I need to spoil myself and our baby. Our baby needs at least one competent parent."

"I do care about you Onika."

"Funny way of showing it, I regret us taking it further than just a quick fuck every night."

"Damn, is that all you thought it was? Onika, you are my wife. I love you, our relationship just seemed crazy ever since we made it official. It's like, my picking on you just kept it from feeling restrictive. It's like I'm fighting myself."

"I understand that. You weren't ready to be in a relationship. I was too blinded to realize it at first but when I did I wanted you to go to therapy. If not for me, for yourself. I wanted you to be better person at least with me. You treat everyone else right except me. You love me but can't express it correctly. Your hurt keeps you from connecting with me in a real way. You fear being hurt and the fear and to compensate you treat me like you do."

I was stunned! Did she just psychoanalyze me? Damn, she read my ass like a book! I thought.

"Look at me Beyonce, I'm done being your punching bag but I'm not done with you. For now, we're moving at my pace and doing things correctly. You will treat me right and if you don't then we are done and I will only deal with you through a lawyer and your mother when it comes to our baby."

I hung my head but not in defeat but shame. Onika had a point and made it. I sighed heavily before looking up at her. She had a no-nonsense look on her face and I knew she meant what she said. I nodded and stood.

"I'm so sorry Onika, I promise I will follow your lead until I can understand what you need in this relationship and treat you right. Thank you for giving me a chance."

Onika gave a glimmer of a smile and leaned down and kissed her lips. The taste of her cotton candy lip balm made me hungry for more but this wasn't the time. Onika and I laid on the bed and talked before she took a nap and I went to sit with Lauren.

"You choke her out or something?"

"No! Damn! Ya'll so extra. She taking a nap, I'm not a woman beater."

"Could have fooled me. Her ass and neck say otherwise. You really need to take some classes."

"Sign me up. Relationship classes and parenting classes. I want to change for Onika."

"Beyonce, you need to change for you. You need to be the change you want to see."

"Damn, Did ya'll get a therapy book or something?"

"No, we all seem to be emotionally stable unlike you who fails to see what's in front of her. Anyway, I will set you up."

"Good. See if I can just do some video appointments and save me the trip to the office."

"I will. Normani picked looks for your city award function. I told her to pick up looks for Nicki, Ms. Tina, Ms. Carol and Solange as well."

"Oh, okay. That's cool, a family picture would look good for the public. We haven't been all seen together in awhile. Matter a fact, leak to your friend at Page Six that I make be making pregnancy announcement at the awards."

"Fun, the press loves a good bump watch, should I get you a fake belly or will you just drink a gallon of water."

"Ha-ha, smart ass bitch, jut make sure Onika's dress is tight in the right places."

"She just got a bump like talking about it. Thought you wanted to get married before you shared the news."

"It doesn't matter. Something she said reminded me of something from a while back."

"What?" Lauren said furrowing her brow.

"Nothing, now do what I asked and order Onika some cute pink ballons and flowers to be delivered tonight."

"Buy her a unicorn at this point."

I grin thinking of my magical horn.

"It's okay. She's got one. But do me a favor and keep this a secret. I want to get a new house. I've out grown the old one and I want Onika and I have to a fresh start and more security. Too many of you bitches come too freely as it is. I want security and what not and a big yard for my baby to run around in."

"Okay. Should I make sure there's a room for Saweetie?"

"You're on a roll Lauren." I reply sarcastically. "Get something with a separate guest house off to the back and nice guest rooms for when family spend the night. I want everyone to be comfortable. I want a big dinning room too, Onika loves her dinner parties."

"Price range?"

"None, just keep it cute, I'm paying in cash anyway.

"Cool, I'll get on it. I'll have Solo help me with the house, you know she likes that stuff, getting a vibe off a new space."

"Fine with me. Just make sure I get my pool and a nice master suite."

Lauren nodded and I sat in my seat. Soon, Onika woke up and joined us for the decent. Back in Cali and on the ground, we were driven to the house. At the house, Lana helped us in and insisted that Nicki sit to have a late lunch of meatloaf and vegetables. I took my lunch in my office and locked the door. I sat at my desk pulling up some documents and eating. I opened my desk and looked through a few deeply hidden files before finding what I was looking for. A marriage certificate that was signed by me and Onika four years ago under the un-filed papers to annul our marriage that I never turned into my lawyer Simon.


Next chpt will be a flashback explanation. Hehehe

Excuse all errors.

Thoughts/ Comments??


Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now