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*Nicki P.O.V.*

I woke up feeling disoriented. I sat up and had to immediately lie back down. I felt like my head was in a blender. I groaned and someone spoke.

"Don't get up Onika, your blood sugar is still low."

"What?" I mumble.

"I'm Dr. Schutlz, your blood sugar dropped and you were close to being in a diabetic coma."


The Doctor asked me more and I started to feel better with more medication. I even had something to eat and the Doctor said I was well enough for visitors. Kelly came in with Bey who looked like she had been crying her eyes out. Bey saw me and joined me in bed with no hesitation. She hugged me burying her face in my shoulder. I rubbed her arm and looked at Kelly.

"What's wrong with ya'll Kelly?"

"Nicki, why did you overdose?"

"I didn't overdose. I flushed those Percs."

"Did you? Why were you passed out?" Kelly asked sitting at the end of my bed.

"I'm diabetic. Have been for a year, I hadn't been talking care of it lately like I should."

"Nicki, that's not good. You have to take care of yourself." Kelly said rubbing my leg. "Do you take a shot?"

"Twice a day."

The Nurse came in and brought me something to drink and checked my blood sugar. Bey wouldn't let me go for anything but had to so I could go to the bathroom. I was scheduled to be kept overnight and was bummed but I understood. The Nurse came in and told Kelly and Bey that they had to leave for the day. Kelly had to peel Bey off me and they left. I decided to call my Mom.

"Hey Mommy!"

"Onika, how are you? How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, I had to go to the hospital, my blood sugar dropped super low and made me faint."

"Oh Onika, you need to take care of yourself. You are so busy taking care of Beyonce that you neglect yourself."

"She needs me."

"You're right but she treats you like crap. I don't like that lady. I know the pay and benefits are good but you are like her long suffering wife and she treats you good enough to keep you around."

"We are working on that. How is the island?"

"Good I guess, I actually just moved back to Cali, I needed a break."

"Mommy, your back in Cali? Yay! I can't wait to see you."

"Yup, back in the old house. I can't wait to see you two. Bring that demon boss and I'll straighten her out for you. She need a whopping from me."

"I did smack her today." I grin.

"Good, she needs another. Get her freaking mind together."

I laughed. Mommy and I talked for a few hours before we hung up and the Doctor came in. We talked and he gave me a look before telling to go to sleep. I got settled in bed and went to sleep. It was a little after midnight when I woke up to pee. I looked down and saw Bey was in bed with me. Bey was fast asleep with her head on my stomach. I slipped from under her and went to the bathroom. I was happy to see some of my things were in the room. No doubt it was Kelly. I took a shower and changed into my pajamas and got back in bed with Bey. Bey woke up and looked at me before hugging me and kissing me over and over.

"I love you."

"I love you too Bey."

"No Onika, I really love you. I thought I lost you. You can't scare me like that again."

"I won't."

Bey held me tighter resting her head on my shoulder.

"So, you ready to be a couple?" I ask finally getting it out.

Bey looked at me and bit her lip. I sighed and she spoke.

"Baby steps? It's going to take a lot for me Onika."

"No, just stop touching other bitches. It's simple."

"For you, Onika, I like being free."

"Okay, then we can't fuck around anyone."

"You're going to throw away 8 years?"

"Hmmm, surprised you know how long it's been."

"Of course I remember when I turned you out."

"Cocky bitch."

"What? I remember when we first had sex, how you almost fainted when you orgasmed. I even let you have a relationship with that fuckboy Meek."

"You had a whole marriage to Shawn!"

"Yeah, that was business, we never fucked. Besides he tried to rape you! Let's not go there."

"Please don't bring that up."

"Sorry, but we always had each other even when we weren't with each other. You my Baby, I love you."

"If you loved me you'd accept it and treat me as such."

"You made me treat you like a secretary to try to keep it professional. It's not professional when I'm eating your pussy on my desk every morning for a year."

I smirk. Bey had a bitch acting real whorish back in the day.

Bey kissed me and rubbed my side.

"I want us, I will work on being a good 'girlfriend' for you Onika."

"Call me your wife bitch, we've been together long enough." I snark. "We married at this point, plan the wedding and buy me a ring."


Bey smiled and pulled me closer and kissed me deeply.


Excuse all errors.



Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now