Elevator Tingz

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I turned and saw Diamonte move her jewel covered stiletto nail out of my back.

"You got a lot of mouth for a 'girl friend'. If Bey loved you so much you would have been married because last I checked she's been screwing you over for almost 9 years. I mean I just came in the picture and she fucked with me and might have gotten me pregnant. So I get the jealousy Onika, you can't have her baby and you for damn sure can't keep Bey's dick to yourself. She fucks whoever and whenever she wants while you sit and watch. If you were a boss ass bitch you would have been left Beyonce in a romantic way. She's a whore and it will never change. She can't help herself and won't stop for anyone not even you."

Diamonte walked away from me and went to the to-go order counter to get her drink and a small bag before leaving. I was stunned. I could barely order my coffee. Diamonte as slutty as she was had a point. I got my coffee and walked back to the office clutching my cup. I was thankful I was able to sip it because my nerves were shot. Normani and Lauren walking out of the office made me look up.

"Bye Ms. Nicki, see you next week." Normani said hugging me.

"Goodbye Babes, I'll see you in Miami. I'm going to go Thursday morning and get things set up."

"Okay." I reply quietly.

"You okay?" Normani asked me,

"I'm fine, just tired." I reply quietly.

Lauren pulled Normani away and they got into the elevator. I went inside the office and went to mine. I got my stuff together as Bey came in with her jacket on.

"Hey Mamas, let's get some lunch."

"Another time, I'm tired."

"Aww, come on Mamas, I've been dying to get some smoked crab cakes. I know you want some seafood."

I nod my head. I needed to eat and maybe I'd have an appetite at the restaurant. Bey took my stuff for me and we locked the office up and left. Julius stood in front of me and Bey as we rode down the elevator. Diamonte's words ran through my head and I was getting more and more angry. Bey did me dirty so many times and like a idiot I stayed. I looked at Bey before reaching over and shoving her to the ground with tears in my eyes. She hit the ground and Julius grabbed me and pushed me back.

"Yo! What the fuck Onika?"

"I hate you! You cheat on me like it's nothing. Play with my feelings like it's nothing! You stay manipulating me to get your way and it's not fair! I love you and accept all of you and you can't keep yourself to me. Diamonte could be having your baby! How do we explain that to our child? Mommy slept with another woman and had a outside sibling for you! Bey what if I lose our child and Diamonte's baby is yours? You going to parade that baby in my face like it's cool?" I screamed at Bey while Julius had me pinned back to the still elevator wall. I was worked up and if I could reach Bey shouldn't have eyes anymore because I would clawed them out.

"Onika, relax!" Julius said calmly.

"Yeah, relax Baby girl." Bey said getting up.

I lunged for her but Julius had me right back to the wall. Whiplash made me dizzy. I held my forehead and sighed. Beyonce got a closer and put her hands on my hips. She didn't say anything but looked at with teary eyes which stoked the fire in me.

"Don't you dare cry and don't touch me! Touch them whores you got on 'ya dick. Make love to them and treat them cold like you did me! Fuck them every night for years and act like nothing ever happened in the morning. Belittle them and make them feel like hell when you don't get your way or what you want the first time. Make them miss family events because you didn't want to go or be alone! Slap them in the face and call them out their name when they call you out on your bullshit!"

Beyonce looked hurt and I didn't give a fuck. I've been hurting for years. I was always making excuses for the narcissistic woman who stood before me. I placed Bey over myself and I done. I couldn't do it anymore. It wasn't healthy and didn't help our relationship. I rake my fingers through my hair for a second. I was hot and Julius pressing me to the wall was making it worse.

"Let her go Julius." Beyonce said calmly.

"Are you sure Ms. Knowles?" Julius asked looking back at her.

"Yes, let Mrs. Maraj-Knowles go." She replied with a faint smile.

I return the same hearing. Years ago, when things were better we played with our married name. I didn't want to lose mine so she thought it would be cute to hyphenate it and when we had sons we'd give them both our last names respectfully since there were so few boys in our families.

Julius let me go and I moved from the wall. I hang my head. I regretting going off on Bey the way I did and in front of Julius. The elevator jerked for a moment before finally moving again and opening revealing the first floor. Julius looked around before stepping out. I sighed and started to walk out of the elevator. Bey wrapped her arm around my waist and walked with me. We got outside and into the waiting car. I grabbed some moist wipes from my purse and cleaned my reddened face. Bey leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and spoke.

"I'm sorry that you've been holding that in. I want you to feel like you can talk to me Onika. I did a lot of thinking after our talk and I know that we don't communicate in our love life like we should. Do you want to talk over lunch?"'

I nod. I worked myself into being hungry. Beyonce told Julius where we wanted to go and wrapped her arms around me.

"What made you finally 'snap' on me?" Bey asked with a light chuckle.


Bey frowned before taking a deep breath and kissing me deeply. She broke the kiss and put her head in my lap kissing my stomach. Her phone went off and she reached over and grabbed it and answered.

"Hello... Solo?"

"I need to see you, it's about Daddy." Solange said kind of upset.

"Uggh, I don't want to talk about that nigga." Bey replied quickly.

"I know but I need to talk to you before Mommy finds out."

"Fine, Nicki and I are going to get lunch at the smoked crab place, meet us there and you get thirty minutes because we have to talk about business."

"Uh-huh, ya'll need to be talking about your wedding and the baby shower what not."

"Don't worry, we'll be talking about a lot of stuff. See you there."

Bey hung up from Solo and she pressed her face back into my stomach.

"I know we fucked up right now but I love you and care about you Baby girl, both my baby girls. I want to be a good wife and Papa to you guys."

"I love you too but changes need to happen on both our ends Bey."

"Definitely. I already scheduled therapy to come to the house tomorrow after noon. Figured we'd be comfortable at home."

I nod. I was impressed she took the initiative to do something I hadn't done yet.

The car pulled up to the restaurant and Bey helped me out and we went inside to a private dining room. We got water and hot tea as Solange came in. She hugged and kissed us both before sitting. She looked at Beyonce and bit her lip.


Excuse all errors.

Thoughts/ Comments??

What do you think about Nic and Bey's relationship

and blow up? What do think is going on with Mathew?


Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now