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*Beyonce P.O.V.**

I got out of bed and put on a black hoodie, jeans, and black air force ones. I grabbed my wallet and keys and pulled out my I-phone. I went into my account and logged in to get the location on Onika's I-Phone. Lucky me, she was so damn tech dumb with that damn phone she didn't turn off her location. I asked Julius to stay at the house since I wanted to go meet her alone. I left the house in my truck and drove to the location. I pulled up to some nice condos on the other side of town. I parked and got out. I checked the places where she would leave a spare key but didn't see one. The door knob cracked and I moved to the side as the door opened. Wayne stepped out with a fresh blunt lit. He almost hit me but I jumped back.

"Chill Wayne, I want to see Onika."

"I see, come on Bey, Nicki's tired and she really doesn't want you here. She didn't even want me to tell you where she was."

"Okay, well thanks. I need to speak to her."

I walked into the house and Wayne lit his blunt. I walked to the first bedroom and she wasn't there, I checked the other rooms before going into a bedroom and seeing Onika in bed asleep. I sighed walked out. I went back down to the Wayne and gave him a roll of cash.

"I wasn't here, I just...wanted to make sure she was safe for the night. Buy her food and whatever and text me when you leave. I still haven't heard back about Meek and his little goons."


I left Wayne and went back to the house. I crashed as soon as I saw my bed and went to sleep thinking of Nicki.

* Onika's P.O.V.*

Two days passed and I hadn't talked to anyone really. Bey stopped blowing up my phone after Halloween. This morning, I was going back to the Doctor for a quick blood pressure check and meeting Mama Tina for lunch.  I felt like dressing up so I put on a dress, cardigan and heels.

  I felt like dressing up so I put on a dress, cardigan and heels

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I pulled my hair up and left with Wayne. He drove my truck for me giving me the moment to text back Lauren who asked me about some accounts. 

At my appointment, my blood pressure was stable meaning the medication was helping. I was ready to eat going into lunch and was surprised when Mama Tina suggested my favorite Italian restaurant. In the restaurant, Wayne took a table a few over and got a drink. I sat in front of Mama Tina after giving her a quick hug.

"Hey Baby, you look so pretty."

"Thank you, it's been a while since I've dressed up or even went for a lunch date."


"Yeah, I can't even remember the last time I've been on a date with Beyonce. If it wasn't a business function, we haven't been out. So about 9 months since the last real date."

"I'm sorry, that must be upsetting."

"It is what is, Bey never invested time in dates. She was more focused on the hotel room aspect of the relationship."

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now