Cinnamon Rolls

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*Beyonce's P.o.v.*

My Mom and Mama Carol left the room and I locked the door scared that Mama Carol might come back to get more 'licks' in. I got undressed and took a hot shower before changing into a gray shirt and black joggers. I wanted to talk to Onika so I went into her room and locked the door. In her room, she was sleep under her favorite faux blanket that I brought her. I joined her and wrapped my arms around her. I was rubbing her back as I took the time to think. I was deep in my feelings thinking about what Megan did and it still made me feel a way. Onika woke up from all my sniffling and looked at me.

"Onika, that tall ass hoe got me crying! Megan hurt me so bad I swore I wouldn't go through that again. She was the first one who accepted what I had going on and made me feel good about myself. Onika, I hated myself for so long when I found out I was different. She talked me out of ending my life."

Onika sat up and hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry Onika, I'm just too fucked up for love but I need you Mamas."

"Therapy, we're going, together and alone. The baby needs us to be in the right frames of minds."

I nod. I felt 'raw' going through these emotions again. Onika and I ended up talking for the better part of the afternoon and night. Only stopping to eat when my Mom brought us up dinner of fried chicken, macaroni cheese and steamed broccoli. Around 9 everyone left and Lana had cleaned my bedroom. Onika joined me on the bed as her phone rang. She said a few words before hanging up.

"You got nomination from the city for the humanitarian of the year award. Awards ceremony for that is next week also fashion expo wants you to speak this weekend in Miami. So a key note speech."

"That's less than 4 days from now, why are they just now calling me?"

"They talked to Lauren, I guess she didn't tell you or maybe you forgot?"

"I don't forget work stuff!" I reply getting angry.

"I know." Onika said quietly.

"See Baby girl, this is why I like you in control of my schedule, others drop the ball. You be on it and make sure everything runs smoothly. You take such good care of me, Mamas."

I lean over kissing her on the lips. I missed the softness. I felt Onika slip her tongue into my mouth. Make up sex; I need this and so does she. I thought.

I pulled Onika into a deeper kiss and started to take her clothes off. I was on rock and having Onika touch me made me feel hot. I slipped one hand on the back on Onika's neck and one between her thighs. Her slit was hot and wet against my fingers. I lightly stroked her clit as I broke the kiss and started to kiss her neck. I slid two fingers into her pussy and curled them to me. I gripped my pussy and started to rub her clit hard and fast. She moaned trying to move but I held her tight and licked my way to her breasts. I sucked and kissed all over both as I laid her back onto the bed. I moved my hand from her pussy and licked her juices off my fingers before getting between her thighs and starting to leave hickies between them. My dick was shining with precum and I was ready to bust but I wanted to make sure wifey was straight before I did. I got down to her pussy and put my tongue flat against her folds before licking and slurping like she liked. Onika's back left the bed and she tried to get away.

"Don't run Mamas, let me eat my midnight snack." I muffled into her pussy making her body shake.

I slid my tongue around her clit as I slid two fingers into Onika's pussy. I added another finger and started to suck Onika's clit hard. I was going to make her squirt before I fucked her. Onika's thighs began to tense and release and her breathing was all over the place. She was so worked up I couldn't take it and jumped up. I slammed my dick into her pussy. I buried it deep quickly before she had a chance to react.

"Fuck!" Onika screamed.

Her pussy was trying to push me out as she squirted and came on my dick. I held my place and started to rock my hips. I held her ankles watching her eyes roll back. I held her in the position and started to go faster. The all too familiar feeling of an orgasm started to roll over me. I pulled out and rolled Onika over and grabbed her by the waist. I tooted her ass up and slide into her pussy again. It took five strokes and I was bursting! I pulled out and covered her ass cheeks in my massive load. That ass was looking like a cinnabon cinnamon roll. I couldn't resist grabbing my phone from under the pillow and taking a picture. I was still throbbing so I slid my dick back inside her pussy and gave her a few shallow strokes before cuming again. I was spent and had made a mess. I grabbed a few tissues from the night stand to clean up and we both got up. Onika ran to the toilet to squeeze out my nut and I grinned. I got in the shower and Onika joined me shortly after. We took turns washing each other off and we got dried off. Lana must have heard us having fun because the comforter that was on the bed was gone and replaced with another. Onika sat on the bed and with a night gown and some lotion and started to put some on. I took the bottle and helped her put it on before giving her a mini massage. She was almost asleep so I woke her up to put on her nightgown. I finished getting ready for bed before changing into a big t-shirt and shorts. I got in bed next Onika who was half asleep. She cuddled into me and spoke quietly.

"I love you Bey, I don't want to lose you but I don't want to lose myself. This is your last chance before we just co-parent and live our own lives."

"I understand, we're doing therapy as soon as I can get an appointment. I want to change for us."

Onika gave me a quick peck on the lips before she yawned and rolled over. I stretched and used my phone to turn down the lights in the room. I fell asleep rubbing Onika's belly and thinking about our baby.


Excuse all errors.



Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now