Sleep & Baby Sitters

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Writing a few new Chapters because, why not! LOL


*Onika's P.o.v*

Ally nursing hurt this morning. She wasn't latched correctly and I knew taking her off would make her mad which would result in her screaming for twenty minutes. She was just like Beyonce, impatient and loud. Even at 8 weeks, she was a demanding baby. I wish I would try to scroll my phone while feeding her. She would literally stop and cry until she was looking me dead in the eyes. Bey thought it was funny and I annoyed. She got a full nights rest while my sleep was in shambles. I always wanted my Mom with me to help but with how she acted I was scared to even let her in the house around Ally. Mama Tina helped for two weeks but she had to go out of town with Richard. Bey was helpful in the day but at night, it was like waking the dead to get her to get up and help. So I stopped. I was jealous, I wanted at least one full night of sleep for too long.


Excuse all errors! I'm going to come back and finish this in a few hours.

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