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*Onika's P.o.v.**

After my lunch with Storm, I was concerned. I didn't want to over step but something needed to be done. I dropped Storm off at the home and was surprised when she came back crying her eyes out. I got out with Wayne and saw that her house was empty and there was a note on the door.

Storm, I love you but I need to get away from Corey once and for all and I know that Bey will take care of you. I'll contact you soon. Love you so much. -Mommy.

I hugged Storm and told her that it was okay and that we'd figure something out. Wayne gathered what little Storm had before we all left. Back at Beyonce's house, my Mom and Robyn were gone and Bey and Mama Tina were watching a movie. Storm had fallen asleep in the car so Wayne carried her to a vacant guest room. I told them what happened and Bey was pissed. She went off to try to call Megan and Mama Tina hugged me.

A few days past and we were back in L.A. Apparently we were supposed to go on a honeymoon but that was dead. Storm was adjusting to being with us and took a good liking to Bey. It was sweet and Bey seemed to like it too. We got a DNA test done but were stuck waiting on the results as the lab was backed up. But it didn't matter, Storm was apart of the clique. We got her into school right away and Mama Tina helped me get her closet and room set up.

It was Halloween and I was less than excited

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It was Halloween and I was less than excited. Storm and Bey had been playing pranks on me all week and it was getting old. Bey and Storm were terrible with trying to scare this damn baby out of me. I swear I literally had to lock doors behind myself. Solange was having a haunted house party at her house and I really wasn't looking forward to it at all. I was tired as fuck, felt fat as fuck and hadn't been sleeping well. Having to pee through out the night and Bey not sleeping with me was fucking me up. She was really attached to Storm and they would stay up and talk and watch movies at night and she normally ended up sleeping in her room on her couch.

I had a Doctor's appointment so I was rushing to get ready and multitasking. I was already dressed and was freshening up my curls in the bathroom and checking Bey's emails.

I needed a hair clip so I opened a drawer

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I needed a hair clip so I opened a drawer. Seeing the contents I jumped so hard I smacked my face with the hot curling iron.

(insert ungodly scream here.)

It hurt like fuck! I had that bitch on the highest setting it would go to! I dropped the curler and turned on the sink and wet a hand towel and pressed it to my face. The door was jimmed open and Bey came in with Storm following giggling.

"It took you forever to find that Ms. Nicki!" Storm said walking in collecting the prop spider.

"Please leave." I reply quickly.

Storm left and Bey spoke.

"Happy Halloween Mamas."

"I'm going to murder you." I reply through gritted teeth. "What's wrong with you Beyonce? I'm fucking pregnant and you and Storm keep raising my damn blood pressure scaring the shit out of me every twenty minutes."

"Lighten up Mamas, we just having fun."

"It's fun, Beyonce what's gotten into you? I love that you're bonding with Storm but you need to act like an adult not a sister."

"You're nagging again." Bey said rolling her eyes.

Bey was pissing me off and I was ready to choke her tall ass out! But I just took a deep breath and left the bathroom. My face still stung from being burned but I needed to hurry up. I got my purse and things together and threw together a quick weekend bag before going downstairs. Wayne was waiting for me and having one of the muffins Lana made. Lana gave me a wrapped up muffin and Wayne and I left. We sat in the car waiting for Bey but after ten minutes she didn't come down. It took a lot for me not to freak out and go into the house and break everything not bolted to the floor.


Wayne drove me to my appointment and we went inside. Inside, I was given a head to toe check up, got a bandage for my burn and some cream. The baby was doing amazing and was and was even on the fatter side but my blood pressure was high as fuck! So high, that I spent three extra hours at the office taking medications to help it. It finally came down and I given two prescriptions. Yay! More fucking pills. I was trying my best to not be upset and it was taking everything out of me not to break down. Beyonce hadn't texted or called me or even returned the damn texts I sent asking if she was coming outside earlier. I was literally shaking in the truck with Wayne.

"Lil' Sis, you need to relax. How about we go eat and I take you to see your Mom?"

"No, Rob's been over there." I gag.

"Okay, where you want to go?"

"I want to be alone Wayne. Drop me off here and don't tell anyone where I am. If Bey asks, I'm with a friend and safe."

I put an address in his GPS and he took me there. He and I got out at the small town house and went inside. Inside, Wayne checked everything before I asked him to leave. Obviously he wasn't going too but he did go get us something to eat and came back with some light groceries and drinks. I showed him to the guest room and told him that I was going upstairs to lie down. I went to the bedroom and unpacked my stuff. I needed this break. This was my safe space. No one never knew about this place and it was to stay that way. Not even my Mom has come here. When I got my first big checks from Bey I brought a condo that I stayed in before I just moved in with Bey since she was so fucking needy. I kept my condo and a year ago sold it and got the townhouse. I was really planning to leave Bey but stupid stuck in love I didn't do it. I was watching TV when my phone finally rang with a call from Beyonce. I ignored it. Petty boots but I didn't care. She had me fucked up.


Thoughts/ Comments?

Excuse all errors.

(Ya'll getting fed! Comment please I get ideas from them sometimes.)



Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now