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*Beyonce's P.o.v**

"I know it hurts Mamas, but you're getting a second chance and I'm sorry I've been making it hell instead of making it an amazing experience. I'm going to make that up to you."

"She's selfish for this."

"Mamas, she might not even be pregnant, she doesn't know for sure and Rob says she doesn't think so."

"Doubt it, I'm so upset at her Beyonce. She promised me. Why would she put herself in a position to have a baby that she wasn't planning when I've been wanting to get pregnant for so long."

A gust of wind cut through all my layers and I felt my face burning from the cold.

"I'm sorry Baby girl but we need to go in, please it's too cold. You aren't cold?"

"No, I can't feel anything." Onika said with her tears crystallizing on her face.

"Come on Onika, we need to go inside right now. You'll get hypothermia."

I kissed Nicki's cheek and helped her up. She was barefoot and her feet were a bright pink almost red. I pulled my boots off and put them in front of her. She shook her head and started to walk back to the house and I quickly caught up. I closed the door to the sliding door and quickly lit the fireplace. My Mom came in and closed the door.

"Where have you been? Why Nicki look like she's been the snow rolling around?"

"She was outside for awhile, please help me warm her up."

Onika sighed behind me looking down wiggling her  pink toes.

Mom and I helped Nicki out of her clothes and rubbed her with towels before she put on her Christmas pajamas and I wrapped a blanket around her to keep her warm. I changed into mine and Mom put a few band-aids on her hands where they got scraped up. Mom left and Onika got into bed. I sat next to her and started to rub on her baby bump.

"We need to pick a name soon."

"I can't decide, I want it to be pretty."

"Me too, but I want to get her some things monogrammed so let's decide soon."

Onika yawned and I tucked her in. She quickly fell asleep and I walked out to the living room where everyone was eating and talking. I grabbed a plate and we started to watch a Christmas movie. Onika eventually came out and we exchanged gifts. Everyone was in a good mood and LOUD. Unlike Onika was more reserved and snuggled under me for most the morning and afternoon.

The rest of Christmas was uneventful, Onika and her Mother didn't speak and we all kind of kept them separated.  It was nice to be able to just chill for once, I had been working a lot. Onika loved the cradle I picked out. Everyone left the day after Christmas leaving Onika and I to have some much needed alone time. I swear we reconnected and I truly was excited. I finally had what I'd been wanting but pushing away from Onika this whole time. Onika was feeling more secure in our relationship and I was happy. Soon it was the day before New Years and our time alone had to end. Onika was sad but I reminded her that we had to get home so she could decorate the nursery and go to a Doctor's appointment. The ride home, Onika slept most of the way and I was glad, it gave me a chance to get back into work mode and get some things done. As soon as we got home, I had to go to the office. Onika tagged along and we went inside. I actually met a client and Onika luckily remembered what the client was doing for me and ran the meeting for me. I was glad she came in because I was at a loss of what I had going on with them. Laurens' big head was stuck in traffic across town and came at the tail end of the meeting. After we finished up, Lauren left and Normani slipped out of my supplies closet with Benzo looking like they just fucked each other silly. I gave her a stare down causing them both to run for the elevator laughing. Onika went to the bathroom before we left the office. Out on the street, Rob pulled up. She got out and grabbed me in a hug which was not like her.

"Robyn, what's wrong?" I asked quickly.

"She lost it....I was with her at the Doctors today and they told her that she lost the baby. It's crazy because we just heard the heartbeat a two days ago. The Doctor said she was stressing herself out and... it's your fault!" Rob said turning to Onika who was misty eyed.

"Woah, Chill Rob, You don't know what you're saying." I reply blocking her from trying to get at Onika.

"No, it's her fault! Onika, your Mom literally cried every day over the fact that you didn't like her having a relationship with me and how you acted over Christmas, broke her fucking heart! You're selfish for not being happy for her. You just wanted to be the only one pregnant fat ass bitch!"

"Hey! Stop it! Now! Onika didn't cause Carol to have a miscarriage, that was just something that was always going to happen. I'm sorry Robyn, I know you were there for Carol and I hope you continue being a friend to her but you can't keep coming at my wife like this."

"Yes, definitely friends, she broke things off before Christmas which I was fine with anyway but she was still a lovely woman, and your short ass wife made her miserable for the last few weeks! You're a terrible daughter Onika! You don't deserve to have my best friends Baby, you don't even deserve to be her wife! You should have lost that baby with all the fuck shit you've done the last few months!"

Julius was literally dragging Rob back to her truck. He put her in the backseat and jumped in the front seat and took her home. Wayne had his arms around Onika who looked like if I blew on her she'd fall over. This was not what I needed after a great vacation. Uggh.

"Wayne, let's go. I'm sure Paps got snaps of that." I reply looking across the street at two paparazzis.

Wayne, Nicki and I got in the car and we were driven home. At home, I walked Onika up to the bedroom and we sat on the bed. I felt so bad for Onika and Carol and was pissed at Robyn. I swear everyday was something.

After watching Onika cry herself to sleep after texting her Mom and leaving a voice message I went down to my office to try to figure out what to do. I wanted to make Rob feel better, get Carol and Onika to make up and for shit to go back to normal. Julius got home and told me that Rob had calmed down and her Mother was with her. I called my Mother and she came over in a heartbeat. I poured us a glass of wine and we started to talk. We agreed to try to let everyone find their own peace but that Onika wasn't to receive any more stressful news. I sent over flowers to Carol and even left her a message of encouragement. My Mom went upstairs to check on Onika before going in the kitchen to make a quick pot of soup for her. I hated this, everyone around me was hurting and I couldn't do anything to make it better.


Excuse all errors!

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Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now