Daddy Lessons

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*Onika's P.o.v.* (still)

"What is it Solange?"

"Dad's getting married."

"Oh, girl I thought he was sick or some shit or had died! Eww...who wants to marry him?"

"Bey stop it, you can't be mad at Daddy for one thing for four years." Solo said shaking her head.

"Look, we agreed not to be bothered with each other since I made him own up to cheating on Mommy. He can suck my dick."

"That's Onika's job. But that was their relationship Bey not ours. He still was there for us and besides Mom was talking to Richard for the last of the relationship."

"You's a damn lie!" Bey yelled.

"Not lieing Bey. It's true, Why do you think it was so easy for Mom to move on and for them to have such a close bond. They lived together almost right away."

"Yeah, that's Mom's business and Richard is good man."

"So is Ashanti." Solo said with a smile.

"Ashanti? Sounds young and whorish!" Bey said sticking her tongue out. "How old is she Solange?"

"She's 39."

"39? Dad is sixty freaking eight! I know damn well he not pulling no young joints!" Bey said shaking her head.

"Beyonce. They both grown and he's happy." Solo said smiling.

I cleared my throat and the waitress came over and took our orders and brought over a salad and rolls. Bey took a roll and Solo started to take some salad.

"Look B.B. Dad wants us to come to the engagement party and wants us to be in the wedding."

"Absolutely not. I'm not sitting up in his face or his new bitch's face."

"She's nice Beyonce. She really wants to see you and get to know you and Nicki."

"Ewww, I have a Mother, Nicki is good on meeting new people. Tina is going to be pissed about this Solo."

"I don't think so but I wanted her to hear the news from me."

"What is the news?" Mama Tina said walking in.

Mama Tina gave them cheek kisses and hugged me and rubbed my belly.

"How's my Baby and grandbaby?" Mama Tina said with a big smile.

"Doing good." I reply with a small smile.

"Good, how has my daughter been treating you?" Mama Tina asked shooting Bey the side eye.

"She's been okay." I answer looking down.

"Beyonce, what did you do to my baby? You fucking up again ain't you? I swear you act like I never raised you or something. You better get your shit together and treat Nicki right. You're going to be a parent, act like it." Mama Tina scolded before hitting Beyonce upside her head.

"I didn't do anything. Nicki cursed me out in the elevator. Hurt my feelings."

"As she should, you need a good curse out with your cheating ass. Nicki, don't put any stress on yourself or my grandbaby. I'm glad you were able to get it off your chest."

Mama Tina rubbed my back and sat down next to me. The food came and Mama Tina took something for all our plates but I didn't really want mine. I had piece of broccoli and Solange spoke.

"Mom, Dad is getting married."

"I know, he told me. I've met her too, Ashanti is nice."

I got up and excused myself to the bathroom before going outside to get some fresh air. I got into the car after awhile and curled up for a nap.

*Beyonce's P.O.V.*

I was irritated as fuck and wanted to go home and lie down. My Dad getting remarried and everyone being cool with it was weird as shit! Plus Onika cursing me out had me feeling bad. I wanted to go home and chill. I left the restaurant after paying and getting Onika something to eat at home later. It wasn't lost on any of us that she didn't eat at lunch. In the car, she was curled up asleep. I took her phone and looked at our planner. Normani texted about outfits for Miami and said that she'd bring them over. I texted Normani to bring some sugar free stuff over for Onika. We got home in no time and I instructed Julius to carry Onika upstairs to bed. Lana went to get her settled and I went in the kitchen to put her food away. The therapist I scheduled for tomorrow cancelled due to a family emergency. I was looking at things to do in Miami when the door opened and Normani came in with racks of clothing and Lauren who was carrying bags.

"Hello Diablo, where's Barbie?"

"Asleep, stop calling me that Lauren." I reply rolling my eyes.

"We got the looks for Miami; I'm confirming your flight information." Lauren said typing on her phone.

"Move it up Lauren to tomorrow. I want to give Onika and me some time to reconnect."

"Uh-huh." Lauren said rolling her eyes.

"So when's the wedding Beyonce?" Normani asked looking through my fridge.

"We haven't decided yet but soon. I want to get married before the baby comes though, but I don't want Onika to be 9 months pregnant in our wedding photos or have her holding my daughter in them."

"Beyonce, you can't force her to marry you before she's ready." Lauren said walking over.

"I'm not, I just want us to have a nice trip. Normani get Lana to help you pack our bags."

"I am not Onika!" Normani quipped.

"Normani, put some outfits together for us and put them in dress bags or I will throw you in the pool!" I yell.

"Annoying bitch." Normani mumbled thinking I didn't hear her.

"Heard that! You must not want your Holiday bonus checks."

Normani grumbled and rolled the racks into the other room. In the other room they fussed as they put outfits together. I went up to the bedroom and saw Onika wasn't in it. I walked over to her room and saw her in her bed sleeping. I closed her door and went into my room and into my closet. I packed a tote and small duffle bag with my essentials before looking at the other piece to Nicki ring. It was a beautiful wedding band and I wanted it on Nicki's hand and needed a way to get it up there soon and this trip to Miami might be just what I need.

 It was a beautiful wedding band and I wanted it on Nicki's hand and needed a way to get it up there soon and this trip to Miami might be just what I need

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Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now