Good Graces

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*Beyonce P.o.v.**

Onika went limp in front of me, passing out in her seat. I screamed for my Mom and Julius who were there in a flash. Luckily an ambulance was driving by and stopped. They carefully took Onika from the truck and put her in the back of the ambulance. I clasped my hand into Onika's holding it tight quietly praying. The ride to the hospital was a blur, sitting with a Nurse to who was trying to collect Onika's information was painful. I didn't know anything about my wife, I didn't know her blood type, what medications she took, how many weeks pregnant she was, or if she ever had surgery. Bitch, I am trifling, I'm a horrible partner. I thought as my Mom finished talking to the Nurse for me. Luckily, the Doctor said Onika was up but couldn't be seen yet as they were still running some tests and wanted her to rest.

Mom and I walked down to the cafeteria to get a coffee.

"Beyonce, I...I don't know what to say to you. I feel like you and Onika need to either get a divorce or go to some extreme counseling. You two aren't on the same page at all. I don't even think you're in the same book to be honest."

"I know."

"I don't think you do. Beyonce, you need help, badly. Your behavior going to cause to lose your child and your wife. Let this be a wake up call! Treat Nicki better, be a good partner, a better person or leave her the hell alone."


Friday, December 7th 3:30 p.m.

A few weeks later, I sat nervously on a couch in the therapist office. She looked up from her clip board and spoke.

"Beyonce, are you okay?"

"No, I'm so nervous about this."

"You two have made great progress, especially you."

"I know but I haven't seen her outside of this space for month and and some change. She didn't even come to Thanksgiving and it hurt me so badly. I just want things to be back the way they were."

"Well, you don't want that do you?"

"No, I was a horrible person to her I want to be better. I miss her and I'm lonely. I miss Onika sooo much. I love her so much!"

I burst out crying, I hated crying like a bitch but I missed my Baby girl. The holiday sucked without her around. I was so upset, I stayed in my room all Thanksgiving looking at our pictures and videos together.

I calmed down and finished my session with calling Onika. Thankfully she answered and agreed to let me send a car to pick her up tonight. I left the therapist office feeling good and ready for tonight.

In the car, Julius had the driver take me to the jewelry store and then home. At home, I took a hot shower and changed into a comfortable outfit for the evening.

I looked at what I grabbed the jewelry store and pulled out the card

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I looked at what I grabbed the jewelry store and pulled out the card. I sat and wrote on it before Lauren came in.

"Hey Diablo, everything is set. You look nice."

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now