Santa, Baby

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*Beyonce's P.o.v*

"This is going to be a disaster Beyonce, I just want to let you know that." Lauren said walking up to me pulling her fur coat close around her.

"No it's not, this is what we all need. Christmas in the snow, memories and hot cookies."

"Your wife isn't speaking to her mother and barely speaking to any of us." Lauren said grabbing my arm.

"She'll be okay. She just needs some fresh air and merriment."

"Yeah.... she's going to burn this cabin down."

Lauren walked past me and into my winter house. I stood on the steps watching as everyone else came up. Onika was not in a good mood so I knew she was going to linger until everyone else got in. My Mom, Richard, Solange, Juelz, Carol and Robyn came in with their things and started to plan out what they wanted to do for the next few days. Onika finally emerged from the truck clutching her light brown fur coat around her.  She walked up to me and frowned.

"What's up Mamas?"

"It's cold." She whined.

"I know, come inside and I'll warm you up."

I walked Onika into the house and she went straight to our part of the house. Onika and I picked this place together when I was divorcing Shaun and she loved that the master suite was like it's own seperate entity from the main house. I had it's own kitchen, full bath, sitting area and king size bed. Everyone went to their rooms to relax until dinner. It was barely one in the afternoon and I was tired. Onika tossed and turned all night causing me to wake up every so often. I went into our space and closed the door and latched it. Onika had shed all her layers and was standing at the glass sliding door looking out of it in a gray thermal shirt and pink velour track pants and boots.  I took off my coat, hoodie and boots putting them away.

"The snow is pretty isn't it Nicki?"

There was a knock on the door so I got up and opened it for my Mom. She walked in with the phone to her ear and a paper.

"Baby, I'm ordering some extra food for delivery. Did you and Nicki want anything else special?"

"Um, just get more ice cream, paper products, and maybe juice. Honey, you want anything?"

"No." She replied quietly.

My Mom left and I closed the door and walked over to Onika looked upset.

"What's wrong Honey?"

"Nothing." She pouted. 

"Baby girl got you in your act. I know she going to be real pretty and mean." I laugh smacking Nicki on the ass. "I'm going to check on everyone."

I left the room and saw Lauren slipping out of Solange's room.

"Caught you! What you doing?"

"Nothing, we were just talking. How's the pregnant lady?"

"She in her act, I told her that the baby is making her cranky. She was not amused."

Lauren and I laugh and go into the kitchen where Rob and Carol were talking quietly. They stopped when we walked in and Rob went outside.

"What's going on?" I ask sitting next to Carol.

"Nothing, just talking about Christmas. Bey, How is Onika? She won't talk to me, return a text, today was the first time I've seen her since her birthday."

"She barely talks to me. She a moody little midget these days but it's okay. She's got to carry our baby so I cut her some slack. She hasn't been disrespectful or anything, she's just quiet and distant."

"See, that sounds like depression." Carol said standing.

My Mom came in from outside and Juelz came in with pizzas. We had lunch and I took some for Nicki but she was asleep. Groceries soon came and were put away. Mom and Carol started some baked chicken and sides. Soon we were all sitting down for dinner with the exception of Onika who still sleep. Dessert and wine were flowing and soon everyone was playing Spades and laughing. It was soon one in the morning and everyone turned in for the night. I reheated a plate and went into my bedroom. In the bedroom, Onika was up in the middle of the bed crying.

"Hey, What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I sat next to Onika after putting her plate on the counter. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.

"What's the matter? Talk to me."

Onika shook her head and cried into my shoulder. I noticed her little journal on the side and picked it up.

"Can I look at this?"

Onika nodded and I opened it. I read what she wrote and my heart broke. I almost wanted to cry. I rubbed her back and spoke quietly.

"I'm sorry that you've been scared that we're going to break up and that I'm going to take the baby from you. I would never do that. I also won't ever put us in a position like I did with Diamonte. I told you, I'm committed and going to be faithful. I promise Onika."

Onika rubbed her eyes quickly and I sighed. I hated seeing her cry.

"You been upset all this time over that? Why would you even think that?"


"Your Mom what?"

"After birthday she said something and it made me upset but then it made me think it's been bothering me."

"Is that why you broke that lamp?"


I sigh deeply and Onika put her head on my chest. Onika and I talked for a while and I tried my best to reassure her but I knew that nothing I said right now is going to penetrate since she was upset. But I made sure Onika ate something and we watched TV together before we went to sleep.

The next morning, (December 24th)

I woke up feeling exhausted. Onika again flipped and flopped in bed. It was like sleeping with a snoring dolphin. The only time I got sleep was when she got up to eat, go to the bathroom, or watch TV. I yawned and got out of bed and did my morning routine before changing into black sweatpants, sports bra, and black hoodie. Onika walked in with a cup of coffee.

"Good Morning Bey, I got you some coffee."

"Thank you Mamas, I need it." I reply taking the coffee cup.

Looking at Onika's sweet face made me happy but it also made me think about Carol making her upset but since it was Carol's birthday, I didn't even want to make it an issue.

"Can we go down to town? I want to go to the store I like."

"Sure Mamas, you eat?"

"No, I lost my appetite." Onika said making a gagging gesture.

"Why?" I giggle.

"The idea of Rob eating geriatric pussy disgusts me."

I spit my coffee out all over Onika as I fell into laughter. She groaned and pulled her t-shirt off.

"Shut-up. Bey, look at my breasts, they're so swollen and hot!"

I put my coffee cup up and put my hands on Onika's hips. I smirked and pulled Bey closer to me and started to kiss on her breasts. I unsnapped her bra and sat on the bed and pulled her between my legs and started to suck on her breasts. I eventually put us on the bed and let her ride my face. I was being careful about doing too much but I knew Onika needed a release and I loved eating her pussy. So three orgasms later I dicked her down real good and put her ass to sleep. I got cleaned up and left her in the room as I went to check with Lauren about Mama Carol's birthday. I walked into the shared bathroom to turn off the light when I saw a positive pregnancy test on the sink.


Excuse all errors.

Comments Boos! Who do you think is pregnant?


Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now