The Humanitarian Part 2

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*Beyonce's P.o.v.**

The room lights went dark and everyone let out a collective gasp. I reached back and grabbed for Onika. Her palm was clammy so I let her hand go and wrapped my arm around her waist. Her body was shaking and it gave me goosebumps, something wasn't right.

"Oni-....Baby girl, What's the matter?"

"I'm fine, what do you think is going on?" She asked hugging me.

Awww, my Baby girl, scared of the dark. I could never forget that. Truthfully, I used to torture Nicki with leaving the lights off in room and locking her in. I could kick my own ass but not right now, I needed to comfort my wife.

Auxillary lights came on and the director came over and told us that we all needed to leave immediately. Without a thought, I pulled Onika closer and pointed the door making our Mom's, Lauren, and even Diamonte get up and leave out. Everyone soon followed and Julius came over and whispered that it was threat issuse and the power to the venue was cut. I was glad he didn't share that with Onika because she looked like anything else crazy was going to have her passed out on the floor. Mama Carol was rubbing Onika's back and talking to her and my Mom. I spotted Diamonte lurking out of the corner of my eye with a glass of champagne.

"Umm the fuck? Why are you drinking?" I ask walking over quickly.

"Calm down. it's sparkling cider. What do I look like? I care about our child." Diamonte said with a slick ass grin.

"Uh-huh." I reply dryly.

"Don't get cute Bey, I know you miss me. You love it when I take control and have you begging for more. I know Onika can't make you beg for it like I do. Make you cum so hard you shake."

Diamonte's words were having an effect on me and it wasn't good. I was wrapped up in what she said I didnt feel her rubbing my dick that was on hard in my compression shorts. The breeze hit me and I snapped out of it and stepped away. Oh my God! Did anyone else see that? I thought looking around. Mom and Mama Carol had started to walk down the street with Onika and Lauren was a few feet away talking to Solange with a big ass grin on her face. My attention went back to Diamonte who was once again gripping my dick. I pushed her hand away and she spoke.

"Come on Bey, let's go to the limo. You know you want to. Want to feel some warm and wet wrapped around your dick. I'll be quiet and no one has to know."

My dick jumped at the thought. I hadn't had sex with Onika in a few days as she always went straight to bed lately leaving me to being backed up. I ached to drop some dick into some hot tight pussy and Diamonte was pulling my card. I looked at her and thought about pushing her up against the floor of the limo and diving deep into her pussy until I knocked the bottom out and nutted on her ass cheeks but... I have a wife and Diamonte has done enough for one life time.

"No, I have a wife." I reply quickly turning.

I walked away from her and past Lauren and Solange who were still talking it up. I walked down the street where my Mom, Mama Carol, and Nicki were standing by a food truck eating. I was happy that Nicki had a good support system in our Mom's and I needed to play my role. Diamonte was a dangerous and I needed to keep my distance, I wanted my family with Nicki and I knew if it came to it Nicki would leave me and take my baby. I walked up on them as Nicki was stuffing her face.

"Damn Mamas, Hungry much?" I tease. She had some type of wrap with sauce on top.

She rolled her eyes at me and gave me the middle finger with her free hand. I smirked and rubbed her bump. My throbbing loins made me remember why I ran over here in the first place.

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now