Till Death... Part 1

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*Onika's P.O.V.**

It took everything in me to still my shaking body. Bey had finally gone to sleep and I was in shock. I was in the bathroom when shots rang out. I threw myself to the floor so hard my body hurt. I didn't dare scream for Beyonce or Wayne or even God! I was so scared I covered myself my mouth and held my baby bump. My heart was racing. Flashbacks of my parents fighting and my Dad getting particularly drunk one night and shooting into the closet that Mom had hidden in with us flooded my mind. I loved my Dad but when he was high, he was not my Dad. He was a monster until he came down off the high, then the apologized and tried to 'act right'. The shots were over as fast as they began. I knew someone was at least dead or wounded at this point. I got off the bathroom floor and expected Bey to come running in to check on me and the baby  but she didn't. I went to the window and saw police lights in the distance and two guys writhing on the ground in pain. Security and Bey stood over the men talking. I resisted the urge to open the window to call out her. It took a while but I was able to get myself together and get back into bed. I heard Bey moving around the house before finally getting into bed with me. I thought she speak but she didn't. I didn't have the words to say anything and when I finally wanted to break the ice she was asleep. I sighed and got up from the bed and went into the hallway. I ran right into Wayne who was posted by the stairs.

"What are you doing up Lil' Sis? You feeling okay?"

"I'm fine Weezy, what happened?"

"Ask wifey, but don't worry we got everything handled and it's okay."

"Did someone get killed?"

"No, they was young bulls, we just clipped they asses. Anyway, go to bed Lil' Sis. You look tired."

"I can't sleep."

"Want a snack?"


Wayne walked with me downstairs and into the kitchen. I had some water and fruit cup before taking my medication. Wayne yawned and I did the same. He walked me back to the master suite and I brushed my teeth before getting in bed with Bey.

The morning came early as I tossed and turned all night. I was so sleepy that I was falling asleep on the toilet. Lauren's loud voice jolted me awake.

"Good Morning! It's Lauren...I'm coming in. Put ya penis away!"

"Shut up Lauren! It's too early!" Bey yelled from the closet where she had been since I got up thirty minutes ago.

I finished up in the bathroom and washed my hands and opened the door for Lauren still in my robe and naked under. Her face immediately fell as she walked in.

"Nicki, What's wrong? You look so tired."

"I'm pregnant, I'm tired." I grumble.

"Someone's moody, hopefully breakfast will cheer you up."

"I'm tired Lauren, I'm going to bed." I reply turning and walking to the bed.

"No!" Bey yelled from the closet.

She came out dressed in black shapewear  with her hair pulled up. I got on the bed and leaned back into the pillows.

"Come on Nicki, we're all waiting for you. I know you're hungry and I have a schedule to keep." Lauren said quickly.

Bey sat next to me and started to rub my bump.

"Pick out an outfit for her, Lauren."

"Okay." Lauren said walking into the closet.

Bey smiled at me and leaned over and kissed me on the the tip of my nose before speaking in a low tone that always made my panties wet.

"Good Morning."

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now