Family Dinner

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*Beyonce's P.O.V*

I woke up feeling better, I hated going to the dentist but glad to not having my face aching anymore. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I used it and took of my blouse. I slipped on a t-shirt and jeans and walked over to Onika's room. She wasn't in so I took the chance to leave some money in her purse to pay for lunch from earlier. That salad was good. I walked out and closed her door. I walked down to the kitchen hearing music playing. I rounded the corner and saw Onika in the kitchen to the stove winding her waist in some small ass shorts. Seeing it made me want to take my hand across it just to watch it bounce back. I could smell she was making rice and beans and macaroni. My stomach was ready to devour more than that. The beat picked up and she put her hands on her knees and started twerking.


She jumped startled and looked like she pissed herself. I chuckled as she ran past me holding the front of her pants. She actually pissed herself! I was rolling on the floor laughing. I managed to get up and collect myself before cleaning the floor with a bleach spray and a paper towel. There was a knock on the door before it opened and my Mom and sister Solange came in. Mom was holding a huge roaster pan.

I helped her get settled and she put it on the set table.

"Where is Nicki?" Solange asked eagerly.

"Upstairs. I scared her so bad she peed herself." I laugh.

"Bey, that's so mean! Why do you torture that Baby? She's going to leave you and you'll be sorry." My Mom scolded.

"Psst, Onika ain't leaving me. Where is going? Back to Trinidad with her Mom? Naw, she staying right here." I boast.

"You need to stop fronting like you don't like her; she's the only one who can deal with your crazy demanding ass." Solange said shaking her head.

I roll my eyes. Mom and Solange knew I wasn't one for relationships especially after Megan broke my heart. I was torn out of my thoughts as Onika came in fresh from a shower with her damp hair pulled in a clip. She had on a white and pink t-shirt and gray tights that made her ass look deliciously fat. Onika finished the food and put it on the table. We sat to eat and tuned them out. My Mom loved Onika too death and even when I fired her twice my Mom convinced her to come back. I saw Onika looking at me and I spoke.

"Take a picture, Onika."

"You are so rude!" My Mom said slapping my thigh.

I shake my head and leave the table. I went up to my room and sat on the bed. I was watching TV for a while before there was a knock on the door. It opened and Onika came in with a piece of cake and a fork.

"You missed dessert."

"Hmph, my kitchen better be clean."

"It always is, everyone is gone and has been for a while."

Onika walked over and put the dessert plate on my night stand. She smiled at me and left out. I roll my eyes and eat the cake while finishing my show. I got up to get some wine and some more cake. It was soon one in the morning and I wasn't tired. I took a hot shower before wrapping myself in my towel and going into Onika's room. In Onika's room, she was laying on her stomach naked with the bed sheet around her. I bit my lip as I walked over and began to lightly kiss her all over before smacking her on the ass numerous times. She woke up and we kissed for a moment before I attacked her neck. I gave her a hickie while playing with her clit making the bed under her wet. I lavished both of her breasts in kisses and sucked on her nipples. I rolled her over onto me and sat her on my dick. She took all of it like a champ and I gripped her hips as she started to rock. I saw her close her eyes as her hands roamed her body. She started to rub her clit and I got mad. I slapped her hand away and started to thrust my hips hard, slamming my dick into the bottom of her tight pussy.

"Ouch! Too hard!" Onika whined.

I ignored it. I love torturing her ass. She could take it, been taking it. I sat up and held her in place as I was drilling Onika's pussy. Her face wasn't one of pleasure at all. I stopped and started to go slower. I didn't want to make her bleed or some shit. Her face softened and she bit her lip.

"You don't have fuck me like you hate me, I'm not Megan."

Hearing her say that made me stop.


"Bey, I'm not dumb, you think of Megan when you fuck me like this. You take it out on me. Unless your drunk like last night where you take your time and make love to me."

"I don't do that."

"Yes, you do." Onika said with a tear rolling down her face.

I wiped it away and kissed Onika deeply giving her a few deep strokes before nutting. It was dripping out of her as I pulled out and left her room. I heard her start to cry as I closed my door. I sigh and cleaned up before changing into a gray t-shirt and shorts before getting in bed and going to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to the phone ringing off the hook. I sat up and grabbed it. It was Kelly telling me that she was ready for the flight. What flight? I thought. I hung up from Kelly and walked to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I slipped on some black joggers and pulled my hair into a ponytail and went to the hall. In the hall, my bags were packed and so were Onika's. I scoffed that we had matching LV luggage. The drivers came up for the luggage and I went into my room and packed my Gucci backpack and grabbed my phone and the jacket that matched my bottoms and my Gucci slides. I left my room and went downstairs. Downstairs, Onika was drinking some water and talking on the phone. I cut my eyes and smirked at the hickie I left on her neck, it was huge as hell. I slipped by her before kissing her cheek and grabbed some snacks from the pantry. We left the house and got into the limo. The ride was quiet and I was thankful. The airport security was quick with the check in and we were on the jet with the rest of the team within thirty minutes. I slept most the flight right on Onika's chest not caring if she could breathe or not. Her breasts were soft and deserved to be laid on. I deserved Onika.


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Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now