Better Care

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*Beyonce's P.O.V.**

Breakfast seemed to drag as Solange kept the table going with wedding talk. I didn't want to talk anyway and Onika was also quiet. She politely inserted a few 'Wow's' and 'Oooh's' but I knew she didn't give a damn. It was sad, Ashanti seemed to be a nice woman but Mathew was trash. I finished the last of my plate and realized that Onika had maybe half of her plate and mostly had been drinking water. I slipped my hand onto Onika's baby bump but she quickly brushed it off and excused herself from the table. She went towards from the bathroom and I sighed. This was going to be a lonnnggg pregnancy. I thought.

"Poor thing, morning sickness must be the worst." Ashanti said with a pout. "But Beyonce, will you be okay with being a greeter at the church and Solange, you want to be a bridesmaid?"

"Yes Ashanti." Solange said grinning.

"Sure Ashanti." I reply still looking at the bathroom door.

"Thank you Beyonce, I am so happy that you are back in my life. I promise that I want to be the best Grandfather to the baby and I know I have to prove a lot to you and Nicki."

"Uh-huh, Dad." I reply dryly.

Mathew will be seeing my child from a distance if anything. I know my Mom wasn't going to even let him breath on her  grandbaby.

I repress the urge to punch Mathew in his mouth and took a deep breath. I was tired of being in his presence was ready to collect my wife and go.

"I need to go. Nicki hasn't been feeling well and should be in the bed. Thank you for the breakfast. Congratulations Ashanti, welcome to the family."

"We understand Beyonce, thank you for coming." Ashanti said with a big smile. "Go take care of wifey."

She's too good for his ass, I hope she rob his ass blind! Take it all. I thought. I nodded at my father and left to the bathroom. In the bathroom, Onika was sitting on the floor holding her head while an older lady sat next to her with a wet folded tissue on Onika's neck.

"Hey, what's going on? Nicki?" I ask quickly.

"She fainted, poor thing while she was washing her hands. I think she felt it coming because she got on the floor." The old woman said standing.

"I have her, thank you so much M'am." I said holding Onika. "Are you okay Mamas?"

Nicki slowly nodded and I got nervous and pulled out my phone.

The woman left us and I called Julius to the bathroom to carry Onika out the side entrance. Onika was still kind of out of it so I had us taken to the hospital. There Onika was seen by her Doctor who told her that she was fainting due to the cold she was fighting and stress. Apparently she mentioned feeling weak and panicked before she fainted the last few times.  I was shocked. I had no idea that she fell out the first few times. I was so upset that Onika didn't tell me anything and literally had to leave the room so I wouldn't yell at her for not keeping me informed. I got a cup of coffee from the Starbucks that was downstairs and a muffin. I had both before going back up to Onika's room. In the room, Onika was sitting on the side of the bed picking with the IV in her arm.

"Stop digging at that." I scolded walking in and closing the door.

"It's pinching my skin, where did you go?"

"Starbucks, Nicki, why didn't you tell me what was going on?"

Onika looked at me before looking away. I walked over and sat across from her.

"Nicki, look at me. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you don't care." She mumbled.

"Excuse you!" I yell.

Entanglements: A Beynika story (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now