Fashion Shows

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*Beyonce's P.O.V.*

Onika and I talked all night and she told me her expectations and I told her what I wanted as well. Oddly enough she's already been doing it. Onika was discharged in the morning and we went back to the compound. There Donatella made a big fuss over Onika making sure she had food and was comfortable. It was sweet and gave me a moment to go to the pharmacy for her. Kelly tagged along and we roamed the aisles while we waited.

"So you Onika are official, think you're ready?"

"Honestly 'No' but I don't want her to run off with someone else."

"Bey, did you tell her that?"

"Yes, I told her that and she understands. She's willing to work with me. I love her Kelly, even though I'm on my 'Fuck boy' vibe."

"Heavy on it, Bey, we're getting older, you need to settle down have a baby."

"No, no children yet. I want to enjoy my wife and traveling first."

"Okay, but sooner or later, I want to see a little Onika running around."

"Uggh, it would look like her Midget self too. It better have her dimples, I love those."

"Ooooo, in love we are. You normally would have make a joke about her."

"Naw, I did that to keep myself from falling in love. I just can't get hurt like I did with Megan."

"Bey, she's not Megan."

I shrug. The pharmacist called me and I walked over and paid her medication as the pharmacist told me about what she was given. I was floored. I never knew someone who had to take insulin and what would happen if she didn't. I felt bad that she'd been neglecting herself messing around with me. Kelly came up and I finished up. Kelly and I left and went back to the compound. Kelly went to get ready for tonight's round of fashion shows and I went to check on Onika. I walked into our suite and went into her room to see her asleep and Donatella sitting next to her. Donatella got up and spoke.

"She just went to sleep, I wanted her to rest before the shows. I had the chef add in some special meals for her diet and I told everyone to keep the sweets and carbs away from her."

"Thank you."

"No problem, I'll send some outfits for you two too look through. See you two tonight."

Donatella gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. I put Onika's medicine away and got into bed with her. I snuggled into her and fell asleep.

It was five in the evening when I was woken up by people talking. I sat up and Onika was still next to me sleeping. I kissed her cheek and got up and left the room. I closed the door and saw makeup and hair were in the living room area of the suite while Kelly combed through the racks Donatella had brought in.

"Ya'll keep it down." I say quickly as I walked over to Kelly.

"Hey, she still sleeping?"

"Yes, we were up for a long time last night. I'm good but I know she was tired."

"I understand, I was picking a dress for her, Donatella picked out something for you."

"No, I like this for her." I reply pulling a black long sleeve dress for Onika.

" I reply pulling a black long sleeve dress for Onika

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"Surprised you don't want her half naked."

"Ha! Not at the show but after is a different story."

"Go change, I want to see the outfit on you."

I went to my bathroom to get a shower and changed before I sat for hair and makeup.

I went to my bathroom to get a shower and changed before I sat for hair and makeup

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Onika woke up and got dressed and sat to her hair done. She was still tired and told them to just flat iron it down. I got finished up and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I grabbed something for Onika and checked the time. I was reheating some coffee in the microwave when Saweetie came in. She was dressed in a Versace print cat suit and high heels.

"Hey Daddy, can I get a kiss?"

"No. Find Quavo."

"But I want you. I played with my creampie all last night thinking you'd come fill me back up."

"Umm... I'm good." I reply grossed out.

"Don't make that face, you was loving my pussy last night."

"That might be true but I don't love you Diamonte' and I'm sorry. Be happy with Quavo, he loves you."

I walked away from a pissed of Diamonte' knowing she wouldn't let this go easily. I gave Onika some food and she had a bite before putting it down. I had my coffee and we all got together to leave. Onika, Kelly, and I got in a limo together and rode to the show. It was surprisingly silent the ride over but I didn't pay it much attention. At the show, we walked the carpet and I gave a few sound bites before we found our seats. Front row. The show started and it was great. Onika was almost drooling over the fashions and one particular dress in particular and handbag. I made a mental note and soon the show was over and the Chanel show began. It too was amazing and we got to watch Kelly walk in the show. Onika was memorized by the purses fueling her Chanel addiction. I swear she has every one ever made. The shows wrapped up and I did some press before we went to the after party. At the after party Onika and I danced and shared a glass of champagne before having a light dinner. Onika gripped my dick with her fingernails and I knew it was time to go. In the car, we made out all the way to the compound. I was ready to give Onika the dick in the limo but she held me off. We got to the compound and heard Saweetie and Quavo in her room. We both rolled our eyes and went to our suite. I wanted to take Onika right in the entrance but she told me to undress and meet her in my bathrobe. I did as told and even took the time with freshen up and pull my hair back.

*Onika's P.O.V.*

I was excited to get back to compound because Donatella had something special set up for me to do for Bey. We had talked about it and she wanted it to be nice so she made sure to do it in a private part of the compound. I got undressed and freshened up and put on a red bra and panties and black lace cover up. I put on my fuzzy robe over it and metBey in the hall. I took her hand and walked with her outside. Julius brought agold cart around and we hopped on. He rode us out a little bit in on thecompound before stopping. He checked everything out and Bey and Iwent into my suprise. It was perfect and looked nice. I couldn't wait. I was going tomake Bey truly mine.


Excuse all errors!

Thoughts/ Comments??


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