...And i took that personally

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✧・゚:* (y/n) pov *:・゚✧


"(Y/n) stop it already!!"


The short walk to the knights of favonious head quarters had felt extremely boring.

I had decided to be a GREAT friend and sing a few songs on the way there, just to spice things up and make the walk a bit more fun.

My companions didnt appreciate it as much as i thought.

Infact, the two were just about ready to throw me off of Mondstadts ledges, and let fate decide where i land.

No, they didnt outright say this, but i could tell they were thinking about it.

It would have been fun to experience though.

Walking through the doors of the HQ, Aether led our little group off to the side where the Acting grandmaster's office lay.

We walked in on Lisa and Jean inspecting the Red Crystal we had dropped off. It still glowed a magnificent red, shining brightly in the candle lit room.

'I wanna.... touch.'

Aether had went to ask Jean and Lisa about their findings of the crystal.

"Its a Crystal embedded with some kind of power... Lisa are you able to analyze it?" The blond woman turned to the Witch-Like Librarian.

"Let me take a look." Once Lisa responded, she closed her eyes as she felt the energy within the crystal in front of her.

"Hmm, i can see impurities within the crystal, but upon closer inspection..." She raised a hand to her chin in-thought as she readied her next words.

"No. Im sorry, i cant make a proper analysis at the moment. Give me some time, Ill take a look through the librarys restricted section."

Restricted section?
W-whats in there?'

I may have been over-exaggerating, but when she says there's a restricted section, then wouldnt that contain books not meant to be seen by the public?

So my mind has come up with two options.

One, there are important old books and manuscripts that contain information of the past, and secrets of the world which are extremely valuable and useful.

Or two... That restriction could contain some po-

'One of these days, Imma get in there to find out.'

"Right, i'll leave the research up to you then, Lisa." As Jean nodded to the her, a smile donned upon her face.

"Understood, I'll notify you all if i make any progress."

I smiled at this. "Thank you so much Lisa!"

The mentioned woman turned to me in surprise. Her smile widened even more at my gratitude. "Aww, of course, I'd do anything for you cutie~"

Cue the Crimson color that burst upon my face. 'STOPSIMPINGSTOPSIMPINGSTOPSIMPINGSTOPSIMPINGSTO-'.

Lisa giggled at my flustered expression. As she did, a distasteful expression appeared on Aethers features. However i didnt notice.

What i did catch was the look of confusion on the Acting grandmaster, which cause me even more embarressment.

Taming my red face by hiding behind my hand, the color lessened, yet was still very much present.

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