☆ An Angry Cutie!?

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✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

'The stars.....'

Looking up at the falling lights, I couldn't help but admire them as they left behind a beautiful blue trail.

There were so many.

Some were bigger.

Some were smaller.

but every single one glowed with a bright white light as if eluding to them being so much more than just falling rocks.

'It's so...'

*C R A S H*


Rolling back, I stared at whatever hit the ground 1 meter ahead of me.

It was, of course, one of those 'stars' i had been admiring.

I didn't quite realize it was coming towards me until it came close enough.

I only wanted to go on a walk to ease my mind, having been awoken in the middle of the night, for no particular reason.

Sneering at the object I booked it back to the small campsite Aether and I set up and entered the tent we shared.

'Fuck whatever is going on out there.'

Sliding in stealthily, I threw myself under Aether's arms, making sure he didn't wake up accidentally.

Nabbing Paimon, who I knew wouldn't wake up from the sudden move, I enveloped her in my arms and snuggled further into Aether.

'Fuck the sky. Fuck the Archons. And Fuck everything.'

Shaking comically as I darted my eyes around the place, I glared at every corner of the tent in worry.

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"A meteor shower? People falling asleep when they touched them? Oh my, I had absolutely no idea that something of the sort happened. How terrible."

She says as the bags of her eyes were dark with the telling of a sleepless night. Hand placed on her cheek as she did her best 'innocent eyes' and twisted her torso side to side.

The she was me. I was pulling all this out of my ass as I responded to Katherines' worrisome expression as she retold us about the event that went on last night.

Could I have done something about it? Even something as small as warn others of the potentially dangerous properties the meteorites could have?


But instead, I hid away the entire night, trying to go back to sleep and dub this problem as someone else's.

Of course, my two companions could easily see through my lie. After all, they woke up in a position they hadn't remembered falling asleep in.

"Really? You didn't? I could have sworn you went out last nig-"

*C L A M P*

Quickly slapping a hand to Paimon's mouth, I stopped her from leaking out any information that may have perceived me as a bad person.

"haha- anyways-"
I laughed awkwardly with the intent to divert the others attention from the current topic,
"-would you like help with this Kath-"

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